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I don't post here often but I did a lot of reseach here before helping my GF to apply for an Australian tourist visa. With the help of this forum we put together an application that got her a visa. I thought I'd give a little back. Here is my experience with the process.

First of all you do not lodge an application at the Australian Embassy. They have out-sourced the collection of the applications to a contractor. I suspect this is a security measure as it limits the number of people being admitted to the embassy. Applications are lodged at the Australian Visa Application Centre. They only accept applications between 8:30am and 3:00pm, Monday to Friday. Passports can only be collected from 3:00pm until 4:30pm. Once the application is accepted it is passed onto the embassy.

When you arrive at the office you are given a number and asked to take a seat. You are then called to a table and the application is looked over. You are asked to get a cheque from a window in the office (for 2130B or there abouts) and you must also pay a processing fee of 500B in cash. You are returned the photocopy of her passport that you supplied with a little information. She must bring the photocopy of her passport when she collects the passport. The process took us no longer than 30 minutes. We where told the application should take 5 days but could take longer. In our case it was back in 5 days.

Here is a list of documents that we provided:

- completed application form

- letter from her employer

- her bank book (not a copy) even though she had no savings

- photocopy of her ID card both front and back

- photocopy of her passport details page

- letter of invitation

- letter from my employer

- my Australian bank statement for the previous 12 months

- statutory declaration stating the depth of our relationship and what I would provide for her while in Australia

- list of SMS the we shared from shortly after I met her

- statement showing one month of telephone calls (I was unable to provide more)

- photocopy of my Thai bank account showing transfers to her account

- 7 photographs of us together

At present there are no printing facilities in the office but you can get documents photocopied at 3B a page.

From my experience and from talking to others who have done the same getting a tourist visa for Australia for a TG is no problem. Of course you have to make sure that you have given your application some thought and covered all the areas that they are interested in. I think if you can demonstrate that she has a job to come back to and that you can show that you can provide for her you will have no problems.

I was hoping for a 12 month multiple entry visa but they issued her a single entry 3 month visa. However, we are more than happy that she got a visa.


Good on ya Scumbag. You seem to have covered all the requirements fairly well.

You may have only been given a three month visa because of her work commitments. (that's just a guess, there is no way of knowing the exact reason.)

I hope that this is the beginning of a happy Oz lifestyle for her. :o


What about a tourist visa for my wife?

She has no employer

I am inviting her..

I don't have an employer either

My Australian bank statement shows money in and out but no balance, haw about a Thai BS?

I am married to her, I guess I will pay for everything in OZ as usual

We don't exchange SMS, I do not own a mobile phone

I have no need to telephone her, we live together.

Her account is my account...

Now this one is easy! We have hundreds of photos of us together, and the kids, and the house, and the car etc.etc.

Three month would be heaps, I doubt I could afford more.


Good on ya Scumbag. You seem to have covered all the requirements fairly well.

You may have only been given a three month visa because of her work commitments. (that's just a guess, there is no way of knowing the exact reason.)

I hope that this is the beginning of a happy Oz lifestyle for her. :o

Thanks MM but part of the reason for the visit is to get my house ready to rent out. I am relocating to Thailand to be with her as at this stage I am not prepared to take a TG to live in Australia. I want to know her real well before doing that. I work on a rotation in Malaysia.



Malaysia, Thailand, Australia...wow...sounds like a good life style.

I hope it all works out with your "getting to know you" time with your Thai GF.

If you are taking her to Sydney, she'll love it.

If you are taking her to the Gold Coast, she'll like it.

If you are taking her to Melbourne or Perth, she'll hate it. :o


Your only hurdle will be convincing the Embassy that you have sufficient funds to finance the trip and for her to provide a compelling reason the return to Thailand.

If your funds are doubtful, perhaps you could hock one of the kids. :D


Thanks, Scumbag. I am very happy your gf's application was successful. My bf is putting in his Tourist Visa application to visit Oz for 3 months, early next month so I was interested in reading through your check-list.

From the Dept of Immigration's website and what I have read on ThaiVisa, I think the decision to either approve or reject and application is based on one thing: If this person is granted a visa, are there sufficient grounds for them to return to Thailand when the visa expires.


Thanks, Scumbag. I am very happy your gf's application was successful. My bf is putting in his Tourist Visa application to visit Oz for 3 months, early next month so I was interested in reading through your check-list.

From the Dept of Immigration's website and what I have read on ThaiVisa, I think the decision to either approve or reject and application is based on one thing: If this person is granted a visa, are there sufficient grounds for them to return to Thailand when the visa expires.


I am not sure that this is 100 percent true.

In my case what they wanted to see was if there was a genuine relationship between the two of us.

Now this may be part and parcel of the same thing but they stressed to me that they wanted to see that we had a genuine relationship.


Thanks for posting Scumbag. Like Redfarang, i'm doing it also soon. Good to hear others experiences. I met a bloke who got a 12 month tourist visa for his GF. He took photos of himself in front of his small business, and told them he couldn't afford to take the time off work to develop thier releationship. He asked for a 6 month one, but was given 12 months. Maybe, cause your GF was employed, the authorities didin't want her to loos her job? My girlfriend quit work in the factory when i met her. She is now supported by me. I hope that works for me and not against me. It is a nervous time, asking lawmakers to let the love of your life be next to you in your country. But i suppose it is justified, ( the red tape ). Gee they are beautiful people, the Thais.

mate, i hope all goes well for you and your GF. Best of luck for the future. Again, thanks very much for posting!

What about a tourist visa for my wife?

She has no employer

I am inviting her..

I don't have an employer either

My Australian bank statement shows money in and out but no balance, haw about a Thai BS?

I am married to her, I guess I will pay for everything in OZ as usual

We don't exchange SMS, I do not own a mobile phone

I have no need to telephone her, we live together.

Her account is my account...

Now this one is easy! We have hundreds of photos of us together, and the kids, and the house, and the car etc.etc.

Three month would be heaps, I doubt I could afford more.


Your relationship gains bonus points if you are legally married and/or you are the biological father of one or more of the kids.

Add this to your desire to share your family and background with your wife and you have a very strong case for a visa. Each successive visa will be easier to obtain, providing the previous Visa's conditions were not broken, and it is not unusual for multiple entry 12 month visas to be issued.

Don't forget that if your wife is your legal spouse then you can apply on her behalf directly at the Immigration Dept. in the Bangkok Aussie Embassy.

Thanks, Scumbag. I am very happy your gf's application was successful. My bf is putting in his Tourist Visa application to visit Oz for 3 months, early next month so I was interested in reading through your check-list.

From the Dept of Immigration's website and what I have read on ThaiVisa, I think the decision to either approve or reject and application is based on one thing: If this person is granted a visa, are there sufficient grounds for them to return to Thailand when the visa expires.


I feel very strongly that you have to cover all of your bases. This is especially true for the application for the first visa. I think you need to demonstrate that she has a reason to return, you have an income to support her (or she has her own funds) and that you have a relationship with her. I am not convinced that the relationship needs to be as GF/BF. I see no reason why you can't bring a friend (who you have known for some time) to Australia.


For a tourist visa there is no need to prove a genuine relationship however, if you are in a relationship, whether it be based on love or just friendship, it doesn't hurt to give an full explanation in the application.

Such an explanation can be built upon for any subsequent tourist/spouse visa applications, making future applications easier to obtain.

If you believe that your relationship is genuine and will be continuing into the future, by offering proof to the Embassy could remove any fears they may have about the applicant having sinister reasons for attempting to get into Australia. (illegal work, terrorism etc.)

The Embassy fears are further lessened if the applicant can provide a compelling reason to return to Thailand within the life of the visa. This aspect of the application is therefore most important.

If the application meets the funding criteria, the Embassy can reasonably assume that the applicant won't need to obtain employment whilst in Oz in order to cover their financial needs.

The above mainly applies to sponsored trips. If the applicant is self sufficient as far as finances are concerned, is coming to Oz for touring purposes only and provides a compelling reason to return to Thailand, there is no need for an Australian resident to become involved in the application.


Thanks Eureka, my most difficult problem is that I live in Pai and to go to Bangkok is time consuming and expensive plus the fact that I find BKK hot, sticky noisy and dirty so I would rather avoid going there,

I believe there is an office in Chiang Mai where my wife can apply for a visa so I will investigate that before girding my loins for the trip down country!!

By the way, I was born in Bendigo, in the shadow of the stockade...


Niloc: OP failed to mention that there is a website for the outsourced vendor who processes visa applications for the Australian Embassy, perhaps someone will post it in this thread for you.

Second ommision, and most important for you, is the processing company provides courier services to Chiang Mai for your visa application, so no personal visit to BKK is required.

The local representative is a tranportation company located behind the Nissan dealer on the north side of Hang Dong road a few kilometers south of Airport Plaza.

Their webpage gives pertenent details.

Scumbag: A critical issue in determining the ease in which you got your g/f a visa to Australia, was not whether you are Australian, but whether you live in Australia or reside in Thailand?

Clearly, your relationship to a Thai lady is a plus if you reside in Thailand but a negative if you live in Australia. I would handle applications differently in each case.

"A compelling reason to return" is the criteria that all application documentation should address and thus an Australian Citizen living in Australia and having a stong love relationship with a Thai lady poses a dilema when one evaluates "a compelling reason to return" vs. a desire to stay long term with loved one in Australia.

Scumbag: A critical issue in determining the ease in which you got your g/f a visa to Australia, was not whether you are Australian, but whether you live in Australia or reside in Thailand?

Clearly, your relationship to a Thai lady is a plus if you reside in Thailand but a negative if you live in Australia. I would handle applications differently in each case.

"A compelling reason to return" is the criteria that all application documentation should address and thus an Australian Citizen living in Australia and having a stong love relationship with a Thai lady poses a dilema when one evaluates "a compelling reason to return" vs. a desire to stay long term with loved one in Australia.

Sorry I did intend to provide a link to the contractor's website but I forgot... :o Here it is: vfs

ProThaiExpat my case was a little more complicated than I indicated in my original post. I work a 4 week on 4 week off roster in Malaysia. Since I have known her I have spent the majority of my time away from Malaysia in Thailand with her. In the application I detailed this and also stated in the stat dec that I am planning to relocate to Thailand after her visit to Australia. I didn't pursue this angle too hard as I do not have a permanent residence in Thailand yet. This will be for any subsequent application. In any case I don't think it had a large affect on the application.


i have a few questions what i would not mind somebody answering .

i first met my gf 1 year ago in a bar and when i met her i told her to go home and i will seport her while she also works on her family farm.

will her being a ex bar girl from a year ago go against her application for a tourist visa?

and in seport of her proving that she will be going home after the time of the visa is finished i will be going back to thailand with her for a holiday ,will the ambassy look at that as a good thing her returning on the same flight and the same time.

thanxs for any info and wish me luck

i have a few questions what i would not mind somebody answering .

i first met my gf 1 year ago in a bar and when i met her i told her to go home and i will seport her while she also works on her family farm.

will her being a ex bar girl from a year ago go against her application for a tourist visa?

and in seport of her proving that she will be going home after the time of the visa is finished i will be going back to thailand with her for a holiday ,will the ambassy look at that as a good thing her returning on the same flight and the same time.

thanxs for any info and wish me luck

Where do you live? If you live somewhere like Australia or the UK you should have no problem with her working in a bar in the past. Just don't tell them as they don't ask. However, if you are in the US you may have problems. From what I have been told if the US officials have any suspicions that she has worked as a prostitute in the previous 10 years they must reject the application.

Personally I don't think you will have problems getting her a visa (other than for the states) based on what you have posted. Perhaps someone with more knowledge can give you a better idea.

will her being a ex bar girl from a year ago go against her application for a tourist visa?

This shouldn't pose any problems for her.

The Embassy is looking for application honesty more than anything else.

The case officers are well aware of the large percentage of ex-bar girls who apply for visas. They realise that Thai girls have very little chance of meeting a farang, and commencing a relationship, if they are working in a rice paddy in some remote area of Thailand.

The vast majority of girls applying for visas have been working in tourist destinations. It would be unrealistic to believe that all of these girls were waitresses or room maids.

If you both are stating that you are in a genuine and continuing relationship, and can prove it, the fact that she was a former (or current) service worker is largely irrelevant.

Where it may play a part is if you can't satisfy the Embassy of a genuine relationship, can't provide a compelling reason for her to return to Thailand (Tourist visa) and can't show sufficient funds to financially support the visit. The Embassy may then believe that she intends to go back to her old profession whilst in Australia.

  • 2 months later...

hi MM

im an australian man wanting to get his thai girlfriend her tourist visa

you seem to know alot about the suject so i was wondering if you could give me a had with some questions!

i THINK i have most bases covered but

- will it affect her app. if iam not there with her?

- the letter of invitaion from my parents should that be written to the visa office or my girlfriend?

- do you think applying for a 6 weeks visa is too long for first time or does it not matter?

- she has been working in ayuttaya for 3 months and may not get a letter from her employer to say she can come back, will this have a huge effect on the app?

you thoughts will be really appreciated



hi MM

im an australian man wanting to get his thai girlfriend her tourist visa

you seem to know alot about the suject so i was wondering if you could give me a had with some questions!

i THINK i have most bases covered but

- will it affect her app. if iam not there with her?

- the letter of invitaion from my parents should that be written to the visa office or my girlfriend?

- do you think applying for a 6 weeks visa is too long for first time or does it not matter?

- she has been working in ayuttaya for 3 months and may not get a letter from her employer to say she can come back, will this have a huge effect on the app?

you thoughts will be really appreciated



You could have opened a new topic for this Sean,

You dont need to be there with her....it is her application...just make sure that she has any supporting docs from you that you want to include.

Letters of invitation should be addressed to the Embassy....

There is no 6 week visa.....it is 3 months, 6 months and a 12 month multi entry....however if you only want her to come for 6 weeks that is upto you.

A letter from an employer is a really handy thing to have if she is applying on a solo basis....But if you are sponsoring her then it is your means of support that will be the most important issue. If this is the case you can supply payslips, tax return etc... to show your income. A Stat dec from you stating that you will ensure that she abides by the visa conditions, you will provide for her finances, medical cost, transportation, accomadation, general living expenses etc... , state also that she is coming for the purpose of a holiday only and that you are aware of the consequences of making a false declaration, it will carry a lot of weight.



Graham has done a good job of answering your list of questions, so I'll just refer to your last question.

she has been working in ayuttaya for 3 months and may not get a letter from her employer to say she can come back, will this have a huge effect on the app?

One of the most important requirements is to provide a valid and compelling reason for the tourist visa applicant to return to Thailand at the completion of their visa.

An employers letter stating that her job will be kept open until her return is one of the best pieces of evidence you can obtain in this regard.

If for some reason her job can't be held open until her return, the employer may still be willing to supply a letter stating his reasons why and giving an honest assessment of the staff members' worth the company and her chances in obtaining similar work, but with another employer.

Both of you could then use your covering letters to fully explain the situation and advise what future action you intend to take with regard to employment upon her return to LOS.

If the employer refuses to supply a letter, you may need to find another compelling reason, but don't underestimate the importance of this requirement.

Take some time to read through the multitude of Aussie threads on the subject of tourist visas in this forum. You should be able to find answers to most of your questions.

If you do have further question, please commence a new thread and we'll do our best to answer them.


thank you both for your help!!

sorry iam new to this site and was unsure how it works. but i have been reading more and more and it is all SO very helpful.

with out this site iam unsure how many people would get by

your champions in my book

cheers again!!

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