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Pirated goods: DPM and the pretties steamroll 550 million baht's worth!


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It's always fun to see when they destroy some stuff in Thailand... In their annoucement, it goes about 'street value', which is 5 to 10 times what has been paid for the junk, ...and even that a lot more than what the 'big guys' behind the whole trade have paid, you know, the ones who can't be named, all sharing same origins, and quite wealthy, guess...

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On 9/13/2019 at 12:06 PM, Number 6 said:

Look at the stuff. It's literally junk. Not a fake Lanvin handbag or Hermes scarf among that lot. Thai so funny. Fake goods so low class but they love the <deleted>.

Silly you, the 'good stuff' has been evacuated by friendly tiny hands well in time, TiT, remember? LOL

(Been at some 'destroying ceremonial', erm, elsewhere, was early and saw what had been brought in to be destroyed, some quite specific and easily identifyable items among the lot, ...that I didn't see again anywhere on the path of the steamrollers...)

Edited by bangrak
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Naew Na said that 10,620,825 items were pulverized in the event designed to exhibit Thailand's transparency in their actions to stop piracy. 



It's fascinating to read such "news" while all governmental institutions, from schools to immigration bureaus are using pirated software on their PC's and notebooks.


Let's talk about 5,000 baht for a real W 10 Pro installation and about the same for a MS Office 2016 version. How much money would that be?


The irony is that this would be way more than they've destroyed. But who knows, it was maybe only the packages and not the goods. TIT. 

( This is Trivial) 




   Does that make any sense?

Oops, hang on, there's somebody knocking at my door............................aaarrrrgghhhh

Edited by Isaanbiker
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On 9/13/2019 at 5:10 PM, rickudon said:

So if the 'real' items were worth 52 baht each, how much were the fakes selling for? Maybe Biro's? ????

Exactly! What "genuine products" sell for 52 baht?!

Even the fake products sell for more than that!

Proof that these numbers are complete and utter Bvllsh1t.


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On 9/13/2019 at 2:36 PM, Greyhat said:

What a waste, probably all thrown into the ocean too. Would it be so bad to confiscate and distribute to the less fortunate?

The items were all smeared with crushed fake Kamagra gel!

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On 9/13/2019 at 10:30 AM, RotMahKid said:

where's the rest?


In the pockets of some hustler down in Soi Arab. I have a bad rep among the peddling goniffs, they show me the goods  (you know how they whisper and furtively show it to you) and I either yell "fake, fake, you are trying to rob me" or I offer them 100 baht.


Had some Omani dude come up to me at Chong Nonsi and tell me some sob story as to how he couldnt find an exchange, and he showed me an envelope full of crispy Cs, maybe I could exchange them for him. I told him sure, lets go to the ATM, but with all that money, I would want a police escort, here let me call the tourist police.....guy moved out faster than a camel with a snake up its ass.

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