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Al-qaida Attack Planned In Thailand?


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Acts of terror on a scale large enough to count, are not cheap in terms of money or manpower. Committed International terrorists will strike at targets which grab International headlines and strike hard at targeted audiences in the country of the act, or an intended audience elsewhere. Australia was pretty ###### unpopular with Indonesian scumbags hence Bali, Thailand as a target would not get such great coverage unless aimed at for example at a visiting fleet, or a known haunt of UK/US tourists.

Sadly both of these types of targets exist and growing bitterness in the South will lead to a pool of brainwashed young men somebody far more sinister can manipulate. It is only a matter of time.

So you don't think that making a crater where Nana Plaza is now would get International headlines?? How many British and American expats and tourist do you think are there on any given weekend let alone during high season. How much do you think that would cost? My guess is that Al Queda can afford it.

Also I think that hitting Patpong Night market and the bars around there during the high tourist season would get enough people from enough different countries that it would be in every news media in the world.

Doesn't the US Navy have a lot of people in Pattaya one or twice a year? Killing a hundred or so Navy personal sure would make the news.

Don't forget that the New Years Bombings were in the news around the world. My parents live in bum f***k Egypt and it was in the paper there.

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Less than fifty words before you compared the USA to Nazi Germany. Congrats sir.

Actually, the poster has not compared anything to Nazi Germany, but the 'GDR', which is the abbreviation for "German Democratic Republic", which, in lay terminology is the former communist East Germany.

And as to the validity of Guantanamo confessions, i would suggest reading 'Enemy Combatant: My Imprisonment at Guantanamo, Bagram, and Kandahar' by Moazzam Begg

And I thought muslim's were a little dense, I'm glad this Moazzam Begg was able to write a book.

I just keep wondering why everyone that posted here really cares what happens to TERRORISTS when they are in captivity.

These organizations are all over the world and why?? Maybe for the fact they want to take over the world. There is now a Muslim Fanatic in control of nuclear arms (IRAN) and it's ok with some countries. He is also the man that said the "MOVIE" 300 painted muslims in a bad light. It's funny though, What if Thailand was hit by a terrorist attack like 9/11 or even worse. I know one country that would be there for them and that is the USA.

I am half thai I was in thailand when they caught a terrorist in bangkok, I was in the city when it happend. HE was in Bangkok and I wonder what your reactions to that were or did you just take a swig of your beer and just roll over and go to sleep.

The TERRORIST'S did it bali and what makes you think they will not do it in Thailand. Malaysia is not far away. I just hope you guys can sleep well at night :o

Ehem, speaking of denseness... maybe you should read that book in order to find out what kind of terrorist the author was. :D

And, yes, i sleep very well a night, here in Bangkok, thank you, and i do enjoy going to Malaysia once a while visiting old friends and family which life there happily.

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Less than fifty words before you compared the USA to Nazi Germany. Congrats sir.

Actually, the poster has not compared anything to Nazi Germany, but the 'GDR', which is the abbreviation for "German Democratic Republic", which, in lay terminology is the former communist East Germany.

And as to the validity of Guantanamo confessions, i would suggest reading 'Enemy Combatant: My Imprisonment at Guantanamo, Bagram, and Kandahar' by Moazzam Begg

And I thought muslim's were a little dense, I'm glad this Moazzam Begg was able to write a book.

I just keep wondering why everyone that posted here really cares what happens to TERRORISTS when they are in captivity.

These organizations are all over the world and why?? Maybe for the fact they want to take over the world. There is now a Muslim Fanatic in control of nuclear arms (IRAN) and it's ok with some countries. He is also the man that said the "MOVIE" 300 painted muslims in a bad light. It's funny though, What if Thailand was hit by a terrorist attack like 9/11 or even worse. I know one country that would be there for them and that is the USA.

I am half thai I was in thailand when they caught a terrorist in bangkok, I was in the city when it happend. HE was in Bangkok and I wonder what your reactions to that were or did you just take a swig of your beer and just roll over and go to sleep.

The TERRORIST'S did it bali and what makes you think they will not do it in Thailand. Malaysia is not far away. I just hope you guys can sleep well at night :D

Wow you are a piece of work, talk about dense

You talk about the movie 300 which takes place in the era before Christ, this battle historically took place a long time before Islam. Simply speaking the Persian Empire were of the Zoroastrian religion, not Islam, although for most people who know nothing of history, all Persians were always Muslim, even thought Islam didn't exist at the time. And how did you come to the conclusion that Iran has nuclear weapons, the US(Israel) and the UN have tried for years to prove it and have been unsuccesful. Yet you state that Iran has nuclear weapons, please state your sources.

Ahmadinejad said the movie painted Persians in a bad light, not Muslims, although you cannot tell the difference, some people can.

OK Mr Einstein You just said all persians are muslim correct?? but the president of iran said the movie painted persians as bad. so that means persians are not muslims?? How come I just watched a program on the history channel about this same battle and previous battles that the mighty persian army at the time decided to take over certain parts of the world and decided to do that again. But not for the Spartans that are depicted in the movie, 300 supposedly stopped them from invading. The show also said that the King of persia would not make the people of the countries he conquered convert to their religion?? So if Islam did not exist?? What Religion is he speaking of??

Sorry If Iran is NOT making nuclear weapons and they hate the west so much. What are they doing then?? They also said North Korea didn't have weapons but suddenly one was tested on their own soil, I am waiting for the day when he has completed his enrichment process that "he" says is not going on and then all of a sudden their is a Mushroom cloud over the state of isreal. Wake up man If you believe a brother of islam were all in trouble then :o

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Less than fifty words before you compared the USA to Nazi Germany. Congrats sir.

Actually, the poster has not compared anything to Nazi Germany, but the 'GDR', which is the abbreviation for "German Democratic Republic", which, in lay terminology is the former communist East Germany.

And as to the validity of Guantanamo confessions, i would suggest reading 'Enemy Combatant: My Imprisonment at Guantanamo, Bagram, and Kandahar' by Moazzam Begg

And I thought muslim's were a little dense, I'm glad this Moazzam Begg was able to write a book.

I just keep wondering why everyone that posted here really cares what happens to TERRORISTS when they are in captivity.

These organizations are all over the world and why?? Maybe for the fact they want to take over the world. There is now a Muslim Fanatic in control of nuclear arms (IRAN) and it's ok with some countries. He is also the man that said the "MOVIE" 300 painted muslims in a bad light. It's funny though, What if Thailand was hit by a terrorist attack like 9/11 or even worse. I know one country that would be there for them and that is the USA.

I am half thai I was in thailand when they caught a terrorist in bangkok, I was in the city when it happend. HE was in Bangkok and I wonder what your reactions to that were or did you just take a swig of your beer and just roll over and go to sleep.

The TERRORIST'S did it bali and what makes you think they will not do it in Thailand. Malaysia is not far away. I just hope you guys can sleep well at night :D

Ehem, speaking of denseness... maybe you should read that book in order to find out what kind of terrorist the author was. :D

And, yes, i sleep very well a night, here in Bangkok, thank you, and i do enjoy going to Malaysia once a while visiting old friends and family which life there happily.

I never said "he" was a terrorist. I was talking about posts that other people actually want some organizations like the red cross to go and check on the treatment of these killers. I am not going to read a book by a muslim, never have and I never will.

I'm glad you "can" sleep well. Malaysia is a very nice place. :o

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Acts of terror on a scale large enough to count, are not cheap in terms of money or manpower. Committed International terrorists will strike at targets which grab International headlines and strike hard at targeted audiences in the country of the act, or an intended audience elsewhere. Australia was pretty ###### unpopular with Indonesian scumbags hence Bali, Thailand as a target would not get such great coverage unless aimed at for example at a visiting fleet, or a known haunt of UK/US tourists.

Sadly both of these types of targets exist and growing bitterness in the South will lead to a pool of brainwashed young men somebody far more sinister can manipulate. It is only a matter of time.

So you don't think that making a crater where Nana Plaza is now would get International headlines?? How many British and American expats and tourist do you think are there on any given weekend let alone during high season. How much do you think that would cost? My guess is that Al Queda can afford it.

Also I think that hitting Patpong Night market and the bars around there during the high tourist season would get enough people from enough different countries that it would be in every news media in the world.

Doesn't the US Navy have a lot of people in Pattaya one or twice a year? Killing a hundred or so Navy personal sure would make the news.

Don't forget that the New Years Bombings were in the news around the world. My parents live in bum f***k Egypt and it was in the paper there.

Hmmmm Funny how many americans or brits were in africa when they bombed the US embassies there, You think Al Queda gives a ###### how many are in a certain area?? Do they give a ###### who they kill?? I know one thing if alot of Thais were killed. Would that make the news, It sure will.

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I never said "he" was a terrorist. I was talking about posts that other people actually want some organizations like the red cross to go and check on the treatment of these killers. I am not going to read a book by a muslim, never have and I never will.

I'm glad you "can" sleep well. Malaysia is a very nice place. :o

I guess then that you don't agree with the Geneva Conventions either.

It's your decision not to read a book written by a Muslim either, but then you miss some highlights of world literature. But maybe you just want to avoid having to change your opinion that Muslims are "dense". I would ask you then to please stop using modern mathematics, and go back to use your fingers when counting, as the base of modern mathematics have been developed by Islamic scholars.


And yes, Malaysia is indeed a very nice place - far more modern than Thailand.

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I never said "he" was a terrorist. I was talking about posts that other people actually want some organizations like the red cross to go and check on the treatment of these killers. I am not going to read a book by a muslim, never have and I never will.

I'm glad you "can" sleep well. Malaysia is a very nice place. :o

I guess then that you don't agree with the Geneva Conventions either.

It's your decision not to read a book written by a Muslim either, but then you miss some highlights of world literature. But maybe you just want to avoid having to change your opinion that Muslims are "dense". I would ask you then to please stop using modern mathematics, and go back to use your fingers when counting, as the base of modern mathematics have been developed by Islamic scholars.


And yes, Malaysia is indeed a very nice place - far more modern than Thailand.

Hmmm, I wonder if Al queda was there when the geneva conventions was ratified and signed. Think about it. I wonder my friend if you were in the midst of battle would you follow the coventions?? Espacially battling with terrorists?? I wonder if they would do the same with you if they captured you. Man!! they killed a newspaper reporter because he was jewish (Daniel Pearl) Of course it is my decision to read what I please. I also have read that persia at the time was at the height of civilization. I wonder what happend from that time to now. regressed a little maybe?? :D

I have a question for you. Terrorist has a bomb strapped to him and you can take him out with a very well placed shot, would YOU care about the geneva conventions at that time?? I think not

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Hmmm, I wonder if Al queda was there when the geneva conventions was ratified and signed. Think about it. I wonder my friend if you were in the midst of battle would you follow the coventions?? Espacially battling with terrorists?? I wonder if they would do the same with you if they captured you. Man!! they killed a newspaper reporter because he was jewish (Daniel Pearl) Of course it is my decision to read what I please. I also have read that persia at the time was at the height of civilization. I wonder what happend from that time to now. regressed a little maybe?? :o

The question of the Geneva Conventions is not a case of 'we-do-so-if-the-others-do-so-as-well', but a conduct 'we' promised to comply with regardless of the opponent, as 'we' imagine ourselves as an example.

But given that now even 'we' find bean picking excuses so that 'we' don't need to apply those rules, such as denying prisoners of war the POW status, and call them instead 'detainees' - i would say that it is not only terrorist groups and rogue governments (often initially invented and funded by 'us') who have regressed into an age of brutality and barbarism, but 'we' in equal measure.

I have right now huge difficulties identifying heights of civilization - i feel i am surrounded by lows on all sides of the current battles.

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Hmmm, I wonder if Al queda was there when the geneva conventions was ratified and signed. Think about it. I wonder my friend if you were in the midst of battle would you follow the coventions?? Espacially battling with terrorists?? I wonder if they would do the same with you if they captured you. Man!! they killed a newspaper reporter because he was jewish (Daniel Pearl) Of course it is my decision to read what I please. I also have read that persia at the time was at the height of civilization. I wonder what happend from that time to now. regressed a little maybe?? :o

The question of the Geneva Conventions is not a case of 'we-do-so-if-the-others-do-so-as-well', but a conduct 'we' promised to comply with regardless of the opponent, as 'we' imagine ourselves as an example.

But given that now even 'we' find bean picking excuses so that 'we' don't need to apply those rules, such as denying prisoners of war the POW status, and call them instead 'detainees' - i would say that it is not only terrorist groups and rogue governments (often initially invented and funded by 'us') who have regressed into an age of brutality and barbarism, but 'we' in equal measure.

I have right now huge difficulties identifying heights of civilization - i feel i am surrounded by lows on all sides of the current battles.

This is good. OK bunch of terrorists have just killed your best buddies, So your just going to say " Wait a second" You cannot do that due to the geneva conventions. I thought they are only POW's if they have recognizable uniforms on and are part of an organized countries armed force?? So what does the average terrorist wear for a uniform?

Article 4

A. Prisoners of war, in the sense of the present Convention, are persons belonging to one of the following categories, who have fallen into the power of the enemy:

1. Members of the armed forces of a Party to the conflict as well as members of militias or volunteer corps forming part of such armed forces.

2. Members of other militias and members of other volunteer corps, including those of organized resistance movements, belonging to a Party to the conflict and operating in or outside their own territory, even if this territory is occupied, provided that such militias or volunteer corps, including such organized resistance movements, fulfil the following conditions:

(a) That of being commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates;

(:D That of having a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance;

© That of carrying arms openly;

(d) That of conducting their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war.

3. Members of regular armed forces who profess allegiance to a government or an authority not recognized by the Detaining Power.

4. Persons who accompany the armed forces without actually being members thereof, such as civilian members of military aircraft crews, war correspondents, supply contractors, members of labour units or of services responsible for the welfare of the armed forces, provided that they have received authorization from the armed forces which they accompany, who shall provide them for that purpose with an identity card similar to the annexed model.

5. Members of crews, including masters, pilots and apprentices, of the merchant marine and the crews of civil aircraft of the Parties to the conflict, who do not benefit by more favourable treatment under any other provisions of international law.

6. Inhabitants of a non-occupied territory, who on the approach of the enemy spontaneously take up arms to resist the invading forces, without having had time to form themselves into regular armed units, provided they carry arms openly and respect the laws and customs of war.

B. The following shall likewise be treated as prisoners of war under the present Convention:

1. Persons belonging, or having belonged, to the armed forces of the occupied country, if the occupying Power considers it necessary by reason of such allegiance to intern them, even though it has originally liberated them while hostilities were going on outside the territory it occupies, in particular where such persons have made an unsuccessful attempt to rejoin the armed forces to which they belong and which are engaged in combat, or where they fail to comply with a summons made to them with a view to internment.

2. The persons belonging to one of the categories enumerated in the present Article, who have been received by neutral or non-belligerent Powers on their territory and whom these Powers are required to intern under international law, without prejudice to any more favourable treatment which these Powers may choose to give and with the exception of Articles 8, 10, 15, 30, fifth paragraph, 58-67, 92, 126 and, where diplomatic relations exist between the Parties to the conflict and the neutral or non-belligerent Power concerned, those Articles concerning the Protecting Power. Where such diplomatic relations exist, the Parties to a conflict on whom these persons depend shall be allowed to perform towards them the functions of a Protecting Power as provided in the present Convention, without prejudice to the functions which these Parties normally exercise in conformity with diplomatic and consular usage and treaties

Please read and then tell me if this applies to the terrorists :D I wonder do terrorists follow the laws and customs of war?

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Hmmm, I wonder if Al queda was there when the geneva conventions was ratified and signed. Think about it. I wonder my friend if you were in the midst of battle would you follow the coventions?? Espacially battling with terrorists?? I wonder if they would do the same with you if they captured you. Man!! they killed a newspaper reporter because he was jewish (Daniel Pearl) Of course it is my decision to read what I please. I also have read that persia at the time was at the height of civilization. I wonder what happend from that time to now. regressed a little maybe?? :o

I have a question for you. Terrorist has a bomb strapped to him and you can take him out with a very well placed shot, would YOU care about the geneva conventions at that time?? I think not

"Persia" was indeed a cradle of civilisation. "Iraq" only existed as a country post-WW2, in the carve-up of the world that ensued. It was formed to be conducive to Western powers, even though it cobbled together 3 indigenous peoples who historically didn't get on very well and needed a strongman to keep them from killing each other. You know the rest......

Al-Qaida and other terrorist forces are usually trained by Western military forces, and then politics and alliances change, blah blah. They are the new "bogeymen" that we run to the wolves to protect us from, after the Commies went bankrupt.

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Hmmm, I wonder if Al queda was there when the geneva conventions was ratified and signed. Think about it. I wonder my friend if you were in the midst of battle would you follow the coventions?? Espacially battling with terrorists?? I wonder if they would do the same with you if they captured you. Man!! they killed a newspaper reporter because he was jewish (Daniel Pearl) Of course it is my decision to read what I please. I also have read that persia at the time was at the height of civilization. I wonder what happend from that time to now. regressed a little maybe?? :o

I have a question for you. Terrorist has a bomb strapped to him and you can take him out with a very well placed shot, would YOU care about the geneva conventions at that time?? I think not

"Persia" was indeed a cradle of civilisation. "Iraq" only existed as a country post-WW2, in the carve-up of the world that ensued. It was formed to be conducive to Western powers, even though it cobbled together 3 indigenous peoples who historically didn't get on very well and needed a strongman to keep them from killing each other. You know the rest......

Al-Qaida and other terrorist forces are usually trained by Western military forces, and then politics and alliances change, blah blah. They are the new "bogeymen" that we run to the wolves to protect us from, after the Commies went bankrupt.

So Iraq "needed" a strongman to keep the indigenous people from killing each other, And this person after WW II was Saddam Hussein?? But is was OK for him to keep peace and kill the people instead?


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Coutries that signed and ratified the geneva conventions, Sorry but don't see Al queda or any other terrorist organizations listed here. :o

Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949.

State Parties Signature Ratification / Accession 1) Reservation / Declaration 2)

Afghanistan 08.12.1949 26.09.1956

Albania 12.12.1949 27.05.1957 27.05.1957 (text)

Algeria 20.06.1960

Andorra 17.09.1993

Angola 20.09.1984 20.09.1984 (text)

Antigua and Barbuda 06.10.1986

Argentina 08.12.1949 18.09.1956

Armenia 07.06.1993

Australia 04.01.1950. 14.10.1958 14.10.1958 (text)

Austria 12.08.1949 27.08.1953

Azerbaijan 01.06.1993

Bahamas 11.07.1975

Bahrain 30.11.1971

Bangladesh 04.04.1972 20.12.1988 (text)

Barbados 10.09.1968 10.09.1968 (text)

Belarus 12.12.1949 03.08.1954

Belgium 08.12.1949 03.09.1952

Belize 29.06.1984

Benin 14.12.1961

Bhutan 10.01.1991

Bolivia 08.12.1949 10.12.1976

Bosnia-Herzegovina 31.12.1992

Botswana 29.03.1968

Brazil 08.12.1949 29.06.1957

Brunei Darussalam 14.10.1991

Bulgaria 28.12.1949 22.07.1954

Burkina Faso 07.11.1961

Burundi 27.12.1971

Cambodia 08.12.1958

Cameroon 16.09.1963

Canada 08.12.1949 14.05.1965

Cape Verde 11.05.1984

Central African Republic 01.08.1966

Chad 05.08.1970

Chile 12.08.1949 12.10.1950

China 10.12.1949 28.12.1956 28.12.1956 (text)

Colombia 12.08.1949 08.11.1961

Comoros 21.11.1985

Congo (Dem. Rep.) 24.02.1961

Congo 04.02.1967

Cook Islands 11.06.2001

Costa Rica 15.10.1969

Côte d'Ivoire 28.12.1961

Croatia 11.05.1992

Cuba 12.08.1949 15.04.1954

Cyprus 23.05.1962

Czech Republic 05.02.1993 19.12.1950 (text)

Denmark 12.08.1949 27.06.1951

Djibouti 06.03.1978

Dominican Republic 22.01.1958

Dominica 28.09.1981

Ecuador 12.08.1949 11.08.1954

Egypt 08.12.1949 10.11.1952

El Salvador 08.12.1949 17.06.1953

Equatorial Guinea 24.07.1986

Eritrea 14.08.2000

Estonia 18.01.1993

Ethiopia 08.12.1949 02.10.1969

Fiji 09.08.1971

Finland 08.12.1949 22.02.1955

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 01.09.1993 18.10.1996. (text)

France 08.12.1949 28.06.1951

Gabon 26.02.1965

Gambia 20.10.1966

Georgia 14.09.1993

Germany 03.09.1954 03.12.1954. (text)

Ghana 02.08.1958

Greece 22.12.1949 05.06.1956

Grenada 13.04.1981

Guatemala 12.08.1949 14.05.1952

Guinea-Bissau 21.02.1974 21.02.1974. (text)

Guinea 11.07.1984

Guyana 22.07.1968

Haiti 11.04.1957

Holy See 08.12.1949 22.02.1951

Honduras 31.12.1965

Hungary 08.12.1949 03.08.1954

Iceland 10.08.1965

India 16.12.1949 09.11.1950

Indonesia 30.09.1958

Iran (Islamic Rep.of) 08.12.1949 20.02.1957 20.02.1957 (text)

Iraq 14.02.1956

Ireland 19.12.1949 27.09.1962

Israel 08.12.1949 06.07.1951 08.12.1949 (text)

Italy 08.12.1949 17.12.1951

Jamaica 20.07.1964

Japan 21.04.1953

Jordan 29.05.1951

Kazakhstan 05.05.1992

Kenya 20.09.1966

Kiribati 05.01.1989

Korea (Dem.People's Rep.) 27.08.1957 27.08.1957. (text)

Korea (Republic of) 16.08.1966 16.08.1966. (text)

Kuwait 02.09.1967 02.09.1967. (text)

Kyrgyzstan 18.09.1992

Lao People's Dem.Rep. 29.10.1956

Latvia 24.12.1991

Lebanon 08.12.1949 10.04.1951

Lesotho 20.05.1968

Liberia 29.03.1954

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 22.05.1956

Liechtenstein 12.08.1949 21.09.1950

Lithuania 03.10.1996

Luxembourg 08.12.1949 01.07.1953

Madagascar 18.07.1963

Malawi 05.01.1968

Malaysia 24.08.1962

Maldives 18.06.1991

Mali 24.05.1965

Malta 22.08.1968

Marshall Islands 01.06.2004

Mauritania 30.10.1962

Mauritius 18.08.1970

Mexico 08.12.1949 29.10.1952

Micronesia 19.09.1995

Moldova (Republic of) 24.05.1993

Monaco 12.08.1949 05.07.1950

Mongolia 20.12.1958

Montenegro (Republic of) 02.08.2006

Morocco 26.07.1956

Mozambique 14.03.1983

Myanmar 25.08.1992

Namibia 22.08.1991

Nauru 27.06.2006

Nepal 07.02.1964

Netherlands 08.12.1949 03.08.1954

New Zealand 11.02.1950. 02.05.1959 02.05.1959 (text)

Nicaragua 12.08.1949 17.12.1953

Nigeria 20.06.1961

Niger 21.04.1964

Norway 12.08.1949 03.08.1951

Oman 31.01.1974

Pakistan 12.08.1949 12.06.1951 12.06.1951. (text)

Palau 25.06.1996

Panama 10.02.1956

Papua New Guinea 26.05.1976

Paraguay 10.12.1949 23.10.1961

Peru 12.08.1949 15.02.1956

Philippines 08.12.1949 06.10.1952

Poland 08.12.1949 26.11.1954

Portugal 11.02.1950. 14.03.1961 14.03.1961. (text)

Qatar 15.10.1975

Romania 10.02.1950. 01.06.1954

Russian Federation 12.12.1949 10.05.1954 12.12.1949 (text)

Rwanda 05.05.1964

Saint Kitts and Nevis 14.02.1986

Saint Lucia 18.09.1981

Saint Vincent Grenadines 01.04.1981

Samoa 23.08.1984

San Marino 29.08.1953

Sao Tome and Principe 21.05.1976

Saudi Arabia 18.05.1963

Senegal 18.05.1963

Serbia (Republic of) 16.10.2001

Seychelles 08.11.1984

Sierra Leone 10.06.1965

Singapore 27.04.1973

Slovakia 02.04.1993

Slovenia 26.03.1992

Solomon Islands 06.07.1981

Somalia 12.07.1962

South Africa 31.03.1952

Spain 08.12.1949 04.08.1952

Sri Lanka 08.12.1949 28.02.1959

Sudan 23.09.1957

Suriname 13.10.1976 13.10.1976. (text)

Swaziland 28.06.1973

Sweden 08.12.1949 28.12.1953

Switzerland 12.08.1949 31.03.1950

Syrian Arab Republic 12.08.1949 02.11.1953

Tajikistan 13.01.1993

Tanzania (United Rep.of) 12.12.1962

Thailand 29.12.1954

Timor-Leste 08.05.2003

Togo 06.01.1962

Tonga 13.04.1978

Trinidad and Tobago 24.09.1963

Tunisia 04.05.1957

Turkey 12.08.1949 10.02.1954

Turkmenistan 10.04.1992

Tuvalu 19.02.1981

Uganda 18.05.1964

Ukraine 12.12.1949 03.08.1954

United Arab Emirates 10.05.1972

United Kingdom 08.12.1949 23.09.1957 23.09.1957. (text)

United States of America 12.08.1949 02.08.1955 02.08.1955. (text)

Uruguay 12.08.1949 05.03.1969 05.03.1969. (text)

Uzbekistan 08.10.1993

Vanuatu 27.10.1982

Venezuela 10.02.1950. 13.02.1956

Viet Nam 28.06.1957 28.06.1957. (text)

Yemen 16.07.1970 25.05.1977. (text)

Zambia 19.10.1966

Zimbabwe 07.03.1983

Wow Actually see that Japan and Vietnam both signed it, I guess that means they treated their prisoner's of war humanely. :D

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You really don't see it, do you?

The fact that some things are more important than life?

A member of the 'me' generation?

Nothing is more important than life, YOU can take that "me" crap and stick it where the sun don't shine ok.

"me" here helped out at the world trade center where other "me's" were after the attacks and months after that until WE were told to get out of the area.

"I" am talking about the killers among us that "some" of YOU think should get better treatment than the victims that they sent to an early grave. and for what because someone ridiculed their GOD. Someone told them they can't live in a certain place and soemone else told them you can't have nuclear weapons.

This thread is about an attack that was going to be and i mean going to be at one time launched against thailand, their are attacks against thailand in the south. And brutal attacks they are. Even Bhuddists monks getting their heads chopped off and for what!!!! So some asswhole can get his <deleted> 17 virgins or whatever they believe in. :o

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Hmmm, I wonder if Al queda was there when the geneva conventions was ratified and signed. Think about it. I wonder my friend if you were in the midst of battle would you follow the coventions?? Espacially battling with terrorists?? I wonder if they would do the same with you if they captured you. Man!! they killed a newspaper reporter because he was jewish (Daniel Pearl) Of course it is my decision to read what I please. I also have read that persia at the time was at the height of civilization. I wonder what happend from that time to now. regressed a little maybe?? :o

I have a question for you. Terrorist has a bomb strapped to him and you can take him out with a very well placed shot, would YOU care about the geneva conventions at that time?? I think not

"Persia" was indeed a cradle of civilisation. "Iraq" only existed as a country post-WW2, in the carve-up of the world that ensued. It was formed to be conducive to Western powers, even though it cobbled together 3 indigenous peoples who historically didn't get on very well and needed a strongman to keep them from killing each other. You know the rest......

Al-Qaida and other terrorist forces are usually trained by Western military forces, and then politics and alliances change, blah blah. They are the new "bogeymen" that we run to the wolves to protect us from, after the Commies went bankrupt.

So Iraq "needed" a strongman to keep the indigenous people from killing each other, And this person after WW II was Saddam Hussein?? But is was OK for him to keep peace and kill the people instead?


Yep, pretty much. The Sunni's; Shi-ite's; and Kurds previously had borders separating them, until these regions were merged into the Iraq we kow today. Saddam overthrew the previous government in a coup, and we backed him because he was anti-Iran at the time. We sold him the gas that he used to massacre the Kurds.

Here's Donny Rumsfeld and uncle Saddam in happier times, securing an arms deal together; :D


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"Persia" was indeed a cradle of civilisation. "Iraq" only existed as a country post-WW2, in the carve-up of the world that ensued. It was formed to be conducive to Western powers, even though it cobbled together 3 indigenous peoples who historically didn't get on very well and needed a strongman to keep them from killing each other. You know the rest......

Al-Qaida and other terrorist forces are usually trained by Western military forces, and then politics and alliances change, blah blah. They are the new "bogeymen" that we run to the wolves to protect us from, after the Commies went bankrupt.

So Iraq "needed" a strongman to keep the indigenous people from killing each other, And this person after WW II was Saddam Hussein?? But is was OK for him to keep peace and kill the people instead?


Plz read some history books about Iraq !!!!

Edited by zaza
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In reply to the original post, if someone already mentioned it I apologize, but yes there were terrorist attacks planned in Bangkok if not directly by Al Qaeda, than by another group (JI, I believe?). I remember hearing this in the news. It was a big thing back in 2003 when I first came to Bangkok. Thai intelligence was involved with foreign intelligence, I believe some from the U.S., in bringing a big man (Hambali) to justice. If the attacks had been carried out, it would have been even bigger news, such as the Bali attack. So, yes, this has been in the news and known; it's not new information. Perhaps you never heard about it before, although many did.

Well, after reading most of the posts, or skimming them, I'm adding this paragraph. Back in 2003, when they caught Hambali, I believe the plans to set off big bombs in Bangkok were in the final stages of planning. Possibly nightclubs and I believe big hotels such as the one across from Gaysorn (can't remember the name) were going to be targeted. Or, it could have been other hotels but that's what I remember. I also think they wanted it to be during or near the APEC meetings week (late October 2003) when Bush and other heads of state were here (Bangkok).

So, yes, some were asking if there was a real possibility and that time, it was a very real possibility. However, since, I think there have been no follow up plans by these international terror groups, at least nothing near as close to fruition as this plan was. I believe they caught Hambali in September 2003 and he wanted something to go boom by October 2003. It was big news, back then.

I just wanted that to be clear as some seemed murky on the details. There was a great feature about this on the Bangkok Post website a few months back at the bottom of the main page. I think it's since been removed but you may be able to find it somewhere on that site. I don't think that last sentence should be removed because I'm pretty sure everyone knows what the Bangkok Post is.

Edited by Jimjim
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I never said "he" was a terrorist. I was talking about posts that other people actually want some organizations like the red cross to go and check on the treatment of these killers. I am not going to read a book by a muslim, never have and I never will.

I'm glad you "can" sleep well. Malaysia is a very nice place. :o

I guess then that you don't agree with the Geneva Conventions either.

It's your decision not to read a book written by a Muslim either, but then you miss some highlights of world literature. But maybe you just want to avoid having to change your opinion that Muslims are "dense". I would ask you then to please stop using modern mathematics, and go back to use your fingers when counting, as the base of modern mathematics have been developed by Islamic scholars.


And yes, Malaysia is indeed a very nice place - far more modern than Thailand.

Don't waste your time and effort on such (know-nothing) ppl.

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