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If A Taxi Driver Won't Go Where You Tell Them...

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The taxi driver probably has a good reason for refusing the fare and it's irresponsible for you to force him out of his cab in order to close the rear door.

Such confrontational farang action deserves decisive Thai response. Don't expect me to intervene on your behalf during such response.

Yes their reason is that they are lazy. This is the only country where I hae seen this happen, except for Baghdad, but they probably have good reasons. I do the same thing. If they won't take me then I leave the door open. Only once, did the the driver try to confront me and I chased him back into the car. The thai people around seemed to cheer me on. It must happen to them too, then. Go to New York city and see what happens if a taxi tries to turn down a reasonable fare.

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I'm from Leicester, innit. Didn't think the comment about the poster heading back to his council estate and driving his Nova was all that fair... though it does remind me of Japser Carrott's dig at David Icke (Leicester lad) back when Dave proclaimed to be the son of God in the early nineties...

"Son of God? You're having a laugh aren't you? There aren't 3 wise men and a virgin in Leicester!" :D :D

Back on topic - London cabbies are fare worse. I waited for ages at Waterloo for a cab to Greenwich. Loads wouldn't go, it was only 6 miles and they were already "Sowth of tha river". That fare cost me 1,000 baht (12 quid)... you'll never here this Leicester boy complain about the cabbies here in Bkk. :o



One word...funny.

It is sad when I have to give these directions to the easiest of places to find. But you have that European attitude...don't rock the boat, don't make a scene because you want everybody to like you. In BKK, all they like is your money and not your nationality. If I am given bad service then I let them know that. Yes, yes, Ugly American and what what. When I get a good taxi I then express myself such in the matter of a good tip. I even had chased one off who I had remembered had refused me service that same day, on the same street! But, this is a third world country with a third world attitude of doings as less as possible in the least amount of time allowed.

The taxi driver probably has a good reason for refusing the fare and it's irresponsible for you to force him out of his cab in order to close the rear door.

Such confrontational farang action deserves decisive Thai response. Don't expect me to intervene on your behalf during such response.

Yes their reason is that they are lazy. This is the only country where I hae seen this happen, except for Baghdad, but they probably have good reasons. I do the same thing. If they won't take me then I leave the door open. Only once, did the the driver try to confront me and I chased him back into the car. The thai people around seemed to cheer me on. It must happen to them too, then. Go to New York city and see what happens if a taxi tries to turn down a reasonable fare.

Ok . how do we make this clear? A taxi driver is completely within his rights to refuse to go to any destination. A taxi driver is an independent businessman, and he can decide who he wants to sell his services too, in the same way you can choose which taxi you want to get into.

As for it not happening in other countries? Nonsense. Try Singapore at rush hour, for example. Try Sydney most evenings. Try Auckland on a Friday night. Try Manila. Try Jakarta. In none of those places (and, i venture to add, in dozens of others) is any taxi driver obliged to go anywhere, unless they agree to.

What can i say a least the argument is about dissusing the fare as we all now what happens if you don't!! arrive at your destantion with a horrfic bill. Two friends came to vist me from England and were charged 900 baht from the airport to sulumvit 97 (what a joke). :o

Oh god, here we go again . . . the inability of people to find out information about airport taxis and then blaming others for being ripped off.

Still, with spelling, grammer and sentence construction like that, what else would I expect?


You havnt been to many countries have you then! The Thai people arnt cheering you on either, they most likely will be calling you a complete to**er.


We all get frustrated in Thailand, (me too), but we must try to stay calm and philosophical and not run around like barbarians screaming and ripping off our clothes and reducing ourselves to the behaviour of savages.

We must set a good serene example and not be intimidated by irksome Thai behaviour, by leaving cab doors open.


I think you're all being a bit harsh on the OP. I'll agree it isn't necessary to leave the door open just because a taxi driver refuses to go somewhere, but I'd say sometimes it would be appropriate.

Just one example: Back in July my parents came for a visit. It was their first time in Thailand, so I took them to the Grand Palace. After that, we tried to take a taxi to Siam Square. First the taxi agreed to go. After we were all sitting inside, he asked again where we wanted to go. Then he acted like he didn't understand Siam Square. So I started making all sorts of references to famous places: MBK (ma-boo-kong), Paragon, Sanaam Gila etc... He was just playing stupid. So, we all got out of the taxi, and I left my door open. It was the front, so easy enough to close, but still it was the principle involved.

Generally I think taxi drivers are honest and relatively hard-working. But as soon as you get into a tourist area, or if the driver thinks you're a tourist, you may be in for an unpleasant experience.

jeebusjones - if the taxi driver in your post acted like an ar5ehole, does that mean that you have to?

Maybe not, but I'll admit I was pretty angry about it. I knew he was just trying to rip us off by driving in circles or bringing us to some other place (like a gem shop or whatever the latest scam is). Sometimes two wrongs do make a right, and in this case leaving the door open was the least I could do.

Just one example: Back in July my parents came for a visit. It was their first time in Thailand, so I took them to the Grand Palace. After that, we tried to take a taxi to Siam Square. First the taxi agreed to go. After we were all sitting inside, he asked again where we wanted to go. Then he acted like he didn't understand Siam Square. So I started making all sorts of references to famous places: MBK (ma-boo-kong), Paragon, Sanaam Gila etc... He was just playing stupid. So, we all got out of the taxi, and I left my door open. It was the front, so easy enough to close, but still it was the principle involved.

That's pretty much standard here in KL. Unless you want the likes of Suria KLCC, Menara KL or Petaling Street the chances are the cabbie won't have a cooking flue where he's going but won't admit it until after he's off en route. Here it's not a fiddling thing because they'll do it even on an agreed lump sum fare. I have walked a fair bit around town so I'm quite adept at guiding taxis to my destination, and of course the cabbies speak real good English don't they?

"Turn left here, okay now you want the right hand lane. No, not turn right just the right hand side of the road. NO, NOT turn right, right hand SIDE of this road. NO! DO NOT TURN RIG.......................oh <deleted>!" :D

You have to laugh!

In my limited experience Bangkok taxis are okay once you establish you're not a straight off the plane tourist.

It's the Bangkok traffic that sucks, and that's not the cabbies fault. :o

I'm from Leicester, innit. Didn't think the comment about the poster heading back to his council estate and driving his Nova was all that fair... though it does remind me of Japser Carrott's dig at David Icke (Leicester lad) back when Dave proclaimed to be the son of God in the early nineties...

"Son of God? You're having a laugh aren't you? There aren't 3 wise men and a virgin in Leicester!" :D :D

Back on topic - London cabbies are fare worse. I waited for ages at Waterloo for a cab to Greenwich. Loads wouldn't go, it was only 6 miles and they were already "Sowth of tha river". That fare cost me 1,000 baht (12 quid)... you'll never here this Leicester boy complain about the cabbies here in Bkk. :o

posh bastard :D

Jubilee line to canary wharf and then the DLR to cutty sark.....you'd even get a great pie and mash from the store at the DLR in the village.

Actually on second thoughts, given the tube would be 4 quid, 8 squid extra door to door ain't too bad...


I am sorry to let the secret out but........ These unfortunate souls who drive Taxis DO NOT choose to do so. if you watch CNN this week there are a lot of reports on human trafficing and these poor drivers are just victims. Apprently there is a huge underground black market for kidnapping men from rural parts of Thailand and forcing them to drive taxis. They have very clear orders to not use the meter or be polite to any passanger less thier plight is discovered and they are released.

It is very sad really many have no idea where to go and have never been to the big city(Bangkok). I suggest the best we can really do is to pay what ever they ask and then give them a big old tip.

Lives are at stake here and rich farangs are callous in thier attempt to have timley,polite, effeciant, travel by the meter! if you do not like this please leave Thailand as soon as you can maybe from the saftey of your home country you can report to Ammnesty International.

I am sorry to let the secret out but........ These unfortunate souls who drive Taxis DO NOT choose to do so. if you watch CNN this week there are a lot of reports on human trafficing and these poor drivers are just victims. Apprently there is a huge underground black market for kidnapping men from rural parts of Thailand and forcing them to drive taxis. They have very clear orders to not use the meter or be polite to any passanger less thier plight is discovered and they are released.

It is very sad really many have no idea where to go and have never been to the big city(Bangkok). I suggest the best we can really do is to pay what ever they ask and then give them a big old tip.

Lives are at stake here and rich farangs are callous in thier attempt to have timley,polite, effeciant, travel by the meter! if you do not like this please leave Thailand as soon as you can maybe from the saftey of your home country you can report to Ammnesty International.

Funny you should say that, cos I saw a similar report about an increasing number of weird and disoriented white men being duped and kidnapped by small brown girls, and being made to stay in Thailand against their will. I feel sorry for these guys. They're hopelessly ill-equipped for life here - it's cruel. They miss their mums, their meat and two veg dinners, their Sun newspapers. They are like big white buffaloes, floundering helplessly in a world that's not familiar and that they don't understand; and they have no chance against the much more intelligent and wily women. They're victims and all they can do to alleviate their sense of outrage at being here is take it out on webforums and taxi drivers, or shave their heads and grow very very thick necks.

This is human trafficking at its worst.

I think we should do something about it. I shall report it to Amnesty International immediately.

I'm from Leicester, innit. Didn't think the comment about the poster heading back to his council estate and driving his Nova was all that fair... though it does remind me of Japser Carrott's dig at David Icke (Leicester lad) back when Dave proclaimed to be the son of God in the early nineties...

"Son of God? You're having a laugh aren't you? There aren't 3 wise men and a virgin in Leicester!" :D :D

Back on topic - London cabbies are fare worse. I waited for ages at Waterloo for a cab to Greenwich. Loads wouldn't go, it was only 6 miles and they were already "Sowth of tha river". That fare cost me 1,000 baht (12 quid)... you'll never here this Leicester boy complain about the cabbies here in Bkk. :D

posh bastard :bah:

Jubilee line to canary wharf and then the DLR to cutty sark.....you'd even get a great pie and mash from the store at the DLR in the village.

Actually on second thoughts, given the tube would be 4 quid, 8 squid extra door to door ain't too bad...

Actually, it was Blackheath Village, not Greenwich, hence the cab :o . For sure, a step up from my Leicester days... sorry, 'Lest-ugh', as the locals say. :D

Cabbies are OK by me. Now, tuk tuk drivers, that's a different kettle of ปลา


Ai heng oi! Poot bpairb nee mai dai luey. Puak taxi na, kao gor dtong chai passar ungrit mahk gua na.

yung chen...

Hey you. Bpai water gate dai mai?

Mai dai. khun yahk long glai glai pollen plaza ru R.I.C.E brand gor dai, pom mai yahk bpai water gate. Rot mun dtit.

Toh woy! Rao yoo tee Love District dton nee. Ja chai walah kang kang narn tee ja tueng ai water gate na, dtong parn see yairk The Royalty Objectives gorn, lae karm the very hurting klong. Rot na ja mai kuey dtit tao rai gor dai.

OK, pom ja pah khun bpai gor dai. Dtae lung jahk nun, sonjai bpai GOlden Elephant mai? Rue Bangkok River 2 mai? Sanuk dee pee, pom yom ror you na.

Dai krub pom.


Sorry, but what language was that? :o



ok the op may have seemed a bit off the cuff but why all the attacks he has a valid point and no just because they are uneducated drivers does not give them reason to do this. I had my 2 year old son at siam square we were in the taxi que got in and about 100 meters down the road he refuses to use the meter. Now i am with a small child!!!! and he is forcing my hand in suk. traffic! you bet your sorry a--- i did more than leave the back door open!!!!! bad farang, ugly american bfd.


ok the op may have seemed a bit off the cuff but why all the attacks he has a valid point and no just because they are uneducated drivers does not give them reason to do this. I had my 2 year old son at siam square, we were in the taxi que got in and about 100 meters down the road he refuses to use the meter. Now i am with a small child!!!! and he is forcing my hand in suk. traffic! you bet your sorry a--- i did more than leave the back door open!!!!! bad farang, ugly american bfd.

We all get frustrated in Thailand, (me too), but we must try to stay calm and philosophical and not run around like barbarians screaming and ripping off our clothes and reducing ourselves to the behaviour of savages.

We must set a good serene example and not be intimidated by irksome Thai behaviour, by leaving cab doors open.


The more the doors are left open the more thai taxi drivers are going to think they are right in trying to rip off farangs. Just ignore those with bad behaviour and walk away. There are plenty of good thai taxi drivers in the streets of bkk in my opinion.

Ipai Bayoq Platrhough Nam. Hello? I pai baryork platrhough narm.

"pai nai wah?"


Ai heng oi! Poot bpairb nee mai dai luey. Puak taxi na, kao gor dtong chai passar ungrit mahk gua na.

yung chen...

Hey you. Bpai water gate dai mai?

Mai dai. khun yahk long glai glai pollen plaza ru R.I.C.E brand gor dai, pom mai yahk bpai water gate. Rot mun dtit.

Toh woy! Rao yoo tee Love District dton nee. Ja chai walah kang kang narn tee ja tueng ai water gate na, dtong parn see yairk The Royalty Objectives gorn, lae karm the very hurting klong. Rot na ja mai kuey dtit tao rai gor dai.

OK, pom ja pah khun bpai gor dai. Dtae lung jahk nun, sonjai bpai GOlden Elephant mai? Rue Bangkok River 2 mai? Sanuk dee pee, pom yom ror you na.

Dai krub pom.

"Hey home, I can dig it. You know he ain't gonna lay no mo' big rap up on you man.

I say hey sky, s'other s'ay I wan say?

Pray to J I get the same ol' same ol'.

Eh. Yo knock yourself a pro slick, gray matter live performas down now take TCB'in man.

Hey, you know what they say... See a broad, to get that booty yak 'em. "



What is all the hooha about taxi drivers?

If you don't like the first one change to another. Its not like there is a shortage...

If one won't take you try the next in the queue.

If the meter is "broken" get out without paying and get another one.

If the meter is overcharging change your destination to the nearest police box, get out of the taxi & just walk off.

If the driver takes you to the wrong place, go to the right place & subtract the difference in fares.

If the taxi does a good job give them a tip.

Its not like they have toxin to protect them anymore!!!


Ipai Bayoq Platrhough Nam. Hello? I pai baryork platrhough narm.

"pai nai wah?"


Ai heng oi! Poot bpairb nee mai dai luey. Puak taxi na, kao gor dtong chai passar ungrit mahk gua na.

yung chen...

Hey you. Bpai water gate dai mai?

Mai dai. khun yahk long glai glai pollen plaza ru R.I.C.E brand gor dai, pom mai yahk bpai water gate. Rot mun dtit.

Toh woy! Rao yoo tee Love District dton nee. Ja chai walah kang kang narn tee ja tueng ai water gate na, dtong parn see yairk The Royalty Objectives gorn, lae karm the very hurting klong. Rot na ja mai kuey dtit tao rai gor dai.

OK, pom ja pah khun bpai gor dai. Dtae lung jahk nun, sonjai bpai GOlden Elephant mai? Rue Bangkok River 2 mai? Sanuk dee pee, pom yom ror you na.

Dai krub pom.

"Hey home, I can dig it. You know he ain't gonna lay no mo' big rap up on you man.

I say hey sky, s'other s'ay I wan say?

Pray to J I get the same ol' same ol'.

Eh. Yo knock yourself a pro slick, gray matter live performas down now take TCB'in man.

Hey, you know what they say... See a broad, to get that booty yak 'em. "


Geez this is scary. I understood the Thai, but not the Ebonics. .

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