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On 9/3/2019 at 10:34 PM, Peterw42 said:

I have heard some whoppers in my time but an extension was refused because the Chinese landlord didnt have a work permit, has to win some sort of award.

Even if it was a requirement how in hell would immigration know if someone that doesnt even live in Thailand has a WP. How would they even know the landlords nationality. There is no requirement to even show a lease document to get an extension (other than maybe to get a TM30)


The sad thing is some new members may take this rubbish on board as being true.


The whole thread should be deleted before people believe the OP ridiculous account of why his extension was refused.

I'm reporting what I was told by Jomtien Immigration.  They knew the guy was not Thai because they asked for a copy of my lease agreement and my Real Estate Agent provided that and a copy of his sales contract.  Once they saw he was not Thai, Immigration requested a copy of his "Work Permit."  Obviously it could not be produced as he had none.  It's great that you know so much without being there, without the multiple trips to Immigration, to my Realtor and to Agents.  I don't know the "requirement" document you're reading, but Thai Immigration surely does want to see a lease agreement when applying for a change from a Tourist Visa to a Retirement Visa.  BTW it was not an  extension that was refused.  As I made clear, my existing extension was voided because I missed the expiration of my re-entry stamp and left the country.  So what I was trying to do was to change my Tourist Visa - given on arrival back - to a Retirement Visa again.  Try reading..........


Edited by Edheres
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On 9/3/2019 at 4:09 PM, bkk6060 said:

Despite what people think, sorry I find it hard to believe that a uniformed officer at Chonburi office openly asked you for a bribe.  Maybe you misunderstood.

If that happened to me I would immediately complain to the highest supervisor and I bet they would investigate.



I know and older American guy 70s plus who did not understand the process and they kept saying they needed more documents, related to his condo, he owned it. He had 800K in the bank.  The official took him to a back room told him 18K would fix everything   Me and everyone told him he had been cheated but he was just happy to get his O Visa.  I told him they may spect the same in 3 months when he gets his year stamp 


long story short yes it happens, this guy would not lie as indeed it made him look very stupid but theses guys are taking advantage of seniors , really pitiful 

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Of course nothing good will come of letting your Extension of Stay and by default Multiple Re-Entry Permit, ( valid until the same date of Extension of Stay expiry ), expire that's why the idea is you renew it before it expires.  Jeez, talk about stating the obvious.  Why do some people make life so difficult for themselves.


In other breaking news, OP who originally obtained his Non O based on retirement through an agent expresses surprise at an IO offering a fiscal solution to resolve his situation.


Edited by kinyara
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