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"My father was born in 1892. I have been 22+ tax for more years than I care to remember now."

Wow. Are you my friend from up in Mae Sue, and the one guy who responded as over 90 ? If not, may it be noted I that I do know a guy up there who's getting a secondary college degree all via internet at age 91. Not sure if he chimes in on TV at all though. He uses VR tech to do his typing for him as his hands aren't what they used to be, and/or typing just isn't his thing. I think he uses Dragon Naturally SPeaking. I've seen it around. I may give it a try some day just for fun.

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I LOVE it here! :D



You fellows are a disgrace to the expat community. Why can't you stop enjoying yourselves and find something to whinge and moan about?

Yes, of course, you are right, but I always thought the expat whingers and moaners were thoroughly enjoying themselves too. Not the case, you think? :D


here afew age fact

a few of the older people in the world about 100 ( smoke ) but not commercial brand ciggie , home grown


SLEEP ( as people get old there sleep less . ) but a good sleep keep them old ,

there are usually still active have to do work . at old old - that part of the reason why there are so old ,

Food , Their food is very simple and without fry and oily stuff or process can food ,

usually farmer and poor country people .

people in Hongkong have the older ages average in te world ( Stress but there seem to be eating right or living right )

japan have the mot healthy onf folk in the world .

yes i fear death but i welcome it when it come .

Good idea on the survey. Don't understand why people don't bother filling in their personal details. Something to hide perhaps?

Privacy is a right, not an option. I'm 36, anything else you want to know ??

Yeah, whats ya Missus look like is she pretty! Also do you like brussel sprouts because I cannot eat em, they look like aliens testacles, what do you think? Does your ass hurt on buses? How do you eat your meals, do you start with meat first of veg?


Good idea on the survey. Don't understand why people don't bother filling in their personal details. Something to hide perhaps?

Privacy is a right, not an option. I'm 36, anything else you want to know ??

Yeah, whats ya Missus look like is she pretty! Also do you like brussel sprouts because I cannot eat em, they look like aliens testacles, what do you think? Does your ass hurt on buses? How do you eat your meals, do you start with meat first of veg?


At least someone cares. Thanks LBG. Well it all began one sunny day.............Anyway, nuff of that. My missus is good for her age, no i don't eat brussel sprouts (would rather eat cardboard). My arse does hurt on buses after a while. I eat my veg first then save the best (meat) till last.. But to stay on topic..How old would you be LBG ??


Once you start washing your A55 with water , there is no turning back ,

cos you will feel that paper can't clean it .

that why asian have less a55 related problem whahha cos there keep it clean ..

I am from singapore and alot of singaporean spend like $30-50 a month on toilet paper alone , got to get the best grade - one roll is $1 - a family of 5 would spend you alot each month on toilet paper alone

each per use about 1 roll every 3 -5 days

but since i am in thailand and started the water spray device ,

another good point of the water spray is such that , once you get FAT in thailand , is hard to use toilet paper on your own a55 cos of the belly stoping your hand from reaching it well and clean it with paper alone ,

i know people who is fat enough for them to have problem wap their own a55 , sound funny

but in long run is a serious problem as alot of related problem will start due to poor cleanliness of the holy part

carful to adjust the water persurre cos too strong a jet of water may injury your a55

man i think there can write a book on how to clean ones a55 cos the world really have little and poor knowlededge on this shit topic ,

do youknow you can also tell how healthy you are but the stickiness of your shit and color .

of cos when it smell real bad , you know you need help .

chances is a bad intestine infection that give you that smelly shit m,

Last but not least , IF YOUR SHIT IS BLACK !!!!!!!!!GO SEE A DOCTOR and tell him .

mean you having internal bleeding - i know cos i had shit black shit before

i know my a55 is clean whahha a


whahahha well - sorry i alway seem to jus answer the question

but then if you think about it,

life itself notthing is not related and notthing is that far apart


Do you use toilet paper or b*nghole squirters in the pivacy of your own home? :o

Bunghole squirters at home. Toilet paper when in the saturation chamber (work) unfortunately.. Greatest invention since sliced pizza.

A breif history..

Bidets are primarily used to wash and clean the external vulva and the anus, as well as the skin near these areas, including the perineum. They may also be used to clean any other part of the body; they are very convenient for cleaning the feet, for example. Despite appearing similar to a toilet, it would be more accurate to compare it to the washbasin or bathtub. In fact, the bidet is used by some for a baby bath, though there are others who recommend against this. [1] Anyone who has mobility problems and finds it difficult to get into a bathtub, or is afraid of slipping in the shower, may find a bidet an excellent solution for maintaining personal hygiene.

Users who are unfamiliar with bidets often confuse a bidet with a urinal, toilet, or even a drinking fountain. The user should use the toilet before using the bidet; its purpose is to wash afterwards. It is generally understood that the user should sit on a bidet facing the tap and nozzle to clean the genitalia, or with their back to the tap and wall to clean the anus. Also, foreign tourists to countries where a bidet is common can sometimes mistake it for a toilet; this mistaken identity can lead to an accident: defecating in the bidet.

Bidets are made in several different designs. They may have one tap which pours (usually warm) water into a china basin. The basin can be plugged and filled if necessary, or the water can be allowed to drain away. Other bidets have a nozzle which propels an arc of water up into the air. This jet of water is angled to easily attain the perianal and genital area.

A bidet may also be a nozzle attached to an existing toilet, or a part of the toilet itself. In this case, its use is restricted to cleaning the anus and genitals. Some bidets of this type have two nozzles, the shorter one, called the family nozzle, is used for washing the area around the anus, and the longer one (bidet nozzle) is designed for women to wash their vulvae. These bidets are often controlled electronically rather than with a traditional tap, and some have an element under the seat which heats up to dry the user after washing. These bidet toilets are becoming increasingly popular in countries like India, where use of just dry toilet paper to clean the perianal area is considered dirty and unhygienic; however, the nozzle is controlled with an external tap within the reach of the hand. Traditionally, local style squatting toilets have been more common in India and are more convenient to most Indians, especially of the lower generation. But with the rise of westernization, western style pots have started becoming more common, and the most convenient way to wash the perianal area with these pots is simply to attach a bidet nozzle.

Using a bidet is generally more hygienic than toilet paper. However, most people who have access to a bidet usually use both, wiping with toilet paper before washing with the bidet.

Bidets are very useful for the elderly or anyone with mobility problems and for people with hemorrhoids.

People usually use toilet paper or a small towel that they hung next to the bidet, and is usually changed daily, for drying.

Bidets are common bathroom fixtures in some European countries (especially Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal), some Latin American countries (especially Argentina and Uruguay; there they are found in approximately 90% of households), the Middle East and some parts of Asia (particularly in India). Oddly enough, though France is the country where the word bidet originated, not every house is equipped with one, especially the smaller or cheaper flats. The bidet seems to be losing popularity and, though nearly everyone knows what a bidet is and how one should use it, it is today regarded as optional. In 1980 the first "paperless toilet" was launched in Japan, a combination toilet and bidet which also dries the user after washing. Combination toilet-bidets with seat warmers, or "washlets", are particularly popular in Japan, found in approximately 60% of households. They are commonly found in hotels and even some public facilities. These bidet-toilets, along with toilet seat/bidet units (to convert an existing toilet) are sold in many countries including the United States. For details see toilets in Japan.

Residents of countries where bidets in private homes are rare, may be totally unfamiliar with bidets and have no idea how to use them if they encounter them (while travelling abroad for example). It is said that many American men first encountered bidets in French brothels during WWII and thought they were designed for the prostitutes to douche (inside the vagina) after sexual intercourse[citation needed]. It is not uncommon for people who have never used bidets to think that there is something strange or even dirty about them upon seeing one for the first time. These attitudes may be difficult for bidet manufacturers to dispel if it is taboo to discuss toilet habits and personal hygiene in public, as is the case in many cultures and sub-groups of society.

In contrast, residents of countries where the bidet is found in almost every private residence, find it difficult to change their habits when they travel in countries where bidets are rare. The only alternatives to a bidet in such cases is to use the bathtub or a showerhead (if it can reach the toilet). In countries where the bidet is common, people quite often think that those who don't use a bidet are dirty and that it is disgusting to have sexual intercourse with a person who doesn't use a bidet.

Bidet attachments are sometimes included on hospital toilets because of their utility in maintaining hygiene. Currently (2006) in the US, bidets are not popular due in part to their cost ($400+). It should be noted, however, that in countries where the bidet is very common, the prices are much lower. In Italy, for example, the price for a bidet seldom exceeds €200 (about $260 USD), and it is not uncommon to find bidets priced as low as €40 (about $52 USD), especially in do-it-yourself stores. An alternative, in the USA, would be buying a bidet attachment for regular American toilets. The Bidet attachments are becoming an affordable way for individuals and families to experience increased hygiene from the use of a Bidet seat. Many Bidet retailers now offer bidet attachments that range from $79 to $650. As with any item, the more bells and whistles, the higher the price.

The Bidet attachments are also becoming more popular with the aging community. Many within this community are finding that water is much more effective than toilet paper. Also the technical advancements of the bidet attachments are allowing users a hands free toileting experience. For example, a company called Bio-Bidet makes a bidet seat attachment that includes a remote control. It also includes an air dryer that particularly benefits any individual with limited mobility either due to disease, accident or obesity.


When I lived in Afghanistan (1971-1976) and was on a long bus trip, the driver would stop for the obligatory prayer period, and for passenger "relief".

On a large flat field (no trees, no cover) you hopefully would be wearing the native dress (very long knee length shirt).

Smooth small river rocks, held in left hand only of course, did the trick. Now you know why one eats food in Muslim countries with right hand only....!

Good idea on the survey. Don't understand why people don't bother filling in their personal details. Something to hide perhaps?

Privacy is a right, not an option. I'm 36, anything else you want to know ??

Same, same :o


The sad thing is if I did a search for threads on "wiping my ass" i would miss out on the glorious tuteledge this thread has to offer since its buried in an age poll thread :o . This thread is drifting more than a drunk German tourist's sexual preferences :D .

Mcgriffith - is your avtar picture the top turn of Mulholland Drive above the Rock Store in Southern California?

Once you start washing your A55 with water , there is no turning back ,

cos you will feel that paper can't clean it .

that why asian have less a55 related problem whahha cos there keep it clean ..

I am from singapore and alot of singaporean spend like $30-50 a month on toilet paper alone , got to get the best grade - one roll is $1 - a family of 5 would spend you alot each month on toilet paper alone

each per use about 1 roll every 3 -5 days

but since i am in thailand and started the water spray device ,

another good point of the water spray is such that , once you get FAT in thailand , is hard to use toilet paper on your own a55 cos of the belly stoping your hand from reaching it well and clean it with paper alone ,

i know people who is fat enough for them to have problem wap their own a55 , sound funny

but in long run is a serious problem as alot of related problem will start due to poor cleanliness of the holy part

carful to adjust the water persurre cos too strong a jet of water may injury your a55

man i think there can write a book on how to clean ones a55 cos the world really have little and poor knowlededge on this shit topic ,

do youknow you can also tell how healthy you are but the stickiness of your shit and color .

of cos when it smell real bad , you know you need help .

chances is a bad intestine infection that give you that smelly shit m,

Last but not least , IF YOUR SHIT IS BLACK !!!!!!!!!GO SEE A DOCTOR and tell him .

mean you having internal bleeding - i know cos i had shit black shit before

i know my a55 is clean whahha a

spend too much time in the sun today Ta22 ? <deleted> has this got to do with the original topic? :D

maybe you should start a topic on the above and call it "shit happens- how to tell if youre healthy, it depends if youre "keeniow" or not"


Bunghole squirters at home. Toilet paper when in the saturation chamber (work) unfortunately.. Greatest invention since sliced pizza.

A breif history.......SNURRRP.....l with limited mobility either due to disease, accident or obesity.

nono1.gif This is greatly :o

twat_bum1.gif This was copied from Bidet - Wikipedia. link1.gif Please give your sources if you copy and paste in this manner. Thaivisa have strict rules about posting copyright information. we MUST have permission from the copyright holder, and, if permission is otherwise implied or assumed, we MUST give the direct source. This is for legal reasons and to stop legal action against us.

From the same site: Bidet is a French word for pony (and in Old French, bider meant to trot). One wonders about the etymology of the British slang term, the trots.

I greatly miss having a bidet in my bathroom. My last houses did. It has been on my "Must Do" list for ten or so years now.

Back on topic now please. How old are we all. A further clue to my age - I am told I am referred to, in some circles - as a "Geriactric Hippy," although I take some small issue with that description :D


Chill ok Wikipedia. is a free copyright place

Well i agree and disagree don't be too serious ..

free spirit my good mod :o

. . . . . A further clue to my age - I am told I am referred to, in some circles - as a "Geriactric Hippy," although I take some small issue with that description :o

Don't like to be called a hippy?

Don't particularly mind, the moniker. Just don't particularly feel it fits.


"I greatly miss having a bidet in my bathroom. My last houses did. It has been on my "Must Do" list for ten or so years now."


no joke!

when we built our [second] last home in Florida 14 years ago the plumber who had to install the bidets took me aside and asked "what exactly are these peedays for?" i replied cooly "you have seen that i planned our kitchen much too small and there is only one sink. most of the time we use the bidets to rinse fresh vegetables". when we sold the home later i got more or less the same questions from potential buyers and finally my wife forbade me to use the same answer.

building our present home we indulged in the luxury having Pattaya's most stupid plumber. nice hardworking chap but... after moving in we realized a terrible stink in the bathrooms whenever a toilet was flushed. no measure helped, the stink was there. it turned out that the plumber directly connected the bidet drain pipe to the toilet pipe (which was not vented). therefore back pressure caused the stink. i a small meeting it turned out that the plumber had no idea for which purpose a bidet is meant and we laughed all heartily when he disclosed his assumptions that farangs use on certain days in a week a bidet to siht in it.


p.s. i got used to "bum sprayers" in a rented flat but could not convince my wife to have them instead of bidets.

Bunghole squirters at home. Toilet paper when in the saturation chamber (work) unfortunately.. Greatest invention since sliced pizza.

A breif history.......SNURRRP.....l with limited mobility either due to disease, accident or obesity.

nono1.gif This is greatly :o

twat_bum1.gif This was copied from Bidet - Wikipedia. link1.gif Please give your sources if you copy and paste in this manner. Thaivisa have strict rules about posting copyright information. we MUST have permission from the copyright holder, and, if permission is otherwise implied or assumed, we MUST give the direct source. This is for legal reasons and to stop legal action against us.

From the same site: Bidet is a French word for pony (and in Old French, bider meant to trot). One wonders about the etymology of the British slang term, the trots.

I greatly miss having a bidet in my bathroom. My last houses did. It has been on my "Must Do" list for ten or so years now.

Back on topic now please. How old are we all. A further clue to my age - I am told I am referred to, in some circles - as a "Geriactric Hippy," although I take some small issue with that discription :D

Sorry boss.. Will do so next time..

The sad thing is if I did a search for threads on "wiping my ass" i would miss out on the glorious tuteledge this thread has to offer since its buried in an age poll thread :o . This thread is drifting more than a drunk German tourist's sexual preferences :D .

Mcgriffith - is your avtar picture the top turn of Mulholland Drive above the Rock Store in Southern California?

No, its me on my 02 GSX-R 1000 a couple of years ago on Palomar in E San Diego County. About 1/2 way up, saw a guy at side of road taking pictures. Turns out he has a website where he posts the photos, and you have the option of buying a hi-res image from him.


Oh, and so as to stay on topic- 55 going on 23...!

Mcgriffith - is your avtar picture the top turn of Mulholland Drive above the Rock Store in Southern California?

No, its me on my 02 GSX-R 1000 a couple of years ago on Palomar in E San Diego County.

I have been misled by your avatar. I had thought all along that it was a posed shot, with you simply resting on your side stand. Prompted by your exchange to take a closer look, I realize now that what I thought was your side stand is in fact the painted dividing line between the two lanes! :D

Oh, and so as to stay on topic- 55 going on 23...!

In a pretense that I am doing likewise, 53. :o

Chill ok Wikipedia. is a free copyright place

Well i agree and disagree don't be too serious ..

free spirit my good mod :D

Tatutu. Please rtfm1.gif read the rules and don't comment on moderation issues again. Many moderators take it much less calmly than I do and hand out warnings and holidays for such.

Sorry boss.. Will do so next time..

No problems. I just wanted to explain a bit of what we have to be concerned about. (And I wanted a chance to use some of those emoticons! :o )


:o Thanks p1p for seieng the lighter side of the world

like i said i agree and disagree

oh yeh donny boy na i seldom get under the sun .. i am a night person ,

the twist to this shitty topic was lead by a question , just enjoy replying any question ,

...:D am lucky all my post is original no worry about where i paste it from , plus if i do i will try to put a link .

i was worrying if i add a link i might take away traffic as some forum do not allow user to add link :D


i guess this is what call age gap :D

Chill ok Wikipedia. is a free copyright place

Well i agree and disagree don't be too serious ..

free spirit my good mod :D

Tatutu. Please rtfm1.gif read the rules and don't comment on moderation issues again. Many moderators take it much less calmly than I do and hand out warnings and holidays for such.

Sorry boss.. Will do so next time..

No problems. I just wanted to explain a bit of what we have to be concerned about. (And I wanted a chance to use some of those emoticons! :o )

I'd love to get hold of the "spanking" emoticon.. Where did you get that ?

. . . . . A further clue to my age - I am told I am referred to, in some circles - as a "Geriactric Hippy," although I take some small issue with that description :o

Don't like to be called a hippy?

Don't particularly mind, the moniker. Just don't particularly feel it fits.

Um, please sir, Mr. P1p, monitor, sir, may I make the observation that you seem to have answered my question by modifying my post as if I myself had included in it your answer to my question? (I've no particularly brilliant emoticons to add here myself, but you've had such good ones lately that I would be delighted to see any that you might wish to use in your reply . . . should you be kind enough, that is, to grant me one . . . Sir! :D)

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