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Pandas At Chiang Mai Zoo


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I think they may be there in December as they will be trying to breed them again. They have been separated for now because they were becoming to much like mates and not doing the nasty.. My son went the other day and said they were both sound asleep, so he thought it a waste of time.. The double pricing always holds me back right until the end.. sad but true..

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Paying twice for seeing pandas ? No Way ! And then even one more time to enter that zoo? Uh-uh. Worst zoo ever. First time I managed to spy some orangutans and some monkeys, but that was about it after HOURS of walking aruond that spread-out zoo. The aquarium which I really wanted to see, closed n under repairs -2003. Told myself never to go back.

But some friends were in town and wanted to go with the whole gaggle of Thai kids from the neighborhood. Again, I tried walking it in a group, nothing exciting. Are there elephants ? tigers ? camels ? zebras ? Where do they hide them. Always just little depressing displays of small animals, animals hiding, or animals just not there. Where are the maps to the zoo that you can understand ? Swore never to go again -2004.

Then went on a double date despite my protests. Maybe things had improved right ? Now with Pandas and more media attention, it must've gotten better. Not! TO my relief I rode the tram around instead of trying to hoof it miles this way n that to find nothing but closed exhibits. I can't even remember what I saw. Nothing remarkable at all. Nothing. That confirmed it 100% never ever gonna go back. My pledge forever n ever 2005.

And proud to say I've stayed away ever since.

Anybody else the same experiences ? All I can say is that in zoos back home, there are big signs that lead you right to where the animals are. Maps too. And then the animals are actually there. I can still remember great views of animals at LA Zoo. SD Wild Animal Park is vast, but they have ways for you to get around, and again you SEE the animals. And you see all of them for one flat price, hello !? YOu charge me once, I get to see everything. Don't charge me for things I can't ever find, and then ask for more to see pandas that are apparently the only animals confirmed to be at the dang zoo in the first place.

And oh yeah 2004, 2005 Aquariums still closed n under repairs. Think I did see one hot penguin in a smelly glass enclosure. The kind of display that makes you feel sorry for the animals.

CM ZOO = Worst Zoo Ever.

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Paying twice for seeing pandas ? No Way ! And then even one more time to enter that zoo? Uh-uh. Worst zoo ever. First time I managed to spy some orangutans and some monkeys, but that was about it after HOURS of walking aruond that spread-out zoo. The aquarium which I really wanted to see, closed n under repairs -2003. Told myself never to go back.

But some friends were in town and wanted to go with the whole gaggle of Thai kids from the neighborhood. Again, I tried walking it in a group, nothing exciting. Are there elephants ? tigers ? camels ? zebras ? Where do they hide them. Always just little depressing displays of small animals, animals hiding, or animals just not there. Where are the maps to the zoo that you can understand ? Swore never to go again -2004.

Then went on a double date despite my protests. Maybe things had improved right ? Now with Pandas and more media attention, it must've gotten better. Not! TO my relief I rode the tram around instead of trying to hoof it miles this way n that to find nothing but closed exhibits. I can't even remember what I saw. Nothing remarkable at all. Nothing. That confirmed it 100% never ever gonna go back. My pledge forever n ever 2005.

And proud to say I've stayed away ever since.

Anybody else the same experiences ? All I can say is that in zoos back home, there are big signs that lead you right to where the animals are. Maps too. And then the animals are actually there. I can still remember great views of animals at LA Zoo. SD Wild Animal Park is vast, but they have ways for you to get around, and again you SEE the animals. And you see all of them for one flat price, hello !? YOu charge me once, I get to see everything. Don't charge me for things I can't ever find, and then ask for more to see pandas that are apparently the only animals confirmed to be at the dang zoo in the first place.

And oh yeah 2004, 2005 Aquariums still closed n under repairs. Think I did see one hot penguin in a smelly glass enclosure. The kind of display that makes you feel sorry for the animals.

CM ZOO = Worst Zoo Ever.

Besides that, did you enjoy your time at CM zoo?

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At the risk of sounding like a fuzzy-minded tree hugger, I never could understand the appeal of looking at captive animals. Maybe for little kids, or parents with little kids, OK. It is just sad. You want to see wild animals, take a walk in the jungle, or go scuba diving. Oh, but that would involve risk, and a bit of effort, and some special skills...just my 2 cents worth.

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Enjoy my time ? You're making a joke right Meadish ? I just thought it a ripoff, and waste of time. What we call in the US 'a wild goose chase' - endlessly searching for things that will never be found.

I do enjoy my time on a bike ride up to Samoeng - plenty of trees, flowers, fresh air, chickens, farms to see. Good time.

I also enjoy the elephant and buffalo camps around town - you just have to go as an individual, and not as part of a standard tour and you get to get up-close and really visit with the animals. Their settings are quite nice too.

There's also goig up towards the Royal Project to look over the lake and down at the city. Or to Doi Suthep for that matter. Enjoy those too, every time.

But the zoo ? Big fat 'No.' Have heard similar from other Falang in town. If they had some better management, who listened - or even gathered feedback -that place could be made a popular attraction quite easily I think. But until then.....

ok one other thought - have yet to make it to night safari. Heve heard mixed reviews and skepticism about it too. Any opinions out there on whether it's worth the time n money ? Do kids at least enjoy it ?

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You're making a joke right Meadish ?

I was. :o

The Night Safari is newer and therefore in a better shape, that's about all the good things I have to say about it. In all other respects, it is no better, I thought. It is also a fair amount more expensive. I always recommend CM Zoo over the Night Safari if people ask me.

I think you may have had some bad luck. I fully agree the panda deal is a scam too.

But the rest of it hasn't been that bad when I have been there. Also, the long bird watching walkway in the ravine is one of the nicer aspects of a zoo I have ever encountered. Did you miss that?

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After some complicated googling (wrong spelling Chieng Mai instead of Chiang Mai) I found a photo album of the pandas on primus-international.com and after seeing these pictures I must absolutely see the real live pandas, cost it what it may. In the photos they look like stuffed toys.



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After some complicated googling (wrong spelling Chieng Mai instead of Chiang Mai) I found a photo album of the pandas on primus-international.com and after seeing these pictures I must absolutely see the real live pandas, cost it what it may. In the photos they look like stuffed toys.



I think the ones in the CM zoo are really stuffed toys - we have gone there three (3) times in 12 months! and I am sure they haven't moved at all. I think it is the reason why you only have such a short viewing time before being shunted out to let the next group in.

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After some complicated googling (wrong spelling Chieng Mai instead of Chiang Mai) I found a photo album of the pandas on primus-international.com and after seeing these pictures I must absolutely see the real live pandas, cost it what it may. In the photos they look like stuffed toys.



I assure you the experience is anything but sublime. You'll first be in a long queue to buy the additional ticket (as the regular zoo ticket is not enough) and then be herded into the atrium with a huge group of other people who either do not comprehend, or refuse to heed, the requests for silence to not disturb the pandas. So you'll have chattering all around. (Although this can be a good thing, you may not have to go watch the maqaques later).

Meanwhile, the pandas will be firmly planted in the same place. If you're lucky, they may chew some bamboo 'for your viewing pleasure'. Then you will be herded out again.

Have a beer with these guys instead:


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I was at the CM Zoo not so long ago. I agree with some other people here that the place is a tad run down and could do with a revamp.

There used to be three pandas, but sadly, that is not the case anymore.

In the recent haze and frenzy of pollution, political unrest, murders and general mayhem, the pandas decided that CM wasn't for them.

The first one to leave was called Bento. Bento ran off with a Spanish dance troup while they were passing through CM doing occasional gigs in lonely bars for bored expat alcoholics. It is thought that he is doing well in now, juggling tortoises in his clipped paws on the Costa Del Sol.

The second to leave was called Jun Jo. Jun Jo escaped in the middle of night and stole a Harley from an old man on Tha Pae Gate. There was a short fracas but the panda managed to over come the shaken Swede by offering him a week's accomodation in his 'beautiful' time share apartment in Samui. It is thought that overcome by this kindness the Swede ran into the nearest bar and ranng the bell. The Panda took off into the night. The Swede is now bankrupt and is considering jumping out of his 7th floor condo.

Lastly, the panda we all love to hate, Humpo. Humpo had tried long and hard to spead his seed with a number of gorgeous female pandas that were brought from a shop in Mae Sai. Unfortunately his enthusiasm didn't mirror his performance; every time it came down to the nitty gritty, he just could get it up. One night while doing a double shift (some say out of contrition for his sexual failings) at the night safari, he met a nice bloke from south east Landan who was a purveyer of an even nicer drug called Viagra. The eloquent londoner extolled the virtues of V to the panda the whole night long, and it was during his sultry delineation that they fell in love. Humpo sprang from his cage and the closet, and they both took the first cheap Air Asia flight to Bangkok. After two weeks discovering themselves down Nana Plaza with threesomes, foursomes, gadgets, midgets and violence, the two moved back to Lewisham, where Humpo sells donner kebabs on the high street and his partner is currently coming to terms with what a big mistaker he has made bringing his Thai/Chinese lover back to the dank and gloomy capital.

I hope this helps.

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