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London court rejects bid to stop PM Johnson's suspension of parliament


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London court rejects bid to stop PM Johnson's suspension of parliament



Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks during Prime Minister's Questions session in the House of Commons in London, Britain September 4, 2019. ©UK Parliament/Jessica Taylor/Handout via REUTERS


LONDON (Reuters) - London’s High Court on Friday rejected a legal challenge against British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s suspension of parliament before Brexit, but said it could still be taken to the Supreme Court for a final appeal.


Johnson announced at the end of August that he would suspend parliament from mid-September to mid-October, just before Britain is due to leave the European Union on Oct. 31, so the government could announce a new legislative programme.


That prompted campaigner Gina Miller, who defeated the government over another Brexit issue two years ago, to bring a legal challenge. She was later joined in the process by former Prime Minister John Major and opposition political parties.


Miller told reporters outside court that parliament should be sitting during such a crucial time for Britain’s democracy, and she would not give up the fight.


“The Supreme Court has pencilled in Sept. 17 for the appeal hearing,” she said. “My legal team and I will not give up the fight for democracy.”


Miller’s lawyer, David Pannick, argued on Thursday that comments from Johnson showed an important part of his reasoning for the prorogation, or suspension, was that parliament might say or do something that impeded the government’s Brexit plans.


The legal challenge has lost some of its impact after lawmakers voted this week to force Johnson to seek a three-month delay to Brexit rather than leave without an agreement on Oct. 31, a move that is likely to lead to an election.


Separate legal challenges to Johnson’s Brexit plans are also being heard in Scotland and Northern Ireland.



-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-09-06
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17 minutes ago, evadgib said:

How does Miller gain access so quickly inc wall-to-wall media coverage when the likes of Robin Tilbrook doing exactly the same take months and are completely de platformed?

I really don't know about this, and you are right information does seem relatively hard to come by- a quick search throws up a David Icke site near the top of the results.   However, it looks to me that the case was dismissed.  (I'm happy to be corrected).  Still I don't see how he could have been de-platformed in some sort of sinister way.  Surely there are plenty of pro-brexit sites and media outlets who would presumably be champing at the bit to cover it if they found it at all newsworthy?

EDIT: Thanks again 7x7 for filling in some blanks.

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Please, allow me to share an anecdote 'at the side', but not out-of-topic, as it tells 'a thing or two' about 'discrepancies' between the remains of British Empire, and modern (continental) Europe.

I once accepted an offer to work for a, continental, subsidiary of an, important, British, ...English, 'group'. 

Let me here only focus on one item: 'time', otherwise this could become a very long novel...

The Roman calendar has been adopted about everywhere around the globe for business dealings.

Well, this English group, as other UK major 'players', had adopted a different, brilliant (no, really), division of time: the year was not divided in 12 months of 28 to 31 days with all its irregularities, no, it were 13 'periods' of 4 weeks.

When I remember well, the bookyear ended on some Sunday, was it in February or April (for some internal 'historic' reason, for the next to start on a Monday (Saturdays being working days in the UK), or was it the opposite

Result of: every, of the 13(!) periods a year was divided into, constituted of 4, same, weeks, every year. Fabulous for large groups' management: year-on-year identical weeks and 'periods' to 'budget' and control, no discrepancies between longer and shorter months, with more or less Sundays.

Really brilliant I mean it, ...was it that the 'rest of the World' would have been playing according to this rule, what it didn't, at all.

We, as a subsidiary, had to follow the English organisatory rules, while none(!) of the companies we bought from were, only about 10% of our purchases coming from the group, and 100% of our customers over several continental countries, including major international institutions, just following the Roman calendar!

Even our official(...!) book-keeping having to follow the basic Roman calendar, same as for salaries, the Tax Office, the Customs (bondes stores...), you name it.

I didn't hide my admiration for our, 'baba-cool' (alternative: suicidal), administrative manager was great.

I even had to swallow bitter criticism from some old London imperialists, after I had had a wall 'conversion calendar' printed, internally, putting,  Roamnd calendar with, numbered, weeks and days next to the 13 periods, with their 4 weeks each, in regard, ...to make the jobs easier, for us, and all concerned. I was 'betraying the integration efforts of the group in the long attempt to have the staff and all related offices to adopt the group's internal time division and work accordingly in a fluent way'! Not 100% same as the reprimand I got, but quite near.

This just a tiny small example (I have a lot of other, more 'hard' ones) of, maybe plain normal to you, but how strange, very awkward, erm, backwards your insular, self-centered, old-fashioned, imperial, dominant, ways can be experienced by us, folks from the continent...

Nota Bene: In itself, let me repeat it, that division of time could have been fab, ...when everyone would have adopted it. In such, a lot more 'practicable', still, than the guys who came up (long ago, well before the EC existed in a couple enlighted minds) with the division of a square angle into 100, 400 to the full circle, which is though still used in specific airtraffic.

P.S.: Sorry for the orthograph, I wrote this piece quite fast, but still hoping you'll choose, for a moment, to look at just a detail about our differences seen from the opposite side of the channel. Thank you for it.


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On Tuesday JRM was asked if he knew of the intentions of the Government on the 16th of August prorogue Parliament, he replied "I was out of the country then" side stepping the question, clearly anyone who understands how the ERG works will realise that JRM is the ring master and would have been consulted, if not the instigator, and that could have been done by phone, conference call or Email even if he was out of the country.


One thing was clear from this court case was that Boris was clearly intending to Prorogue parliament two weeks before they claim to have. papers, emails and memos released by the court clearly show that Boris was intending to do so on the 15th and claims by him to the contrary were lies...   

Edited by Basil B
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14 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 Yet again you are showing how limited your access is to UK media.


Tilbrook received just as much coverage when his case was live.


It was thrown out, and he has appealed. No doubt that appeal will be reported when it comes to court.


Would you like a link when that happens?

According to his website, his application to appeal was dismissed on August 21st.

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13 hours ago, nauseus said:

nb  off topic at an extreme tangent

Very true 'nauseous', and a waste on you, as the way continental Europeans 'experience' 'Britishness' never interested you at all, in your splendid insularity... 

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17 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Details of an application for the judgement to be set aside are expected to be published shortly; furthermore an application to the ECHR challenging the initial rejection under article 6 (Right to a fair hearing) is also under way.


The above would already be public knowledge if he was receiving the same sort of exposure as Miller as 7x7 would have us believe.


He is also Suing FB for de-platforming him. Nick Clegg is on their payroll.



He simply has not got a case .

Where is legal question that he wants the courts to answer?

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1 hour ago, bangrak said:

Very true 'nauseous', and a waste on you, as the way continental Europeans 'experience' 'Britishness' never interested you at all, in your splendid insularity... 

Well at least I can understand this - almost.

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4 hours ago, nahkit said:

According to his website, his application to appeal was dismissed on August 21st.

 Thank you for that, I must admit I hadn't gone back that far as i was looking for any current news, of which there appears to be none.


3 hours ago, evadgib said:

Details of an application for the judgement to be set aside are expected to be published shortly; furthermore an application to the ECHR challenging the initial rejection under article 6 (Right to a fair hearing) is also under way.


The above would already be public knowledge if he was receiving the same sort of exposure as Miller as 7x7 would have us believe.

 What do you want?


Banner headlines every day declaring ROBIN TILBROOK; NOTHING IS HAPPENING! 


Tilbrook is the same as Marcus Ball. They've both had their day in the limelight, and now their cases have been rejected the media are, quite rigjhtly, no longer interested in either of them. The same will happen to Gina Miller now this case is over.


We may hear of Tilbrook again, under the headline "ECHR rejects case."


3 hours ago, evadgib said:

He is also Suing FB for de-platforming him. Former Deputy PM, Lib Dem leader and arch remainer Nick Clegg is on their payroll.



 Who's FB?


Can't be facebook; his page is there for all to see!

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3 hours ago, evadgib said:

The above would already be public knowledge if he was receiving the same sort of exposure as Miller as 7x7 would have us believe.

You know what also would already be public knowledge if it was receiving the same sort of exposure as Gina Miller‘s case? That I just farted. It’s a scandal the MSM is not reporting it. Can’t you see the conspiracy? 


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22 hours ago, lungbing said:

Good.  I was starting to wonder who ran the country, unelected judges or Gina Miller.

So, you prefer lying candidates above knowing legal specialists to be a Judge ?


Bye-the-way": is Cummings or David Frost ( negociator at the EU ) elected ? The director of the bank of England / Scotland, the UK representative at FIFA, WHO, UN, etc ? The members of the House of Lords ? 

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5 hours ago, 7by7 said:

What do you want?


Banner headlines every day declaring ROBIN TILBROOK; NOTHING IS HAPPENING! 


Tilbrook is the same as Marcus Ball. They've both had their day in the limelight, and now their cases have been rejected the media are, quite rigjhtly, no longer interested in either of them. The same will happen to Gina Miller now this case is over.


We may hear of Tilbrook again, under the headline "ECHR rejects case."

How did the world know what Gina Millar was up to before she'd even licked the stamp? How to they know that she's in court again on 17th? Why do Sky, BBC, Ch4 & ITV etc have her on speed dial when An English Eccentric relying on her precedent in the other direction is deliberately de-platformed by all of them? 


5 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 Who's FB?


Can't be facebook; his page is there for all to see!

It wasn't during the critical build up to what should have been independence day on 31 March. It's live now because FB deem any immediate threat to Brexit over and have been formally notified of litigation via the courts and scrutiny by the ICO.


Millar gets the headlines in one direction while Tilbrook does the work in the other.

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3 minutes ago, evadgib said:

How did the world know what Gina Millar was up to before she'd even licked the stamp? How to they know that she's in court again on 17th? Why has Sky, BBC, Ch4 & ITV etc got her on speed dial when An English Eccentric relying on her precedent in the other direction is deliberately de-platformed by all of them? 


It wasn't during the critical build up to what should have been independence day on 31 March. It's live now because FB deem any immediate threat to Brexit over and have been formally notified of litigation via the courts and scrutiny by the ICO.

The great thing about paranoia is that diagnosis just reinforces it.  


Some me people are good at managing the media, some are not.


When I find that other cyclists are fitter and faster than me, I look within myself to see why that might be. [that’s an analogy, by the way]

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3 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

The great thing about paranoia is that diagnosis just reinforces it.  


Some me people are good at managing the media, some are not.


When I find that other cyclists are fitter and faster than me, I look within myself to see why that might be. [that’s an analogy, by the way]

I certainly agree that Tilbrook lacks the stage presence of Miller or Farage ????

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7 minutes ago, evadgib said:

How did the world know what Gina Millar was up to before she'd even licked the stamp? How to they know that she's in court again on 17th? Why do Sky, BBC, Ch4 & ITV etc have her on speed dial when An English Eccentric relying on her precedent in the other direction is deliberately de-platformed by all of them? 

1) They didn't, until someone told them. That may have been Miller, it may have been someobne else.


2) Because they have people in court to report things like this, or maybe Miller herself told them, If your mate Tilbrook talked to the media instead of making absurd allegatuions on his website, then they'd probably report what he has to say as well.


3) Tell us, how do you know that the UK media have Gina Miller on speed dial?


4) If they are all, particularly the BBC, as biased against Brexit as you claim, how come on Question Time this week Brexiteers outnumbered Remainers on the panel two to one?


(I told you that before, but, of course, you ignored it as it doesn't fit in with your conspiracy theories.)


10 minutes ago, evadgib said:

It wasn't during the critical build up to what should have been independence day on 31 March. It's live now because FB deem any immediate threat to Brexit over and have been formally notified of litigation via the courts and scrutiny by the ICO.

Says a website run by David Icke!


Who do you and he think runs facebook? Aliens from another galaxy?

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4 minutes ago, evadgib said:

I certainly agree that Tilbrook lacks the stage presence of Miller or Farage ????


If the media were as intent in denying publicity to Brexiteers as you claim, we'd never have heard of Farage!

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