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Interesting that the woman apparently had no qualms about appearing in the documentary, despite being married already.

Poor guy. The sharks' jaws must snap in anticipation when someone like that appears.

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while i appreciate your apparent familiarity with the seamy underbelly of thailand and knowledge of the darkside, it seems you have no experience of louis theroux.

his wild weeknds series and others are hardly going out to take the piss at the expense of others unless they happen to be truly reprehensible or ridiculous.

He obviously pities Lake, and while he does take a poke it is a gentle one. He is far different with ronny who i dont think deserves much compassion, the man is obviously scum. the dinner scene is unbearable, and it isn't louis' doing.

If you watch some of his other shows ie survivalists and louis in the brothel, you can see he does genuinely connect with some of the subjects you claim he "aims to embarrass"

i would suggest you watch more of him before you decide he is out to destroy peoples cred. I think his strength is compassion where it is deserved and the ability to let folks dig their own graves by letting them appear as they are.

I haven't seen any other shows of him, and maybe he just at this one did a topic that was a bit above piss taking. While i agree that the two marriage brokers were creepy, and the dinner scene was something i would not have wanted to witness, i still feel that he was not exactly nice to the Lake Palmer bloke. Especially after reading what happened to him after i feel genuinely sorry for him.

I watched the whole six clips, and i finished with a very uneasy feeling about this whole thing. I somewhat wish i would not have watched it. I definitely did not feel like laughing, more like running away, if you get what i mean.


Great name ain't it! Guy was a character, I would happily have a few drinks with the guy. I think we should organise a whip round get him flown over and sorted out with a decent wife. :o


re: poor old lake

while i admit that he got done, and that is a shame. it cannot be said that he was not complicit. It was lake himself who married a woman 2 days after he met her and spent 5 days with her before returning home without her, no one else is relly accountable.

anyone that could equate a woman with a bargin that must be snapped up or in any similar commercial terms should follow one basic premise: caveat emptor.

he thought he was buying a peasant and he did indeed get more than he bargained for.

his two failed marriges also show a patholy that suggests perhaps he is simply unable to be in a relationship, period.

perhaps louis should have been more interfering and given lake a rude waking up, but lake had certainly demonstrated that he was unable to take any sort of direction or criticism, and perhaps only tolerated louis out of an awe for all the trappings of a televison production that accompanied him.

simply put, lake was damaged goods to begin with.

his utter lack of discernment would have led him into trouble anywhere. I also suspect that his saccarhine sweet brand of attention could have turned to verbal abuse and emotional abuse very easily as is often the case when someone of his emotional backgroun finds that hings aren't going exactly to plan. The ending was inevitable.

face it, anyone with any self respect of common sense would not have been in that situation in the first place, let alone have agreed to have it televised.


Not too many seeders on that link. I have hunted everywhere for Louis Theroux torrents. Most of them are not seeded, so it takes days/weeks/months to download. Easier to stream on You Tube.

No links to illegal stuff please. Thanks...

Perfectly legal ,they had their servers impounded for a few weeks last spring but later got them back.

But as I see that it is not in accordance with forum rule no 10 I understand your censorship . :o


IMO, old Lakey got off lightly as she is clearly a gold digger. If you lend a mate tenner and never see

them again it's a good investment. £1800 on phone calls though? The silly <deleted> could have got return flights

and 10 months in a nice condo for that? And lived quite hansomely off is pension?!

IMO, old Lakey got off lightly as she is clearly a gold digger. If you lend a mate tenner and never see

them again it's a good investment. £1800 on phone calls though? The silly <deleted> could have got return flights

and 10 months in a nice condo for that? And lived quite hansomely off is pension?!

That Thai lady said that she had her own house in Thailand .What Lake should have done is gone to live with her in Thailand ,and have his pension ,which he said he was on ,sent over to Thailand .He did not own a house in England .

Instead he was trying to get her a visa for England ,which she did not get .


Jeez, tough crowd!

Where's the sympathy for poor old Lake? The guy admitted that he was lonely and desperate, and yes he made a mistake, but give him a break. He was only trying to find a companion.

Anyway I find this sort of television very distasteful, spying into peoples' private lives just feels wrong imho.

And why all the criticism of Ronnie? The guy sees a commercial opportunity and takes it - what he does is not illegal and is identical to introduction agencies across the globe. Sheesh.


Ronnie was a real sleazbag. Any man who keeps his cap on during a "romantic" dinner date

should not be trusted!

Overall, i found the whole programme slightly depressing, but very entertaining.

I hope Lake finds happiness someday, being lonely is a bitch


Well it took forever to get through all six, but I did.

Where are the laughs ??

Those agency guys must be laughing there cocks off when suckers like lake walk in.

How ironic that poor old sweet Ronnie and his missus split 8 days later....now that was funny :o


I dont think Ronnie expected it to last much longer. He had been married to Thais several times. Clearly, if a fit enough woman walks into the offices, he bonks her, then marries her, then splits.

This must be one of the easiest business's to set up in LOS.

No shelves to fill or stock to buy. Just wait for the Thai chicks to walk into your 20,000 month rented office, photo and interview with the help of your two Thai staff on 8000 month, upload onto the web site and wait for the lonely ferang to call. Simple.

And thats pretty much it. On you go and sell the dream. What a f_cked up 'proffesion' though. Your ideal demographic and target market is lonely, heartbroken, sad westerners who are socaily awquard and very lonely. In other words, guys who have lost the plot and are easily fooled. The pitch on the phone must be so easy to guys like this;

"Lake; Oh, hello, the names lake - just seen your advert on the internet. Aparently you can set up dates for me with Thai women who are looking to marry English guys?"

Dreamweaver: "Thats right. Our speciality. We have aranged dates with 24 English guys this month already. 12 of them are already married. I have the best job in the world, its so rewarding making these dreams come true. When was the last time you came to Thailand Lake?"

Lake: "Never"

Dreamweaver: "You have never been to Thailand? The Thais are so sweet and will happily cater to your every need. Its a culture thing - in Thai culture, the women are expected to cook, clean and generaly doat on the husband every day. They are lovely, affable people not to mention very sexy and accomodating in bed. How old are you Lake? 56? No of course that wont be a problem!! Thai women prefer older, sensible, calmer men. Again, thats a culture thing. Most Thai women are married to older Thai men. Just let me check the books..... we currently have well over 50 Thai women under 25 who are looking for an English man over 50.

lake: "How much do you charge?"

Dreamweaver: 100,000 Thai baht. About £1350."

Lake "Do you take plastic?"

Dreamweaver: "Yep. Pay now?"

Lake: "Yep, ill be over next week"

It would be interesteing to know what the pitch is from the other point ofvfiew. The Thai chicks calling and talking to the Thai staff;

Lek: "Hi. Just seen your advert for English husbands. Is it easy to get hooked up?"

Thai Staff: "Piece of piss. These guys are well easy to reel in. They are mostly a little sad and lonely. My suggestion would be to give it the usual pitch.... Poor fammily, farm girl, 18 hour days in the paddy field etc etc. You know the drill. A few tears may help."

Lek: But do I actualy have to marry them in the UK, or can i do the ceremony here in Thailand? I was thinking maybe the guy could then go home to the Uk and send me money for a while"

Thai staff: "Yep, no worries. As far as they are concerned you will be married. They wont realise you are just going to slaughter a buffalo in Udon and drink a few changs. You can carry on as normal and recieve a little coin each month. Come to our office, we will photo you and record your video. Its free. Tell you what, ill even push you to the front of the pile.... But I want a decent drink out of it if you score. Can you come tommorow?"

Lek: "No sweat. Im dancing tonight till 3am - if i find a little short time, i may not finish till around 11am. Either way i should be there before 3pm.

Thai staff: "We are based just on the edge of town. Do you know how to get here?"

Lek: "Nah, but my boyfriend knows Bangkok pretty well. he's a taxi driver. Ill get him to bring me"


I dont think Ronnie expected it to last much longer. He had been married to Thais several times. Clearly, if a fit enough woman walks into the offices, he bonks her, then marries her, then splits.

This must be one of the easiest business's to set up in LOS.

No shelves to fill or stock to buy. Just wait for the Thai chicks to walk into your 20,000 month rented office, photo and interview with the help of your two Thai staff on 8000 month, upload onto the web site and wait for the lonely ferang to call. Simple.

And thats pretty much it. On you go and sell the dream. What a f_cked up 'proffesion' though. Your ideal demographic and target market is lonely, heartbroken, sad westerners who are socaily awquard and very lonely. In other words, guys who have lost the plot and are easily fooled. The pitch on the phone must be so easy to guys like this;

"Lake; Oh, hello, the names lake - just seen your advert on the internet. Aparently you can set up dates for me with Thai women who are looking to marry English guys?"

Dreamweaver: "Thats right. Our speciality. We have aranged dates with 24 English guys this month already. 12 of them are already married. I have the best job in the world, its so rewarding making these dreams come true. When was the last time you came to Thailand Lake?"

Lake: "Never"

Dreamweaver: "You have never been to Thailand? The Thais are so sweet and will happily cater to your every need. Its a culture thing - in Thai culture, the women are expected to cook, clean and generaly doat on the husband every day. They are lovely, affable people not to mention very sexy and accomodating in bed. How old are you Lake? 56? No of course that wont be a problem!! Thai women prefer older, sensible, calmer men. Again, thats a culture thing. Most Thai women are married to older Thai men. Just let me check the books..... we currently have well over 50 Thai women under 25 who are looking for an English man over 50.

lake: "How much do you charge?"

Dreamweaver: 100,000 Thai baht. About £1350."

Lake "Do you take plastic?"

Dreamweaver: "Yep. Pay now?"

Lake: "Yep, ill be over next week"

It would be interesteing to know what the pitch is from the other point ofvfiew. The Thai chicks calling and talking to the Thai staff;

Lek: "Hi. Just seen your advert for English husbands. Is it easy to get hooked up?"

Thai Staff: "Piece of piss. These guys are well easy to reel in. They are mostly a little sad and lonely. My suggestion would be to give it the usual pitch.... Poor fammily, farm girl, 18 hour days in the paddy field etc etc. You know the drill. A few tears may help."

Lek: But do I actualy have to marry them in the UK, or can i do the ceremony here in Thailand? I was thinking maybe the guy could then go home to the Uk and send me money for a while"

Thai staff: "Yep, no worries. As far as they are concerned you will be married. They wont realise you are just going to slaughter a buffalo in Udon and drink a few changs. You can carry on as normal and recieve a little coin each month. Come to our office, we will photo you and record your video. Its free. Tell you what, ill even push you to the front of the pile.... But I want a decent drink out of it if you score. Can you come tommorow?"

Lek: "No sweat. Im dancing tonight till 3am - if i find a little short time, i may not finish till around 11am. Either way i should be there before 3pm.

Thai staff: "We are based just on the edge of town. Do you know how to get here?"

Lek: "Nah, but my boyfriend knows Bangkok pretty well. he's a taxi driver. Ill get him to bring me"



I dont think Ronnie expected it to last much longer. He had been married to Thais several times. Clearly, if a fit enough woman walks into the offices, he bonks her, then marries her, then splits.

This must be one of the easiest business's to set up in LOS.

No shelves to fill or stock to buy. Just wait for the Thai chicks to walk into your 20,000 month rented office, photo and interview with the help of your two Thai staff on 8000 month, upload onto the web site and wait for the lonely ferang to call. Simple.

And thats pretty much it. On you go and sell the dream. What a f_cked up 'proffesion' though. Your ideal demographic and target market is lonely, heartbroken, sad westerners who are socaily awquard and very lonely. In other words, guys who have lost the plot and are easily fooled. The pitch on the phone must be so easy to guys like this;

"Lake; Oh, hello, the names lake - just seen your advert on the internet. Aparently you can set up dates for me with Thai women who are looking to marry English guys?"

Dreamweaver: "Thats right. Our speciality. We have aranged dates with 24 English guys this month already. 12 of them are already married. I have the best job in the world, its so rewarding making these dreams come true. When was the last time you came to Thailand Lake?"

Lake: "Never"

Dreamweaver: "You have never been to Thailand? The Thais are so sweet and will happily cater to your every need. Its a culture thing - in Thai culture, the women are expected to cook, clean and generaly doat on the husband every day. They are lovely, affable people not to mention very sexy and accomodating in bed. How old are you Lake? 56? No of course that wont be a problem!! Thai women prefer older, sensible, calmer men. Again, thats a culture thing. Most Thai women are married to older Thai men. Just let me check the books..... we currently have well over 50 Thai women under 25 who are looking for an English man over 50.

lake: "How much do you charge?"

Dreamweaver: 100,000 Thai baht. About £1350."

Lake "Do you take plastic?"

Dreamweaver: "Yep. Pay now?"

Lake: "Yep, ill be over next week"

It would be interesteing to know what the pitch is from the other point ofvfiew. The Thai chicks calling and talking to the Thai staff;

Lek: "Hi. Just seen your advert for English husbands. Is it easy to get hooked up?"

Thai Staff: "Piece of piss. These guys are well easy to reel in. They are mostly a little sad and lonely. My suggestion would be to give it the usual pitch.... Poor fammily, farm girl, 18 hour days in the paddy field etc etc. You know the drill. A few tears may help."

Lek: But do I actualy have to marry them in the UK, or can i do the ceremony here in Thailand? I was thinking maybe the guy could then go home to the Uk and send me money for a while"

Thai staff: "Yep, no worries. As far as they are concerned you will be married. They wont realise you are just going to slaughter a buffalo in Udon and drink a few changs. You can carry on as normal and recieve a little coin each month. Come to our office, we will photo you and record your video. Its free. Tell you what, ill even push you to the front of the pile.... But I want a decent drink out of it if you score. Can you come tommorow?"

Lek: "No sweat. Im dancing tonight till 3am - if i find a little short time, i may not finish till around 11am. Either way i should be there before 3pm.

Thai staff: "We are based just on the edge of town. Do you know how to get here?"

Lek: "Nah, but my boyfriend knows Bangkok pretty well. he's a taxi driver. Ill get him to bring me"


Why would any woman sleep with a vile scumbag like Ronnie? I will never know. My skin was crawling watching him. When he made the comment about headaches, I thought "you creep". Does he make his wife do things she doesnt want to do? I bet he does. He needs his little dick cut off.

As for Lake, "what a saddo". He deserved all he got along with any other man who goes to Thailand and joins an agency in search of a Thai bride. True love, my ass!!

There is nothing more disgusting seeing a beautiful young woman walking down the street with a coffin dodger. Yuk!!

The last time I was in Thailand I watched a man on the beach, who looked like a 70 year old tramp, being touched up by a stunning young Thai woman. I thought I was going to throw up!! Does these women have no respect for themselves?

Cessnock :D

Why would any woman sleep with a vile scumbag like Ronnie? I will never know. My skin was crawling watching him. When he made the comment about headaches, I thought "you creep". Does he make his wife do things she doesnt want to do? I bet he does. He needs his little dick cut off.

Money is number 1 here. Plus there's two willing participants in this charade. It's not like Ronnie bought her off a slave auction.

As for Lake, "what a saddo". He deserved all he got along with any other man who goes to Thailand and joins an agency in search of a Thai bride. True love, my ass!!
I think it's hilarious. There's plenty of sad sacks who think they are the western stud and buy the "thai men no good" line. It's all just a scam. There are decent thai women out there but I don't expect many of them to be looking for 50+ year old pensioners...at least without an agenda on the books.
There is nothing more disgusting seeing a beautiful young woman walking down the street with a coffin dodger. Yuk!!

I just think of it as the usual sad 3rd world country type of scene.

Does these women have no respect for themselves?

Money number 1. Dignity and self respect 2.


I have to leap to Lakes deffence here Cessnock. The guy is genuine. The whole age/race/beauty thing plays no part in lakes agenda. he does not care if you have 6 arms, 5 legs and an eye in the midle of your forehead. He just wants to be loved,and to take care of someone. He only found himself in Thailand as that was the only advert he saw. Had he seen an advertisment offering love and marraige in the north pole, i suspect he would have been equaly as keen. He is 100% genuine and not in any way seedy.

I mean - having booked the arangment with 'The Dreamweaver' he must have jumped on the web prior to his departure with a google search 'Thai Women'. He must have known that he was in store for some real stunning chicks. But that didnt matter to him. This is backed up by the first chick he takes out for dinner at Cabbages and Condoms..... A little munchkin of a woman with funny hair, zero English and zero pottential for fun, yet he almost declared his love for her after 25 minutes.

I think the guy is funny as hel_l. Like i said, i would love to have a beer with the fella. One of those guys that would have you creesing without even knowing he was funny. For anyone that can be bothered to watch the last You Tube clip, just take a look at his 'how deep is your love' rendition with Louis at the very end. Funny as.

Ronnie - creepy little f_uck. reminds me of the Arctic Monkeys song;

And what a scummy man,

just give him half the chance and he will rob you if he can.

Can see it in his eyes yeh that he''s got a driving ban

Amongst some other offences....

Cos he's a scumbag dont you know.



It was f****** hilarious. I mean, telling a girl you love her over the first date, just one day after you see her first and can't even communicate because she doesn't speak the same language that you do?!

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