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School days missed is there a maximum


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In the US you can only miss a certain amount of days during school year. If over the number the student is held 

back. Do Thailand schools have similar practice? I’m trying to get my in-laws to understand missing school for 

no reason is not good. The nephew is just in first grade and misses 1 to 2 days a week sometimes 3.


Majority of Time he doesn’t go to school he stays up to late playing games on phone. Personally I think a phone at that age is not necessary and if so time for use should be set. His Aunt and sometimes Grandparents take care of

him. The parents live in Bangkok. 

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Every school is different. I'd suspect you'd have to miss a great deal of school not to matriculate to the next grade.


I've worked at schools that disallow a student to sit for exams if X% of days are missed. Catch 22.


In the schools I've worked at that number is/was 7, 10 and 20% - usually 10% per term.


There is usually something going on behind the scenes to allow the student forgiveness as well ;-)


Holding students back is not productive. It accomplishes nothing.

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