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Life's Too Short...


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this great, it's not just the UK, all of Europe is like this these days ...

what about this story ...


The squirrel works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building and improving his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, he laughs, dances and plays the summer away.

The winter never came and the grasshopper never learned ... ;-)


Actually, the Thailand version is more like that:

The squirrel, which actually was just another grass hopper but imagined itself to be a squirrel, took most of the available land that the grasshopper worked in the withering heat. When the grasshopper complained about the unfairness the grasshopper in squirrel disguise told the other grasshoppers that those complaining grasshoppers are from Vietnam and let them kill the complaining grasshoppers.

The grasshopper-squirrel still wears that squirrel cloak, but it starts developing holes, and an increasing number of grasshoppers realize that the squirrel is just another grasshopper.

May you live in interesting times. :o

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this great, it's not just the UK, all of Europe is like this these days ...

what about this story ...


The squirrel works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building and improving his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, he laughs, dances and plays the summer away.

The winter never came and the grasshopper never learned ... ;-)


Actually, the Thailand version is more like that:

The squirrel, which actually was just another grass hopper but imagined itself to be a squirrel, took most of the available land that the grasshopper worked in the withering heat. When the grasshopper complained about the unfairness the grasshopper in squirrel disguise told the other grasshoppers that those complaining grasshoppers are from Vietnam and let them kill the complaining grasshoppers.

The grasshopper-squirrel still wears that squirrel cloak, but it starts developing holes, and an increasing number of grasshoppers realize that the squirrel is just another grasshopper.

May you live in interesting times. :o

thats a bit close

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i have a theory that people who live in the tropics are more easily contented since they generally have rich soils and abundant food and are less exposed to extremities in the weather. there's only a hot season and rainy season. if it gets too warm, people just retreat to inactivity. with basic needs of food and sheltar being more easily taken care of, this gives rise to generally more laid back cultures found in tropical places.

temperate places on the other hand with several months of cold weather every year force people to strive harder to survive. the cold generates the need to produce heat and activity. it could be argued that the age of industrialisation was borne out of the need to supply energy, insulation, food and sheltar for the masses primarily so they can overcome the cold. this gives rise to a more survivalist attitude and the need for invention. most technological breakthroughs happen in cold countries. and so people from countries in europe, north america, and north asia are more miserable more of the time and less contented.

and so if you want to improve productivity in thailand, turn up the A/C. you'd have harder working but more miserable colleagues.

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