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Is there anyone out there ..

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Article turned up last week about a projectile seen leaving the sun by NASA's Soho probe .. NASA thereselves have remained quiet on what it might be .. but given they also kept quiet about that WW2 bomber photographed on the Moon a few years ago by the Sunday Sp*rt you might view such silence with suspicion .. It has also sent promoters of alternative theories who are sometimes unfairly labelled as nutters into overdrive with the suggestion that it might be an alien spaceship .. And on the face of it maybe they have a point as it would be somewhat conceited of the Human race to presume we are the only intelligent form of life in the universe .. Working therefore on the principle that this was indeed an alien spaceship leaving the sun for a cruise around the planets ..

( a ) How should they be received if they stop by Earth ..

( b ) Will Thai's view them the same as the rest of us ( farangs ) and thus subject them to the same rules if they do stop off .. 

( c ) If they do come to Earth will they stay having seen how we've wrecked the planet .. 



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45 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:

it would be somewhat conceited of the Human race to presume we are the only intelligent form of life in the universe 

Considering how we treat each other, the racism, the hate based on faith/nationality/sexual orientation/gender, the wars we wage, the destruction and devastation we have caused to the environment, the poverty, greed, bigotry, prejudice and intolerance rampant in our societies, I would argue there is no intelligent life here on earth. 


At least not amongst the dominant species.  


As usual, monty python sum it up beautifully 




Bring back the dinosaurs. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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"If they do come to Earth will they stay having seen how we've wrecked the planet "


They could decide that the planet needs to be saved and the infestation (us) wrecking it and abusing it should be removed.


The question is no longer "if" it's more a case of "when" other life appears.

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This post in in the shadow of the theme already posted by "Bluespunk"


We're like the guest at the party (of life) that everyone avoids because of the bad breath and the knowledge 

that sooner or later earthlings are going to get drunk , start yelling obscenities, put a lampshade on our heads and basically spoil the party for everyone else.......

     We say : I'm European , He's African , She's Asian , They are sub-Saharan ,Samoan or Eskimo etc...

They say "hey look, there goes another one of them thar pesky  "Earthlings."  Watch out, They'll put you on a cross , blow you up, Shoot your ship down, Eat you, prostitute you, trade your spaceship  for a bunch of beads , go to your country depose  your queen then make it a 51st State, try to sell you opium then shoot up your harbor and take your land if you refuse (twice if necessary).....


Hey you're looking for  "intelligent " life.....how dumb do you think they would have to be to ignore 300000 years of this self centered ego maniacal behavior ?  .  When we get ourselves together they will get together with us but until then, the only aliens we meet are going to be a lot dumber not smarter  .And since even those guys won't be going anywhere any sooner than we earthlings, We are just going to  have to wait for that auspicious "1st contact " somewhere in the very distant future.   






You want to know one thing that set Tesla and Einstein apart from a lot of people?

They both missed a few classes of behavioral brainwashing by studying outside the system at early ages.  It might not be genetic for humans to be born with an "asshat" attitude about life. 




Edited by Seth1a2a
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IF that was an Alien spaceship & IF it landed in Thailand it better have a visa of sorts.....The Thais wouldnt class its occupants any differant to how they class foreigners now, we are all Aliens!  One thing i do know is that the UFO Aliens would be better drivers then the Thais & probably have better table manners.

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