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Supreme Court: Suspending Parliament was unlawful, judges rule

Jonathan Fairfield

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The majority of UK citizens did not vote to leave.

This is boring. The majority of those who voted wanted to Leave. If you don't vote or are not eligible to vote then it does not count. That's the way Democracy has always worked. Otherwise, we'd never have a majority government. It's a very weak argument, and you know it.

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1 minute ago, JonnyF said:

Parliament is predominately made up of Remainers. So how could a few Brexiteers block it? It was a Remain Parliament that blocked it. The likes of Johnson and Rees Mogg voted for it he 3rd time and it still failed. 


You are clutching at straws to hide your anti-democratic views. You are right to hide them, they are extremely undesirable in 21st Century Britain ????.

At the time, parliament was dominated by the Tories. If they'd all voted for May's deal, it would have passed. Didn't the tories sit on a manifesto of Leave? The only one clutching at straws and trying tp deflect the blame away from Johnson, Mogg et al, is you.

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3 minutes ago, Blue Muton said:

How dare you use the anti-democratic label when the leave side committed so much fraud?

Evidence please. If you haven't been keeping up, here's an article from yesterday. In fairness it was easy to miss because the Remainstream media have completely ignored. it.





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12 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


These individuals are supporting the majority of UK citizens that voted to Leave. Not trying to over-ride the Democratic vote like the HOC, the Civil service and the House of Lords.

What part of "if these individuals had voted for Mays deal we would be out now", don't you understand?

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2 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

At the time, parliament was dominated by the Tories. If they'd all voted for May's deal, it would have passed. Didn't the tories sit on a manifesto of Leave? The only one clutching at straws and trying tp deflect the blame away from Johnson, Mogg et al, is you.

Since when did Remainers honour a manifesto promise? Most of them can't lie straight in bed. Relying on Remain Tories to honor what they promised the public in a manifesto is futile. They can't honor promises to their own party or their own constituents.


Johnson and Mogg (and Raab) voted for the deal. It still failed. Those are the facts. Remainers blocked the deal. Remainers blocked No Deal. Remainers are blocking the election. They have brought the country to a standstill because they cannot accept losing ????.



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3 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

What part of "if these individuals had voted for Mays deal we would be out now", don't you understand?

I understand the content, but it bears no resemblance to the truth. See my previous post for some facts.

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17 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Obviously not in this case. They support the majority of the people who voted by a majority of 1.3 million to leave etc etc.


The invisible strong men in the civil service behind the government have demonstrated that the will of the minority rules when it fits in with their wishes.

but it's always been like that or did you think that your ballot paper gave you the power over and above deciding about rubbish collection and pub opening times?

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15 minutes ago, Blue Muton said:

Multiple convictions of electoral fraud prove it was not a democratic vote, stop pretending otherwise. 

The majority of UK citizens most certainly did not vote to Leave, as you put it, that is a lie. 17.4 million people out of over 60 million is a majority now?

I said a majority of those who voted, therefore it is not a lie. Elections are won and lost based on those who vote. That's how Democracy works. Your argument that it shouldn't count because under 18's, people in jail, people who don't care etc. did not vote is ridiculous.


Of those who voted, a majority voted to Leave. Get it? Same as how governments get elected to power. It's always been that way. It's not complicated. ????????

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4 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Since when did Remainers honour a manifesto promise? Most of them can't lie straight in bed. Relying on Remain Tories to honor what they promised the public in a manifesto is futile. They can't honor promises to their own party or their own constituents.


Johnson and Mogg (and Raab) voted for the deal. It still failed. Those are the facts. Remainers blocked the deal. Remainers blocked No Deal. Remainers are blocking the election. They have brought the country to a standstill because they cannot accept losing ????.



It’s not the lies to the Queen of a Remainers that brought about this Supreme Court Ruling.

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16 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

This is boring. The majority of those who voted wanted to Leave. If you don't vote or are not eligible to vote then it does not count. That's the way Democracy has always worked. Otherwise, we'd never have a majority government. It's a very weak argument, and you know it.

So now you edit.


(without admitting I was right to call out your misrepresentation of the truth).

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Just now, JonnyF said:

Since when did Remainers honour a manifesto promise? Most of them can't lie straight in bed. Relying on Remain Tories to honor what they promised the public in a manifesto is futile. They can't honor promises to their own party or their own constituents.


Johnson and Mogg (and Raab) voted for the deal. It still failed. Those are the facts. Remainers blocked the deal. Remainers blocked No Deal. Remainers are blocking the election. They have brought the country to a standstill because they cannot accept losing ????.



So, more deflection, after 3 years of brexiteer nonsense, I suppose we should be used to it.


Did the Tory manifesto promise exit from the EU?


Did the referendum ballot paper say "Leave, but not with May's deal"?


Did Johnson and Mogg twice vote against May's deal?


The Tory extreme right elite, prevented us from leaving. Those are the facts. Own it.

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Forgive me, completely re-written to remove your previous mid representation of the truth.



Again, which post? I have no idea what you are talking about. I suspect you do not either.


If I changed a post it was have a line underneath saying "edited by..." 


So which post was it?

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1 minute ago, JonnyF said:

Pathetic arguments. How could a Ballot paper in 2016 include an option for a deal negotiated after the vote? This isn't Back to the Future ????


When Mogg and Johnson voted for it, it still failed. So how exactly did they block it?


Yes the manifesto stated to Leave. The problem is not Tories, it's Remainers of every party that refuse to accept losing. The Remain Parliament is making leaving impossible. Own it.



Just using the argument that Brexiteers constantly use, "There was only remain and leave on the ballot paper" Does that only apply when it suits you?


Mogg and Johnson voted against it twice, for it once. That's 2 to 1. Don't you believe in democracy? 555


It's not a remain parliament. Both the government and opposition are led by Brexiteers. Own it.

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1 minute ago, DannyCarlton said:

Just using the argument that Brexiteers constantly use, "There was only remain and leave on the ballot paper" Does that only apply when it suits you?


Mogg and Johnson voted against it twice, for it once. That's 2 to 1. Don't you believe in democracy? 555


It's not a remain parliament. Both the government and opposition are led by Brexiteers. Own it.

Yes Remain and Leave. Leave Won. A Remain parliament is blocking a deal and blocking no deal. And blocking an election. It's not complicated.


Fortunately, Boris won't resign because of some rigged court ruling. The Remain parties know they would lose an election so they won't have the stones to call one because most of them will lose their jobs, so this decision simply means Parliament comes back to sit. Their little holiday is over. Back where we started. The endless loop. The Zombie Parliament. Remainers have succeeded in dragging this uncertainty on for a few more months. And they're celebrating that like it's a victory ????.

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24 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Interesting that the judge that threw it out was Hickinbottom, a fellow of the ELI. 


No bias there then. ????

The only other article of interest to catch my eye so far this morning has been this:


RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Why don't we drag John Bercow in front of the Supreme Court?


The 'Dog wiv 2 Dicks' routine from the usual culprits is to be expected but the boards would be far more enjoyable if they'd inject a bit o' banter or humour instead of resorting to witless abuse.


Signed ????


Edited by evadgib
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2 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Yes Remain and Leave. Leave Won. A Remain parliament is blocking a deal and blocking no deal. And blocking an election. It's not complicated.


Fortunately, Boris won't resign because of some rigged court ruling. The Remain parties know they would lose an election so they won't have the stones to call one because most of them will lose their jobs, so this decision simply means Parliament comes back to sit. Their little holiday is over. Back where we started. The endless loop. The Zombie Parliament. Remainers have succeeded in dragging this uncertainty on for a few more months. And they're celebrating that like it's a victory ????.

What part of "It wasn't a remain parliament in March" don't you understand?


How was the court ruling rigged? Stands back and waits for another bizarre brexiteer conspiracy theory.

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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

Don't you mean listen 'to' yourself.


There are several entries on Wikipedia relating to ‘The Establishment’ and a book called The Establishment And How They Get Away With It.


If you're unfamiliar with the term it refers to a group of elite, wealthy and influential people who have the final say about issues that affect our daily lives.

I have to disappoint you. Laws apply to everyone, even Johnson and his wealthy and influential Eton buddies trying to have the final say about how politics work. It’s good that there are courts that uphold the rule of law and stop the Elite from putting themselves above the law. 

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1 minute ago, evadgib said:

The only other article of interest to catch my eye so far this morning has been this:


RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Why don't we drag John Bercow in front of the Supreme Court?


The 'Dog wiv 2 Dicks' routine from the usual culprits is to be expected but the boards would be far more enjoyable if they'd inject a bit o' banter or humour instead of resorting to witless abuse.


Answer: It's not funny when you post complete <deleted> and extreme right wing propoganda. The National Front isn't funny.


Anyway I do post mostly humourous things. That's why my posts generate more smiley faces from Brexiteers than anyone else.

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With the supreme court ruling that johnson's proroguing of parliament was constitutionally unlawful, his days are numbered, as his PM post is untenable - or should be.


Probably happen if and when around 50 tory MPs send a letter of no confidence to the 1922 committee, he'll be history just like May. I'd vote for Rory Stewart as the next PM, as he appears to be the most realistic of all the candidates, and backs Britain, not himself. 


As I've said on several occasions, johnson went about brexit in totally the wrong way. Threatening a no-deal would never succeed, IMO. 

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14 minutes ago, JAG said:

Neither the Electoral Commission who oversaw the referendum, the government who called it, the Remain Campaign who fought and lost it nor the parliament which was subsequently elected promising to honour the result has made any moves to overturn it on the grounds of serious electoral fraud. Neither the silly slogans painted on that notorious bus displayed by the leave campaign, nor the exaggerated claims of impending economic and social disintegration made by many on the remain campaign (including government ministers) constitute serious electoral fraud. There have been no substantiated claims, Where there have been claims no action has been taken.


Yet again: there was no "serious electoral fraud", no matter how many times you repeat it!

You are showing that you don't know what you're talking about. Let me remind you, as you seem to have missed it.


It was the head of the Electoral Commission that branded the offences committed by the Leave campaign "most serious".


Uder UK Electoral law there could not be any moves to overturn the result because the referendum was a non-binding, advisory one. Had it been a binding referendum then it would have been possible to challenge the result.


Electoral Fraud is defined in law. What you describe as "exagerated claims" are not covered by that law. Interestingly, deliberately lying by an official campaign would appear to be covered, given that the reason the courts gave for stopping the action against Johnson was not that the £350m a week lie was within the law, rather that the motivation for bringing the action was deemed to be politically motivated.


Do try to keep up.

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