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Is Tv Sexist?


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I have just noted that on another thread a couple of the female members of the forum have made questionable remarks about Farang men who marry/or go with Thai women. Comments such as, 'I don't envy them' or comments which seem to imply that the Thai women is only there for the money. If I was to make such a comment as 'I don't envy Thai men who go with Farang women' I am sure there would be an outcry. Is this a case of double-standards? Am I wrong?

I am married to a Thai with a baby on the way and find these remarks very offensive. While I expect to hear these type of comments from people with no experience of Thailand. I would expect more from members of TV.

If this post is closed immediately it will just prove my point.

Edited by garro
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And take a look at all the threads and see how many people are insulting farang women, a lot of them are passed over and no outcry is made. And there is a lot worse said about farang women on this board, which surprises me considering they come from people with farang mothers and farang sisters and farang female friends.

Though it did make me laugh when I read "I have a few Thai women friends and I wouldn't trade places with them for all the money in the world, and some of them do seem to have that judging form the way the spend their farang husbands' money."

No little barb at the end of that statement is there. :o

Anyway, hardly sexist statements are they, much more to do with race.

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