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Thai Visa / St. Patricks Day Party At Tropical Berts


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Great night, greatest ribs I've ever eaten-only ribs I've ever liked enough to eat. It was great to meet and talk with other members and thanks Bert 2 awards and a t-shirt! Think I'll aim for just the t-shirt next time though. Big big thanks to all involved in organising. Job well done!

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Well, we did a round trip of 1,100 kms to be there. And it was worth it. At last I got my hands on a free T-shirt after buying 44 for my staff.The only gripe I've got is the members that said they were coming and didn't. TV members were turned away cause they were not on the list, and it was full. I can just imagine driving down from Sulin to surprise you all, and being told I haven't registered.

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No one WHO REGISTERED before the cutoff was turned away. The prospective attendance list was capped at 90 due to preparation of food and space limitations at Berts. The thread was closed 3 days before the event and name tags were generated for those registered, food was prepared and seating arrangements were made.

Had we entertained "walk-ins", 10 pre-registered members would not have had a place to sit. We had some members with computer problems, some who joined Thai Visa the day of the party and showed up that night as well a few who came with the intention of joining Thai Visa "after the party".

Hope this clarifies any misconceptions.

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Our party was advertised on Balsa Dork.com, asking their members to join TV for a free drink. I think it is understandable that we had to pull the plug at a certain point...genuine TV members were allowed in without problem!

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Sorry..........I didn't mean to critisise, just plug any gaps that might occur at the next one. I run three or four such dos over the year, and people who register to come and then not turn up without reason is a big problem. One way is to have a reserve system, so that when it is full, and people do not turn up, there is a place for people who forgot to book.

Still, if my wife can drive me 550 KM's to attend, then back the next day, I'm sure some of the local bookers could have put in a bit more effort. And I didn't know until I arrived that it was a completely free do. In fact I didn't even know that you had to register. I just posted on the page when it opened, then never looked at it again.

All in all though, it was a great do. A big bollicking to Buckwheat though, for making better ribs than he did at my place a couple of weeks ago.

And of course it was great to meet a few more new and old members. I have now met over 300 TV members. Two more dates to remember for those of you who'd like to travel up to Isaan for the same thing.

May 19th......................Khun F*T G*T's Birthday

Sept 1st ......................3rd anniversary of the New F.C.

It's funny how that's worked out. Both dates fall on a Saturday.

Meet you all again later.

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I'll take this opportunity of thanking Bukkwitt sincerely for the most wonderful ribs.

Cheers mate.

So the secrets out............................................York(y)ie dispatched me to Pattaya to steal a plateful of ribs. :D :D :o

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Many, belated, thanks to George and Buckwheat and also a big :o to Tropical Bert and his staff for a great night.

If any of you guys ever make it down to KL drop me a line and we'll meet up for a beers. I'm afraid KL can't match the quality of the food but we can knock something up someplace and the Tiger beers are cold.

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Please post what you think of the pissup at Tropical Berts last night, so that we can do better next time.

We had a total of 58 members meeting, greeting and eating.

Great to meet everyone last night.....lets do it again!


I am still incapable of wraping my pork and beer addled brain around the pissup at Tropical Bert's.

First must come thanks, Buckwheat and Bazmbl for the cooking chores (yes the results were fantastic), the nice lady for 'aluminium' pans, George and Pataya Fox for their sponsorship, (and George for being such a gentleman to find his way to most everyone, even us, for a chat), Bert for his use of his great place and inner Bertness, Rdrockit for his often thankless gate keeper task and the fine chat, pepsi666 and Ann for sharing time, table and conversation, Bob 4 you for taking time to chat with a couple of Maui (by way of Texas and California) folks and the info re Volunteering (Bob I got your shirt, didn't see ya at the table), and Britmaveric for missing my shoes, twice.

I owe a further node to something I thought heretofor, impossible. Great, I mean GREAT ribs, kissed by propane. Buckwheat I am sure that the site of my pork grease covered beard with the smiling beer hole in the middle had already told you this, but words were needed.

My better half, Indian name Runs with Scissors, burps loudly with another rib repeater, mutters great, and returns to snoring.

Again Thanks

Hello gang,

I have recently discovered that I may have misnamed the TV pissup gent suffering mightily from drink as Britmaveric. I asked who had been the gentleman hurling in the loo and whether he needed help and got Britmaveric's name in response. However Britmaveric is apparently a much younger man. So as it looks like I was in error and the misnamed gentleman will remain a mystery and my apologies to Britmaveric.


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Hello gang,

I have recently discovered that I may have misnamed the TV pissup gent suffering mightily from drink as Britmaveric. I asked who had been the gentleman hurling in the loo and whether he needed help and got Britmaveric's name in response. However Britmaveric is apparently a much younger man. So as it looks like I was in error and the misnamed gentleman will remain a mystery and my apologies to Britmaveric.


Sooooooooooooo, York(y)ie was there.

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A big thanks to George for making the pissup possible. It was fun, unfortunately I was possessed by the evil chang monster and well all of a sudden a switch flipped and I can't remember fk all. :o A big thank you to whoever got me back to my hotel and to my missus because again I don't recall leaving Berts. :D

Good pissup and hope to meet more members in the future!!!!

Britmaveric "former Chang drinker" :D

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A big thanks to George for making the pissup possible. It was fun, unfortunately I was possessed by the evil chang monster and well all of a sudden a switch flipped and I can't remember fk all. :o A big thank you to whoever got me back to my hotel and to my missus because again I don't recall leaving Berts. :D

Good pissup and hope to meet more members in the future!!!!

Britmaveric "former Chang drinker" :D

Blimey Brit, I was getting worried about you, all sorts of stories have been leaking out, the BSB have been trying to hush them up and all sorts....

Two week hangover, now that is some party :D

Good Luck


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A big thanks to George for making the pissup possible. It was fun, unfortunately I was possessed by the evil chang monster and well all of a sudden a switch flipped and I can't remember fk all. :D A big thank you to whoever got me back to my hotel and to my missus because again I don't recall leaving Berts. :D

Good pissup and hope to meet more members in the future!!!!

Britmaveric "former Chang drinker" :D

that you need more than a week to post again does not surprise me... :o

nice meeting you, this is raro, in case you recall me! :D

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A big thanks to George for making the pissup possible. It was fun, unfortunately I was possessed by the evil chang monster and well all of a sudden a switch flipped and I can't remember fk all. :o A big thank you to whoever got me back to my hotel and to my missus because again I don't recall leaving Berts. :D

Good pissup and hope to meet more members in the future!!!!

Britmaveric "former Chang drinker" :D

Glad to hear from you again brit.......and dont worry about That night as we are all sworn to secrecy :D

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Right - chatted with Bert week or so later when went for meal there with the gf - luckily no photos of evil chang monster and his behaviour were captured. :o

you might be in for a shock brit, i seem to remember a certain person taking a few photos of you in an uncompromising position!!!!!


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Right - chatted with Bert week or so later when went for meal there with the gf - luckily no photos of evil chang monster and his behaviour were captured. :o

you might be in for a shock brit, i seem to remember a certain person taking a few photos of you in an uncompromising position!!!!!


:D Oh well not alot I can do about it, apart from laff at me self. :D

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Right - chatted with Bert week or so later when went for meal there with the gf - luckily no photos of evil chang monster and his behaviour were captured. :D

you might be in for a shock brit, i seem to remember a certain person taking a few photos of you in an uncompromising position!!!!!


...and not only you..... :o

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Right - chatted with Bert week or so later when went for meal there with the gf - luckily no photos of evil chang monster and his behaviour were captured. :D

you might be in for a shock brit, i seem to remember a certain person taking a few photos of you in an uncompromising position!!!!!


...and not only you..... :o

And who was the one taking the photos i wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Right - chatted with Bert week or so later when went for meal there with the gf - luckily no photos of evil chang monster and his behaviour were captured. :D

you might be in for a shock brit, i seem to remember a certain person taking a few photos of you in an uncompromising position!!!!!


...and not only you..... :o

And who was the one taking the photos i wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I consider this a capital investment.... :D

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Right - chatted with Bert week or so later when went for meal there with the gf - luckily no photos of evil chang monster and his behaviour were captured. :D

you might be in for a shock brit, i seem to remember a certain person taking a few photos of you in an uncompromising position!!!!!


...and not only you..... :o

And who was the one taking the photos i wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I consider this a capital investment.... :D

for an investment to be worthwhile, you actually have to have a chance to spend it!!!!!!!

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