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Thoughts on Plan B or maybe Plan C for extension of stay

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Hi all.


I live in Chiang Mai and am getting ready for my 8th retirement extension in December. While all my prior extensions have gone off without a hitch (thanks to my agent - Best Friend Visa), it seems apparent from a large number of posts, the TI office here is one of the most inconsistent and arbitrary offices in the country when dealing with interpreting the extension rules, which is not to say that they all aren't so some degree. In preparation, I have started developing a set of plans to deal with this and future extensions. Any comments with additional considerations or suggestions, other than burying 800k baht in a Thai bank, appreciated. So here is my current thinking on it:


Plan A. When the US stopped doing income letters and TI did the rules about showing 65,000 baht coming into a Thai bank account each month, I finally got around to opening a BKK bank account in March and using Transferwise to transfer funds. So far, all the transfers have come in without a problem and were properly coded as FTT transfers. While other folks have mentioned now they are having some problems with how Transferwise does the transfers with a resulting coding problem, there have also been some comments about dealing with that if it happens. Most of the comments have indicated that due to the police order about having some flexibility on less than 12 months transfer during the first renewal, I think my 9 months of transfers should be fine for this extension. So Plan A is just business as usual. Present all the paperwork through my agent and see if the extension is granted. 


Plan B is doing a trip back to the US to get a fresh retirement visa. This would happen if Plan A doesn't work for some reason. This entails getting a fully refundable ticket so that if Plan A works, I can skip the trip unless I just want to go visit friends. While my current extension expires in December, I always do my renewals in November. I will have plenty of time to decide on the trip back to the US. 


Plan C is more for the long term and will be a consideration even if Plan A or Plan B works. If I end up doing plan B, the new visa will cover me for almost 2 years before I need to do the extension of stay. After that, unless the CM office becomes more consistent - what are the chances for that LOL - I contemplate looking around for a relocation to a province with a more predictable TI office. While I love CM and would hate to leave, Thailand offers many great places that would work as well. 


So, did I miss anything? Any suggestions of possible areas for relocation if that becomes an issue?





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One comment re O-A (retirement visa)..... You could just obtain new O-A every two years, esp if you have good reason to return home for a visits. One good advantage is if using money in bank method, that money can be in usa bank also no requirement with the post levels maintained in account.

Not familiar with process in USA but in AU can be done by mail. 


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2 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

One comment re O-A (retirement visa)..... You could just obtain new O-A every two years, esp if you have good reason to return home for a visits. One good advantage is if using money in bank method, that money can be in usa bank also no requirement with the post levels maintained in account.

Not familiar with process in USA but in AU can be done by mail. 


Same in the US. All done by mail. I agree that getting a new O-A every two years is the best bet. Unfortunately, with our Idiot-in-Chief still in office, I have grown to really hate going back.




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17 minutes ago, Genericnic said:

Same in the US. All done by mail. I agree that getting a new O-A every two years is the best bet. Unfortunately, with our Idiot-in-Chief still in office, I have grown to really hate going back.




The difficulty of going back every two years is you need to maintain a state presence to obtain a state issued police report... One should just need a current state drivers license to request a police report but without a drivers license these can be difficult to obtain...


Then you need to hunt down a doctor that is versed in Tuberculosis, Leprosy,  Elephantitus & 3rd Stage Syphilis and willing to sign a medical certificate without a $1,000 worth of tests... :coffee1:



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11 minutes ago, sfokevin said:

The difficulty of going back every two years is you need to maintain a state presence to obtain a state issued police report... One should just need a current state drivers license to request a police report but without a drivers license these can be difficult to obtain...


Then you need to hunt down a doctor that is versed in Tuberculosis, Leprosy,  Elephantitus & 3rd Stage Syphilis and willing to sign a medical certificate without a $1,000 worth of tests... :coffee1:



For most folks that is a problem. Luckily, I am able to maintain a local address and just renewed my driver license when I was there last year so I am covered for a few more years. As for the medical, my state insurance covers me in retirement but it if didn't I would just hit a doc-in-the-box. They are pretty flexible and would most likely run about US$100. Just to make their job easier, I would bring a stamped med cert from Thailand addressing the diseases and explain to them that you need a US cert because the Thai Embassy won't take a Thai cert. That should make them laugh. ????




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Plan B is certainly something you can do but it comes at a $$ cost. Particularly if you are returning solely or primarily to get a new O-A visa. There are the travel costs and the costs of maintaining a presence in the US. 


Plan C - of course you can move but if you like where you are and you are only moving to find a friendly TI office then that seems a little Quixote and comes at maybe an emotional cost.


Plan D, and you don’t want to hear this, 800,000 baht in a Thai bank. Apparently that comes at some sort of cost to you too.


Time to make a spreadsheet, tally up the costs, and decide the kind of life you want here. You’ve already made an 8 year investment. Congratulations. I’m only going into year 3 myself. Probably Plan will work out. Good luck.

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My extension is due in November also.  Like the OP I used the Embassy letter(I am a Brit).


Due to unforseen problems with my ex-partner my transfers haven't always been up to 65,000 monthly level.  sometimes more sometimes less.  Overall I will achieve the 800,000 by the end of October.


Sorry about pre-amble but I went to see an agent this week and because of the leniency advice for this year only I will not have a problem.


But that's here in Phuket and I have read about different offices having a different approach.


Good luck

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18 minutes ago, Puchaiyank said:

The very fact that you feel you must start planning your visa extension and alternative plans 4 months in advance tells you everything you need to know about the Thai longterm visa process...????

Longer than that in my case and I guess many others, not what you need for peace of mind at  3 score and 10 plus.


Due early next month and have plans A,B & C in play with panic as plan D

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38 minutes ago, Puchaiyank said:

The very fact that you feel you must start planning your visa extension and alternative plans 4 months in advance tells you everything you need to know about the Thai longterm visa process...????

True. But I would rather plan than be surprised. After 30 years of being a lawyer, I tend to do planning as a matter of habit. The difference is that, unlike many of my clients, I actually follow my own advice. ????




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