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Swapping stamps between passports (not a new PP)

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This is specifically aimed at holders of multiple UK passports (like me).


My main passport will expire in July next year, my work extension is up in November - So I won't get a complete year unless I renew my PP.


I hold two UK passports with the reason being "much business travel to countries requiring visas". After I got my second PP I rapidly discovered that most embassies will only put a visa in the PP with my Thai entry stamp. Fail!


So my second passport is pretty much empty and still has 5 years to run. I no longer really need the second PP anyway as my business travel is well down, I have enough work in Thailand to (hopefully) see me to a sensible retirement age.


So, on the advice of our office lady we decided to try to move the stamps from the expiring passport to the second "not very new" passport. Of course there is no embassy letter.


Filled in the form, submitted it along with FULL copies of both passports (Miss Office had been doing some groundwork), 90 minutes later stamps transferred, no questions asked.


There was I all nervous that we'd get knocked back, no letter and all that jazz.


This was at CW by the way.




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It they transferred all your stamps to the other passport from you existing one I see no reason for you to have a problem.

Just be sure you have a re-entry permit in what is you primary passport now.

Has anything been done to change your work permit records to the different passport number?

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1 minute ago, ubonjoe said:

Has anything been done to change your work permit records to the different passport number?


Not yet, that's the next task. We only did the stamps yesterday.


The stamps in the "new" PP are the same (ok, take up as much room) as the usual transfer stamps.


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