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It seems like the electricity bill has been taken care of - at least it has been removed from its box ... Well, all jokings and irrelevant side effected issues - such as where to get decent pizza ovens and Marmite - aside ... The whole True Blue Story (assumed TV-posts have any resemblance with reality) most of all looks like a farlang adventurer's worst nightmare come true (blue). Below is what I see as a possible real-life realistic reply to the title of this thread: "True Blue, What REALLY happened?"

First off all: I REALLY don't know what happened - To me True Blue never was anything but a pest that spammed me with their eye level canopy whenever I walked by - I've never even been inside (due to the personal pest their canopy constituted).

However, here's my guess on what might have happened: Some farlang guy, married to a Thai, bought himself the business called True Blue. He got himself a yearly extendable visa of the married-to-a-Thai kind (who knows, - he might even have bothered to get a work permit). The business was doing reasonably well - at least well enough to call for a refurnishing and well enough to hire a Thai manager.

Everything was perfectly lined up for a perfect, lifelong, dreamfullfilling life in Thailand .... All basic requirements puth forth by immigration office (and maybe even labour dep.) were perfectly arranged to be met ... Then the wife was killed in a car accident --- and the farlang's perfectly set'ed up lifesituation was reduced to zip ... And he himself - devastated by his loss of loved one - was an easy victim of predators ...

Think you must have banged your head a bit hard on that canopy mate. How long have you been in Chiang Mai ? Two weeks ?

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It seems like the electricity bill has been taken care of - at least it has been removed from its box ... Well, all jokings and irrelevant side effected issues - such as where to get decent pizza ovens and Marmite - aside ... The whole True Blue Story (assumed TV-posts have any resemblance with reality) most of all looks like a farlang adventurer's worst nightmare come true (blue). Below is what I see as a possible real-life realistic reply to the title of this thread: "True Blue, What REALLY happened?"

First off all: I REALLY don't know what happened - To me True Blue never was anything but a pest that spammed me with their eye level canopy whenever I walked by - I've never even been inside (due to the personal pest their canopy constituted).

However, here's my guess on what might have happened: Some farlang guy, married to a Thai, bought himself the business called True Blue. He got himself a yearly extendable visa of the married-to-a-Thai kind (who knows, - he might even have bothered to get a work permit). The business was doing reasonably well - at least well enough to call for a refurnishing and well enough to hire a Thai manager.

Everything was perfectly lined up for a perfect, lifelong, dreamfullfilling life in Thailand .... All basic requirements puth forth by immigration office (and maybe even labour dep.) were perfectly arranged to be met ... Then the wife was killed in a car accident --- and the farlang's perfectly set'ed up lifesituation was reduced to zip ... And he himself - devastated by his loss of loved one - was an easy victim of predators ...

What's a farlang?

I reckon you guessed wrong on all accounts there CS.

BTW I'm 6' 4" tall and still walk unstooped, I have never had a problem walking past True Blue.

Blinky is correct and you are totally wrong and speculating on something you don't have a clue about - well, don't. I've known the 'owners' (one is a close friend of mine for 14 years) since it opened (used to be Dominos before that). The canopy wasn't a problem, the street vendors parking on the side walk was. Out of respect for my friend and his recent tragedy, the details are not going to be discussed here in public.


I still get the feeling that some people are referring to "David" [not West] and his brother as owner.....

It is my understanding that this David and his Brother Morris...... have not had an interest in several years....

Even before David and Morris there was an owner named David West..... this was the time when it was called "Domino"

It is further my understanding that the most recent owner was one John W. , a Scotsman.....

I also think that the most recent troubles at True Blue happened to him, but if one is referring to tragedy that befell the owner, they may be referring to the previous owner loosing his wife, and that I think was David , of David and Morris.....

Now don't forget to tune in tomorrow for the further adventures of who's Who and Whats the True in Blue got anything to do with the truth ????

I still get the feeling that some people are referring to "David" [not West] and his brother as owner.....

It is my understanding that this David and his Brother Morris...... have not had an interest in several years....

Even before David and Morris there was an owner named David West..... this was the time when it was called "Domino"

It is further my understanding that the most recent owner was one John W. , a Scotsman.....

I also think that the most recent troubles at True Blue happened to him, but if one is referring to tragedy that befell the owner, they may be referring to the previous owner loosing his wife, and that I think was David , of David and Morris.....

Now don't forget to tune in tomorrow for the further adventures of who's Who and Whats the True in Blue got anything to do with the truth ????

Correct Gonzo, you got the timeline perfect. Didn't know the owner of Dominos was also called David, can see why the confusion.

I still get the feeling that some people are referring to "David" [not West] and his brother as owner.....

It is my understanding that this David and his Brother Morris...... have not had an interest in several years....

Even before David and Morris there was an owner named David West..... this was the time when it was called "Domino"

It is further my understanding that the most recent owner was one John W. , a Scotsman.....

I also think that the most recent troubles at True Blue happened to him, but if one is referring to tragedy that befell the owner, they may be referring to the previous owner loosing his wife, and that I think was David , of David and Morris.....

Now don't forget to tune in tomorrow for the further adventures of who's Who and Whats the True in Blue got anything to do with the truth ????

Thankyou for sorting this out - I was having a conversation with AussieThaid on an unrelated subject (AFL Football) but referred back to True Blue (live telecasts) and he was talking about David and Morris and I was talking about the Scottish guy who I thought was also called David. It was getting confusing as to who and what did what with whom.

My concern is that a lot of people have been unknowingly bagging David (of David and Morris) in error. In reading back over this thread there have been a few things written that are well on course for David to take legal action for libel.


unpaid debts! mafia! Thai manager selling everything!

I know who Scottish John is, although not a mate, I'm a bit worried that something may have happened to him. He's a fellow farang trying to get by here and deserves a little bit of support from his kin.

Does anyone know if he's safe?

unpaid debts! mafia! Thai manager selling everything!

I know who Scottish John is, although not a mate, I'm a bit worried that something may have happened to him. He's a fellow farang trying to get by here and deserves a little bit of support from his kin.

Does anyone know if he's safe?

While most of what you wrote above has some threads to the truth, I would probably say that John is away [out of the country] as his own decision and alive and well..... I have been told that he is attending to family, whose health is not the best.....


Just a short message to let those who have expressed concern that I am well and currently back in Scotland. There is only two people who can say "What really happened at True Blue"! I am one and the other is EAK (and his cronies ) the ex Manager.

I had to return home very urgently for personal reasons (and not a dead Thia wife or a mafia run out!) and as I have done in the past when going on holiday prepared the books & cash etc for the manager to take over. All H**l broke loose as I discovered that the bills for the utilities and non cash on delivery bills had been faked and accounts ripped off, nor to mention as it now transpires my car and a "mafia loan" that had nothing to do with me. The saga of the electricity bill is weird. It appears to have been paid three times yet the elec coy won't admit it even though I was there with one of my staff for one of the payments!! Lesson pay by bank. I still had to go home for what I thought was only a few days and could sort it out on my return having borrowed electricity from the bar beer c next door. Unfortunately I will not be able to return for some time.

Within only a few days the vultures were in full flight overhead TB and even the landlord decided to join in by taking back the property even though the building was occupied and the rent had (and still has) been paid till mid August. He has now stated that it will never be rented out as a bar/restaurant again. Hence everything having to be sold bit by bit.

May be the comments re banks etc are not far off the mark.

In finishing may I say Thank you to those who contacted me direct and a special thanks to Kevin (Red Lion) for all your help acting for me back in CM and for looking after BOY and FREDDY, to David (ex Good Morning CM) and John (Pom Pui) for trying to find jobs for the staff and a big thank you to BOY and FREDDY for the hard work you have done in selling every thing and cleaning the place up before handover to the Landlord.

To the vultures I hope you enjoyed your pound of flesh

To those who made comments that I owe the staff money, please ask them yourself not third/fourth hand. To the best of my knowledge I owe no money to anyone, in fact I am owed money. If anyone thinks I owe them money please post your claim here with PROOF.

Just to refute some things: Staff wages had been falsified so some staff (F&B)were owed money as I left. Kevin H at RL fixed that and many other things TA

I never had a Thai wife either dead or alive

I did and do have a work permit

the rent was never 5 months in arrears - it could not as it is paid one year in advance (mid Aug) so they owe me

I had no known dealing with the Maffia, although it seems I did sign one of their documents thinking it was to do with my car.

And last of all to the sicko who claims I have a dead Thai wife (and no WP) go get a life and get your head back down from being either in the clouds or up you're a**e

John Whiting


Good on you John. I look forward to your return, your Oz breakfast, our mid afternoon chats when we solved all the world's problems. I know that you’ll bounce back.


A quick apology. In my last post I thanked some people by name for helping me out. Some of my (ex) staff have pointed out to me that they were given a lot of help, especially from ex customers, and to those un-named persons you also have the thanks of myself and the staff you helped.

I would also like to thank all those who have posted or sent me messages of support.

I hope to see you all in the not too distant future.

John Whiting


  • 2 weeks later...

The insides have been COMPLETELY ripped out - nothing but bare cement left. The word is that another Queen Victoria Inn will be in that spot and that they have paid cash up front for the next 3 years rent. :o

The insides have been COMPLETELY ripped out - nothing but bare cement left. The word is that another Queen Victoria Inn will be in that spot and that they have paid cash up front for the next 3 years rent. :o

Are these guys related to Mike? They seem to be spreading across town like wild fire

Good luck to them, hope they do well


I dare say that the David of the Duke's could have turned it into a GOLDMINE, however, he is hard at work on his Night Bazaar location right now, so it will have to wait! :o

Perfect location for a bookshop / pizzeria ....Could be a winner with the right "attitude".. :D

..I am surprised THE DUKE does not own half of Chiang Mai by now :D

I mean he has been here over a year...why the hesitation ???? Only ONE new location???

He obviously shares that "Midas Touch" with UG....lordy lardy I wish I had it :D

The "duke" has been in Chiangmai for 13-14 years if it's been a day.....

I dare say that the David of the Duke's could have turned it into a GOLDMINE, however, he is hard at work on his Night Bazaar location right now, so it will have to wait! :o

Perfect location for a bookshop / pizzeria ....Could be a winner with the right "attitude".. :D

..I am surprised THE DUKE does not own half of Chiang Mai by now :D

I mean he has been here over a year...why the hesitation ???? Only ONE new location???

He obviously shares that "Midas Touch" with UG....lordy lardy I wish I had it :D

The "duke" has been in Chiangmai for 13-14 years if it's been a day.....

Actually, he came to Chiang Mai back then and opened the America Restaurant and sold it within a year or two, then he went back to San Diego and owned and operated a bunch of restaurants there until he came back to Chiang Mai about 2 years ago. :D

Actually, he came to Chiang Mai back then and opened the America Restaurant and sold it within a year or two, then he went back to San Diego and owned and operated a bunch of restaurants there until he came back to Chiang Mai about 2 years ago. :o

Whatever happened to David's partner Willie from the America?

I dare say that the David of the Duke's could have turned it into a GOLDMINE, however, he is hard at work on his Night Bazaar location right now, so it will have to wait! :o

Perfect location for a bookshop / pizzeria ....Could be a winner with the right "attitude".. :D

..I am surprised THE DUKE does not own half of Chiang Mai by now :D

I mean he has been here over a year...why the hesitation ???? Only ONE new location???

He obviously shares that "Midas Touch" with UG....lordy lardy I wish I had it :D

The "duke" has been in Chiangmai for 13-14 years if it's been a day.....

Actually, he came to Chiang Mai back then and opened the America Restaurant and sold it within a year or two, then he went back to San Diego and owned and operated a bunch of restaurants there until he came back to Chiang Mai about 2 years ago. :D

Won't argue with you on this UG but I had a few meals at the America in the fairly early 90's and I did think that he was here longer in the intervening period.

As for what is known as True Blue "formerly Domino Bar" which was in the hands of Martin and David West. Martin unfortunately died (the good ones inevitably do) and as everyone is sure to know Morris (or Maurice) at some time took it over. Brother David had the bar at the back. (was it "up to you")

Whether it was Morris's or David's wife who died in Oz my sympathy to the husband.

Of the two David was the gentleman, and I won't bother to comment on Morris. "it's been said before"

It does seem though, that anyone associated with "the property" has had some bad karma brought upon then at one time or another.

If Ian (Queen Vic) is moving in I wish him all the best, but I have serious reservations about the place for a restaurant of the Queen Vic's standard. Chiangmai is getting worse by the week to find a park and in the area of "the property" (Domino/True Blue) it is close to being impossible.

My commiserations "scottish john" but it just confims that if you turn your back / take a vacation, that you do so at your peril. I appreciate that you had little choice and I am sorry as to the outcome.

He obviously shares that "Midas Touch" with UG....lordy lardy I wish I had it :D

I think that it is more of don't tread on me kind of thing. My competitors all ganged up on me and tried to put me out of business when I first started.

All I wanted was to be left alone to run my little book store and make enough just to pay the bills, but at night the sneaky little creeps would dump garbage in front of the shop, spray-paint and steal my stuff, rip down my advertising, bash up the front of the store, send me anonomous e-mail threats and then, on top of that, they moved in next door to me and across the street and in front of Darret's which I was behind. Meanwhile, the rest of Chiang Mai had no bookshops.

I felt like the business had to get bigger and better fast to keep from being swallowed, so I opened another shop and it was successful and then I opened another one and that worked and then it turned into a habbit.

Now all they do is whine and cry about how they are making no money and how its all my fault and I'm working on opening shop number five and I still haven't forgotten what they did when the shoe was on the other foot.

What goes around, comes around! :o

I felt like the business had to get bigger and better fast to keep from being swallowed, so I opened another shop and it was successful and then I opened another one and that worked and then it turned into a habbit.

I heard tell you are opening a new one in Loi Kroh next to CM Saloon - is this correct (hope so)



This is affirmative.

I have wanted to open in this area for quite a while, but getting a decent-sized place for a decent rent is a b*tch.

I got really lucky because 7-11 wanted that spot, but the landlord wanted Ron to be happy with the new tenant, so he picked me instead of 7-11 and lowered the rent on top of that! :o

Won't argue with you on this UG but I had a few meals at the America in the fairly early 90's and I did think that he was here longer in the intervening period.

This is not something that I want to argue about either, but I ate at the Duke's last night and asked Dave's wife how long they were in Chiang Mai when they had The America Restaurant and she said, "about 2 years", which sounds right to me.

About Willy, the last anyone heard he was in Mexico and doing pretty well. I thought that he was a great guy (as long as he stayed away from certain temptations) and would love to see him again. :o

This is affirmative.

I have wanted to open in this area for quite a while, but getting a decent-sized place for a decent rent is a b*tch.

I got really lucky because 7-11 wanted that spot, but the landlord wanted Ron to be happy with the new tenant, so he picked me instead of 7-11 and lowered the rent on top of that! :o

This could be an all round good thing.

You like to eat - so can visit Ron's next door

Ron can read - ummm I think he can read :D

I just know Ron is going to get me for that one


We also have a lot of the same type of customers. The businesses should compliment each other really. :o

Yes you are very complementary people - why just the other week I heard Ron offer to help someone leave his premises :D

Ok in all seriousness - I think the move is a good one and I wish both of you good fortune. He had a lot of problems with the previous tenant so it would make his life a lot easier. Maybe you guys could do a Rimping, where every Rimping has a S&P bakery next door - Ron and UG, a marriage made in heaven.


We also have a lot of the same type of customers. The businesses should compliment each other really. :D

Yes you are very complementary people - why just the other week I heard Ron offer to help someone leave his premises :D


I guess you have seen me in action! :o

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