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Iran takes further step to scale back nuclear commitments


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Iran takes further step to scale back nuclear commitments



FILE PHOTO: An Iranian flag flutters in front in Vienna, March 4, 2015. REUTERS/Heinz-Peter Bader


DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran said on Friday it had taken a step to further downgrade its commitments to a 2015 nuclear deal with the world's most powerful nations, according to Iranian media, in retaliation to U.S. sanctions reimposed on Tehran.


Iran said on Wednesday it would begin developing centrifuges to speed up the enrichment of uranium, which can produce fuel for power plants or for atomic bombs. Tehran denies seeking nuclear weapons.


"Foreign Minister (Mohammad Javad) Zarif, in a letter to EU (European Union) policy chief (Federica Mogherini) announced that Iran has lifted all limitations on its (nuclear) Research and Development (R&D) activities," Iran's Students News Agency ISNA quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi as saying.


Under the deal, Iran is allowed limited research and development on advanced centrifuges, which accelerate the production of fissile material that can be used to make a nuclear bomb. Iran also agreed to limitations on specific research and development activities for eight years.


President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the deal last year, arguing it did not go far enough, and reimposed sanctions that has slashed Iran's crude oil sales by more than 80%.


Iran has responded by scaling back its nuclear commitments since May and has threatened to continue removing restraints on its nuclear programme unless European parties to the pact did more to shield Iran's economy from the U.S. penalties.


Britain and France, both parties to the pact, have called on Iran to refrain from any concrete action that does not comply with the agreement.


State TV said Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation would unveil on Saturday details of Tehran's new step, which President Hassan Rouhani will accelerate Iran's nuclear programme.


Iran has said that it still aims to save the agreement and on Wednesday gave Europe a new 60-day deadline to salvage the pact, reached under former U.S. President Barack Obama, which curbed Iran's nuclear work in exchange for the lifting of most sanctions in 2016.


Iran's new measures will be "peaceful, under surveillance of the U.N. nuclear watchdog and reversible" if European powers keep their promises, President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday.


(Reporting by Parisa Hafezi and Alaa Swilam; Writing by Parisa Hafezi; Editing by Chris Reese, Rosalba O'Brien and Richard Chang)




-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-09-06
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1 hour ago, jany123 said:

That’s about as smart as dropping a nuke into a hurricane, don’t you think?


anyway... Iran didn’t step out of line to deserve this round of sanctions... this round of being slapped about... so it seems that regardless of what they do, they are still a target, and the only real way to remove that target, without regime change, is to pursue military equality through research and development.


logically, the way forward should surely be through honorably honoring commitments and treaties etc, whilst sanctioning those that break these mechanisms.


the trump cased this situation by arrogantly determining that he could make a better deal, because he is the bestest deal maker to have ever breathed air... but hey... he ain’t!

It was not a treaty, it did not go before congress for a 2/3 vote. Why, because Obama knew it had no chance of passing. It was nothing more then a deal with Obama.



As for stepping out of line, Iran has been and even more so now with pallets of cash, one of if not the number one terrorist country in the world.

Edited by RANGER55
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5 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Iran is going to do what it wants, irrespective of anyone including Donald the Great. Let them get on with it, and as soon as they step out of line (which they will) turn Tehran into a parking lot ????

You'd think after the way Iran had humiliated the Americans in Iraq, that a lesson had been universally learned. Apparently not.

Edited by bristolboy
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2 hours ago, RANGER55 said:

It was not a treaty, it did not go before congress for a 2/3 vote. Why, because Obama knew it had no chance of passing. It was nothing more then a deal with Obama

which is probably why I said;


“logically, the way forward should surely be through honorably honoring commitments and treaties etc, whilst sanctioning those that break these mechanisms.”


Your elected and appointed representatives made an international deal, by whatever name.... they made a commitment! Scum buckets renege on commitments.... well done... MAGA!

Edited by jany123
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On 9/6/2019 at 8:03 AM, jany123 said:

Whilst this activity is definitely undesirable, it has little to do with the trumps reasons for trashing an Obama era deal... and... if you must go there, I believe that Saudi Arabia is the most prolific supporter of terrorism in the world today.


So... now that we went there, we should look at the trumps support of the most significant supporter of terrorism, as well... or.... perhaps try to apply rose tinting more uniformly 

I don’t follow. Who is “the most significant supporter of terrorism”?

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On 9/6/2019 at 2:47 PM, phantomfiddler said:

Iran is going to do what it wants, irrespective of anyone including Donald the Great. Let them get on with it, and as soon as they step out of line (which they will) turn Tehran into a parking lot ????

And how will you do that?


Drop some nuclear weapons on them?


You only have to kill 81.16 million people, obliterate 1.648 Million sq/km and make sure that the nuclear fallout doesn't hit Iraq, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait or Turkey.


You also need to keep the Arab Gulf free for shipments of oil etc not to mention the US Forces in the area.


It always amazes me when posters come up with things like nukem them, turn it into a parking lot etc.


Keyboard warriors playing at being a general.



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