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Four separate detonations in Korat near the Sima Thani hotel area did anyone hear it? Does anyone know what the hell that was? I’m guessing maybe engineers at work or something I don’t know


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Four separate detonations in Korat near the Sima Thani hotel area did anyone hear it? Does anyone know what the hell that was? I’m guessing maybe engineers at work or something I don’t know.


This occurred about 20 minutes ago at around 3:15 or 3:20PM local time I just heard 4 separate extremely loud explosions definitely NOT gunshots or fireworks they were 4 separate deliberate detonations sounded like dynamite or something I don’t know but it was definitely a demolition device of some sort. Anyone know what’s going on? Everything appears to be normal outside around our streets but it came from the west and it was definitely very close. I’m thinking about calling the cops and asking/reporting that because that was extremely unusual.


I could even hear debris falling after the last explosion.

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Whatever it was it sounded like at least a half a kilogram or a full kilogram of whatever type of explosives each blast so it was definitely controlled detonations but that’s extremely odd. There are military bases here but there are no ranges around here that I know of and definitely no demolition ranges nearby. So I suspect just engineers at work or something like that at least that’s what it sounded like to me from personal experience. If anyone lives around here and knows what they were blowing up I’m a bit curious. I tried calling the local police box around the corner but no answer and it’s not concerning enough to call the emergency phone number. But at the time it definitely got my attention because I know it was definitely explosives and not gunshots or fireworks.




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I don’t know no one around here seems to know what it was I know it wasn’t the military training because it was definitely very close to my house. I know it was close because I have experience handling explosives and I could hear debris falling down after the last of 4 blasts.


The debris sounded like rocks and gravel and it was definitely pretty nearby to so I’m thinking maybe construction and engineers at work maybe but I have no idea what they could possibly be working on around here this close that would require them to blow holes in anything. It was definitely 4 pretty loud controlled detonations and sounded like a pound of explosives at most per detonation so oh well. That’s just something I haven’t heard in a while got my attention and I could hear everyone else my neighbors talking loudly in their houses shortly after so it got I think the whole neighborhood’s attention as well.


I know I heard what sounded like rocks and gravel falling down after the last explosion which also tells me that it’s probably the engineers doing something.



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2 hours ago, Mel52 said:

Whatever it was it sounded like at least a half a kilogram or a full kilogram of whatever type of explosives each blast so it was definitely controlled detonations but that’s extremely odd. There are military bases here but there are no ranges around here that I know of and definitely no demolition ranges nearby. So I suspect just engineers at work or something like that at least that’s what it sounded like to me from personal experience. If anyone lives around here and knows what they were blowing up I’m a bit curious. I tried calling the local police box around the corner but no answer and it’s not concerning enough to call the emergency phone number. But at the time it definitely got my attention because I know it was definitely explosives and not gunshots or fireworks.




Is half a kilo of TNT louder than a full kilo of gunpowder?

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5 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

Is half a kilo of TNT louder than a full kilo of gunpowder?

A lot louder (although you probably mean dynamite).


"TNT is most commonly assumed to be the same as (or confused for) dynamite, largely due to the ubiquity of both explosives during the 20th century and the civilian practice of preparing dynamite charges in 8x1" "sticks" wrapped in red waxed paper and shaped to fit the cylindrical boreholes drilled in the rock face. This incorrect connection between TNT and dynamite was enhanced by Bugs Bunny cartoons where animators started labeling any kind of cartoon bomb (ranging from sticks of dynamite to kegs of black powder) as "TNT" because the acronym was shorter, more memorable and didn't require literacy to recognize "TNT" meant "bomb" (similar to the use of XXX markings on whiskey bottles and barrels in cartoons). This eventually led to the general perception that TNT and dynamite were one and the same."

Edited by BritManToo
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3 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

Is half a kilo of TNT louder than a full kilo of gunpowder?

Not sure about TNT but C4 (Plastic explosive) gives a pretty good bang as opposed to Gunpowder, and with Plastic you don't need to contain it, just stick a detonator in and away you go ????


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1 minute ago, Golden Triangle said:

Not sure about TNT but C4 (Plastic explosive) gives a pretty good bang as opposed to Gunpowder, and with Plastic you don't need to contain it, just stick a detonator in and away you go ????


Tell that to Guy Fawkes!   LOL

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If it was so near, why don;t you go and take a look?

Yeah actually I did look around and everything was normal that’s why I was wondering if anyone knew what was going on from anyone else who lives around here in Korat. I don’t know maybe they were doing something in the open field by the railroad tracks which is pretty close.

Whatever was happening it was definitely less than 800 meters from my house. It doesn’t matter anymore I was just curious if anyone knew what it was or what was going on.
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Is half a kilo of TNT louder than a full kilo of gunpowder?

It’s hard to explain. I just know exactly what I heard because I used to use explosives in my old job all the time, I was in the military for 21 years. It sounded like TNT or C-4 and it had to be for some kind of construction or engineers doing something because they sounded very carefully controlled one blast about every 10 seconds 4 times. I just know exactly what it sounds like from years of experience. I was just curious if anyone around knew what was going on because I didn’t see anything happening afterwards no sirens nothing and everything outside was business as usual.

It’s just highly unusual to hear charges like that going off so close to home close enough to hear little pieces of debris falling after the last blast which sounded like just rocks and gravel so I’m assuming it was just construction work or some kind of engineering who knows.

It doesn’t really matter now no problems are occurring I was honestly just curious if anyone else living in Korat heard it and knew what was going on is all. It was just a little shock at the moment it happened just because it was definitely close to the house.
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Oh never mind actually my wife’s family was talking about it to my wife earlier and they’re also wondering “what the hell was that” just like I was earlier. Apparently the explosions scared the hell out of my wife’s family this afternoon and they only live 200 meters down the street from us. So I knew it sounded like I thought it did. Just unusual to hear that around the house.




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Was there any sound or sight of emergency vehicles? If not then it was probably

some kind of demolition as you said.


A few years ago a petrol storage tank exploded in Buncefield, Hertfordshire. I was

living in Watford at the time, about 10 miles away. I was woken up by a rumble and 

large boom, which popped up the loft hatch in my bedroom.


I assumed a jet had gone supersonic as the only sound afterwards were all the car alarms

in my street blaring, but bonfire engines or ambulances.

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Was there any sound or sight of emergency vehicles? If not then it was probably
some kind of demolition as you said.
A few years ago a petrol storage tank exploded in Buncefield, Hertfordshire. I was
living in Watford at the time, about 10 miles away. I was woken up by a rumble and 
large boom, which popped up the loft hatch in my bedroom.
I assumed a jet had gone supersonic as the only sound afterwards were all the car alarms
in my street blaring, but bonfire engines or ambulances.

No that’s what I said earlier it was just one of those things I guess doesn’t matter now. And no it definitely was not a sonic boom either it was an explosive charge set off by a professional demolition device. Yes and when I was in the military I almost always at least lived near a military base that at least did that kind of training.
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Was there any sound or sight of emergency vehicles? If not then it was probably
some kind of demolition as you said.
A few years ago a petrol storage tank exploded in Buncefield, Hertfordshire. I was
living in Watford at the time, about 10 miles away. I was woken up by a rumble and 
large boom, which popped up the loft hatch in my bedroom.
I assumed a jet had gone supersonic as the only sound afterwards were all the car alarms
in my street blaring, but bonfire engines or ambulances.

Yes it was just some kind of demolition but really uncomfortably close lol.
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10 hours ago, Mel52 said:

No it’s not like that really it honestly scared the whole neighborhood including me.

How do you know it scared the whole neighbourhood?  Surely if it had then some one would know <deleted> happened???

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Do you have a temple nearby ? it could well have been a cremation, the Thais do have a habit of setting off really loud explosions at cremations. That would be my take.....

That actually occurred to me at first because we do have a temple very close by literally right next door almost and they did recently have a funeral for a lady well known in the local community who died recently she was an older lady who ran a popular market close by our house and everyone knew her including my wife but I don’t think that’s what it was because my wife’s family and our neighbors got a bit scared as well I found out later. I found out later that apparently everyone else was also wondering what it was but today everyone just kind of forgot about it. It’s not a big deal now at the time it was just like “what the hell was that?” But it’s over I’m still a little curious as to what it was.

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How do you know it scared the whole neighbourhood?  Surely if it had then some one would know happened???

Because my wife’s family lives less than 200 meters away on the same street and we know almost everyone on our street and I found out later that it kind of got everyone’s attention and no one seemed to know what was going on. But not a big deal everything’s fine today as it was yesterday afterwards.
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That actually occurred to me at first because we do have a temple very close by literally right next door almost and they did recently have a funeral for a lady well known in the local community who died recently she was an older lady who ran a popular market close by our house and everyone knew her including my wife but I don’t think that’s what it was because my wife’s family and our neighbors got a bit scared as well I found out later. I found out later that apparently everyone else was also wondering what it was but today everyone just kind of forgot about it. It’s not a big deal now at the time it was just like “what the hell was that?” But it’s over I’m still a little curious as to what it was.

Also the cannon or whatever that is they use at funerals I’ve heard it before at the temple around the corner from our house and it’s never as loud as that was yesterday afternoon. I know what I heard yesterday but I don’t know who was doing it or why plus I could even hear debris falling after the last explosion sounded like rocks and gravel so it must have been engineers or something close by.
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On 7/31/2019 at 8:57 AM, Mel52 said:

Also the cannon or whatever that is they use at funerals I’ve heard it before at the temple around the corner from our house and it’s never as loud as that was yesterday afternoon. I know what I heard yesterday but I don’t know who was doing it or why plus I could even hear debris falling after the last explosion sounded like rocks and gravel so it must have been engineers or something close by.

Sounds more like the work of your local redshirts faction to me......showing that everything is normal in Thailand and there is no danger to tourists in Bangkok! ????????

Anyway, no need to repeat the plot anymore, 5 times has been enough! ????

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Sounds more like the work of your local redshirts faction to me......showing that everything is normal in Thailand and there is no danger to tourists in Bangkok! [emoji44]????
Anyway, no need to repeat the plot anymore, 5 times has been enough! [emoji6]

This happened earlier last week in Korat and as far as I know had absolutely nothing to do with the bombs in Bangkok. As far as I know it was a separate event there have been no reports of terrorism here. Although the bombings in Bangkok did happen only two days later so now I am a little more curious about what this particular incident was. I can’t help but speculate and wonder could it have been their rehearsal was it just a coincidence were they up here close by practicing or doing a dry run, I doubt it but weirder things have happened. I’m pretty sure what I heard was just a professional demolition probably conducted by the engineers for some kind of project or something. I used to handle and use explosives all the time in the military so I just kind of know what it sounds like but it was a bit too close to where we live, it sounded like the explosions were less than 800 meters away probably in the open field behind our neighborhood between us and the Sima Thani hotel or maybe it just sounded like it sometimes it’s difficult to tell exactly where it came from but it was definitely very close. But there have been absolutely no reports of terrorism up here I’m sure what happened in Bangkok was a totally separate incident. Although it did peak my curiosity when I heard about the bombs in Bangkok less than 48 hours later I can’t help but wonder because I know exactly what I heard and it was definitely too close.

Anyway I read your post and I see your little smiley face emojis and I hope you understand that there’s nothing funny about any of what happened in Bangkok at all and I seriously doubt what I heard a few days earlier had anything to do with it.
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