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Hiya All,

the Missus and I are going back to thailand on a visit...she is on a UK Settlement already here in the UK. When returning to the UK from Thailand is there any documents we need to carry etc. I know maybe nothing, but always best to ask I have learned!

Thanks for all replies :o

Mr Topdjdel, you love the UK and all the people in it and don't pretend otherwise!!

UK, love it??? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

every day winds me up here now,tax tax the weathers crap,beer is far too expensive ,the conversations in pubs is crap oh everythings crap!!

This Government is crap!!!

Reading on this site everyday the grief that people are having to undertake to have a litlle bit of happiness makes me mad.

Rant over.



Dear lopburiguy, depending on what side of the field your looking from sir can change one perceptions of the colour green, the grass that is, I think that our thiavisa.com friend mousier topdjdel may be looking at the grass from a different direction as yourself, I don't fink theres nufin' wrong with that at all.

Good day to you and your family.

The Jimmy

Dear lopburiguy, depending on what side of the field your looking from sir can change one perceptions of the colour green, the grass that is, I think that our thiavisa.com friend mousier topdjdel may be looking at the grass from a different direction as yourself, I don't fink theres nufin' wrong with that at all.

Good day to you and your family.

The Jimmy

I see your point, yet people have a tendancy when in Thailand or wanting to get there to degrade the UK. I feel that after spending alongtime on here one should try and change their perception. You and I may differ in thought, but we both have goals and aspirations, mine to be back in Singapore....I do not feel however that pishing on the shoes of my motherland is the right way to do it. You would be all kicking and screaming to comeback as the refugees are now if your bowl was empty and your water bottle dry. You only have to read this forum to see how Thailands so called "government" runs their state of affairs to see how behind the times they are....good or bad, the system fecks up more than the UKs on a regular basis...


Its quite nice where I am from anyway....bamcastle.jpg

Goodluck to you whatever you do. :D



The picture looks like North Foreland.

If it came across as degrading the UK well thats up to you.I am not gonna say sorry thats for sure.

My personal view of the UK,that was it!! I am unhappy!!

If you or anybody has the opportunity to live and work abroad and above all else be happy then I'm pleased for you all.

2 rants in 1 weekend,wheres the rope!!


The picture looks like North Foreland.

If it came across as degrading the UK well thats up to you.I am not gonna say sorry thats for sure.

My personal view of the UK,that was it!! I am unhappy!!

If you or anybody has the opportunity to live and work abroad and above all else be happy then I'm pleased for you all.

2 rants in 1 weekend,wheres the rope!!

Hi topdj, I wasnt pointing in your direction, it was just in general alot of O.P post things about the UK being rather nasty. I also think the UK can be quite dull, however when the world cup comes round people are always proud of where they are from. I think we should take a leaf out the Thai book and Angrit rak Angrit, at least sometimes!



fair play lop.

Indeed sir wherever i maybe when the world cup is held I would support England,even judging by our performancies of late, that will be short lived aswell.Sorry for being negative lol.

I'm trying to have a laugh, and be happy and help others wherever possible.

the delboy

many thanks Scouse.

Apoligies for going off the original thread,just happened I'm afraid.


Yeah sorry Scouse. :D

Your'e only jealous, cos there's no farangs in your village :o

I thought in Liverpool they were all farangs, or am I finking of somethin' else!!!!

Hey hey, calm down.


Big Jimmy, we where talking about socialising in Chaiya Phum and Scouse moved the posts into it's own topic, in the Issan forum. I know Scouse doesn't like going to the Village in Thailand, cos he hasn't got a drinking buddy there, :o hence my post :D

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