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Stupid Farrang


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...talking your way out of a police setup or trying to explain to the wife why you are two hours later home than promised, are all activities better left to slurring English than slurring Thai. :D

Got caught last year running a red light and all of a sudden all my thai was *gone*...wifey was sitting in the front seat with me but was being a *mute*

Woulda worked just fine hadn't the other guy who got caught at the same time (thai) said ' sure I can translate for you, I spent 3 years at Oxford...' - took me a couple of days (was using my friends expired thai DL at the time) and 300 bath at the Tong Lor Police Station to resolve... :o

/// DFW

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Another thing to remember in addition to throwing away coins, would be that at 3am and while not entirely sober, your language skills are not at their prime so if the food is not what you think you ordered, it may not be their fault.  (Seems likely as you write 'Pak Pat Achet' which definitely does not ring a bell with me, and I assume you wrote this at the maximum of your language skills while sober at your computer!! :o )

Sorry for the rant.  Carry on. :-)



Spot on - I love it!

Sometimes though, people expect to hear a certain language coming out of your mouth and just don't register (I know it happens to me when the missus is trying to tell me something in English whereas I'm listening for Thai...).

Before you say it: This was most likely not the case this time around... I was silly drunk, hence my stupid behaviour...


/// DFW

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Yeah, mbkudu, you have a point there, but it depends on the purpose of the Thai though, right?

Trying to order food, renewing your Non-Immigrant B, talking your way out of a police setup or trying to explain to the wife why you are two hours later home than promised, are all activities better left to slurring English than slurring Thai. :o

Yes I agree Sweeshball, isn't it great when we agree so forthrightly on things!

I think I was thinking of being nestled between two cozy, little, honeys at Pussy Galore or King's Loung and twittering away in the lingua franca. Definitely not explaining to the missus why I'm late coming home. That's usually an easy two

words in English, 'Sorry Dear.'

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Who messes w/ BG's.  You must be either fat stupid or just a complete loser to not be able to hook up w/ girls that don't have "hey you, hansum man" in their vocabulary!  :o


Looking at your avatar, I bet you had this said to you many a times, and the good, straight girls who are not into looks or money come running to you as well.

"I think I was thinking..."

Getting quite sophisticated in your arguments these days, Mbkudu!

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The farrang that has met a girl in a Bar and after his 2 week holiday takes her to the Embassy and applies for a Visa leaving money for the plane ticket.

This is one that you can easily avaid just by putting on the plastic in the form of a PTA.

If she doesn't use it for a ticket she can't get a refund on it either.

But hey! If she has given him extra special service during his 2-4 weeks in the realm what the ######. It's only money after all. (and remember there ain't no shops in the cemetary anyway)

And remember what Trink said "he had never met a BG who died from HIV/AIDs. (but then I believe most of you love to hate Trink anyway)


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"But hey! If she has given him extra special service during his 2-4 weeks in the realm what the ######. It's only money after all."

Don't tell me, tell the poor suckers who lost all in divorces!

"And remember what Trink said "he had never met a BG who died from HIV/AIDs."

When aids starts showing first serious symptoms and they can't work anymore, they usually return to the villages they come from. I doubt Trink ever travelled beyond Soi Cowboy.

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And remember what Trink said "he had never met a BG who died from HIV/AIDs.

Another truism from the demented one.

How can you meet someone who is dead.

TiT, huMANnatURE.

Why should the bard worry with Gems like this?

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And remember what Trink said "he had never met a BG who died from HIV/AIDs.

Another truism from the demented one.

How can you meet someone who is dead.

TiT, huMANnatURE.

Why should the bard worry with Gems like this?

I like that contribution Maerim ( your former mate was deported last night 8 June )

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And remember what Trink said "he had never met a BG who died from HIV/AIDs.

Another truism from the demented one.

How can you meet someone who is dead.

TiT, huMANnatURE.

Why should the bard worry with Gems like this?

I like that contribution Maerim ( your former mate was deported last night 8 June )

( your former mate was deported last night 8 June ).......

I guess that it can be taken that you are referring to the guy who used to raise the ire and blood pressure of so many recent contributors.

Did he also fix (?) computers as well???


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( your former mate was deported last night 8 June ).......

Of all the words you can make out the alphabet is "mate " the only one you could use?

Look on the bright side Thailands loss is Australias gain.

No doubt there will be dancing in the streets and a civic reception for him.

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HHHMMMhhhmmm astute & elequent??

I accept the third effort at my name anywhere in Thailand by any Thai person and dont change it untill I move. Easy & opens up lots of opportunity for humor. I order food to the best of my ability in the Thai language, or as close to it as I can get. I always eat it(some of itanyway) and always pay. Usually add the aroy mak krap to boot. My theory is the Thai know the Thai language better than me, if the food is not what I expected its my mistake = I pay. The other approach............

can hurt


It stuck

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And remember what Trink said "he had never met a BG who died from HIV/AIDs.

Another truism from the demented one.

How can you meet someone who is dead.

TiT, huMANnatURE.

Why should the bard worry with Gems like this?

I think I was thinking that this Trinkism sounds like a Yogibearaism.

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'Who messes w/ BG's. You must be either fat stupid or just a complete loser to not be able to hook up w/ girls that don't have "hey you, hansum man" in their vocabulary! '

Are you talking about this one, doggie?

There was amember who used to post in a very similar style to this and is banned from posting.

I agree with mod. that this is not the most polite and balanced comment. But not entirely out of context, and not attacking anyone in person!?

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"Loads get deleted here and edited.

I see nothing wrong with the comments, this is Thailand and you see hookers every day, and is excepted. Some people just cannot accept the truth.

Really sad."

Now doesn't this sound familiar.....You forgot to mention losers.

3 posts already and haven't been found out yet?

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Loads get deleted here and edited.

I see nothing wrong with the comments, this is Thailand and you see hookers every day, and is excepted. Some people just cannot accept the truth.

Really sad.


Whats really sad?

good name,

where's your imagination :D

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Do not really understand some of the comments, must be internal politics. But the original post is about correct although getting old hat now, but the majority still fall for it.

Surprised not to see any Health bullshit or family problems.

Get a nice one its all about management, take your time and pursavere, leave the Bar trash alone.

Worked for me.


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You are catching up on learning good manners, erco, doesn't it make much nicer family reading the way you put it now?

Still the same stuff, though, internal politics of several nicks/one identity talking to each other.

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You are catching up on learning good manners, erco, doesn't it make much nicer family reading the way you put it now?

Still the same stuff, though, internal politics of several nicks/one identity talking to each other.

Ummm Erco ( in that name ) has been banished from here for quite some time. And his alter ego's always will be,

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The internal politics here seem rampant and really make for replies to go off posting titles.

Stroll leave it alone as you will only wind yourself up.

Back to Post, I have been here now about a year and the stories keep on coming, its not only the Bar Fodder that con the Stupid Farrang. I say these girls who have not half the education or worldly ways of us the Foriegner, but are running rings around the Stupid Farang (not all) BEST OF LUCK.

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'Who messes w/ BG's.  You must be either fat stupid or just a complete loser to not be able to hook up w/ girls that don't have "hey you, hansum man" in their vocabulary! '

Are you talking about this one, doggie?

There was amember who used to post in a very similar style to this and is banned from posting.

I agree with mod. that this is not the most polite and balanced comment. But not entirely out of context, and not attacking anyone in person!?

What's not "polite" about it? It just happens to be my opinion! I didn't attack anyone personally. Anyway, this board reminds me of a certain bar and monthly ex-pat meeting (in the northeast) where a bunch of "older" type robust farangs and their paid girlfriends (too smart to get involved in the conversation, I guess) yap on and on about the visa laws, funny how not one could agree w/ the other. What is so difficult about the laws here? Beats me, it seems very straight forward and easy to comprehend. Of course, I'm lucky as my wife is rather high up in the gov chain of command and works w/ (not for) the immigration. But, I still have to meet the same requirements as other farangs...well maybe it's a little easier to get multiple entry Non-immg (o) visas w/ a note and copy of gov ID from my wife, but they can have their wives/girlfriends write notes for them as well. To get back to the subject...after everyone had fully bequeathed (if you will) their vast and I might add, throughly confusing knowledge on the visa issues then the conversation invariably turns to a session of complaining about Thailand, Thai people, customs etc... I mean, if they don't like it here then why do they remain here?

Needless to say, when I can, I usually avoid those meetings! Just way to boring and

anyway...I LIKE THAILAND! :o

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