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1 Day Overstay

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Owing to a balls up with our flights we face an unavoidable 1 day overstay on our visas. Can anyone tell me the procedure at the airport when we leave? Do we go to immigration as normal & then get 'hauled off' to another desk to pay any necessary fine, or is there an Overstay Desk before immigration that we'll have to go to? We will be leaving exactly 24 hours after our visa expires & are 1st ime 'offenders'.

Many thanks for any advice.

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Go to the immigration office with your plane tickets and ask for an extension before you leave.


Nonsense. Just overstay one day .... there is a special counter at the airport for overstay (clearly marked

by a sign).

There used to be a grace period for 1 day overstays, only pay on the second day (2 x 500 bht).

Not sure if that rule is still in place .... but to go to the immigation office (today is Saturday also) with

your tickets ( :o ) is pure nonsense.

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Go to the immigration office with your plane tickets and ask for an extension before you leave.


Nonsense. Just overstay one day .... there is a special counter at the airport for overstay (clearly marked

by a sign).

There used to be a grace period for 1 day overstays, only pay on the second day (2 x 500 bht).

Not sure if that rule is still in place .... but to go to the immigation office (today is Saturday also) with

your tickets ( :o ) is pure nonsense.

I'm sure the OP would think differently as the police drag him to jail on his last night in Thailand.

A statistical improbability, but a possibility.

Certainly not nonsense to obey the law.

overstay is illegal isn't it?

Or is that silly law just nonsense?

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I went through this last week... Check in as normal, go to immigration as normal. they will sit you down for 2mins stamp 1day overstamp in your passport. You dont get fined for an overstay of less than 24hrs and nothing to sign.

hel_l they even smile when they do it!!! :D:o

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Assuming you make it to the airport there will be no problem, and there will be no problem when you return to Thailand in the future.

My only worry would be getting an 'overstay' stamp, other countries may use its presence as a reason to delay or not issue a visa in the future.

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Assuming you make it to the airport there will be no problem, and there will be no problem when you return to Thailand in the future.

My only worry would be getting an 'overstay' stamp, other countries may use its presence as a reason to delay or not issue a visa in the future.

Well unless the other country' officals can read small squiggly Thai can't see it being a problem. And it isn' a problem in Thailand with a Thai overstay of 1 or 2 days as have rentered my twice with these stamps


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Assuming you make it to the airport there will be no problem, and there will be no problem when you return to Thailand in the future.

My only worry would be getting an 'overstay' stamp, other countries may use its presence as a reason to delay or not issue a visa in the future.

Well unless the other country' officals can read small squiggly Thai can see it being a problem. And it is a problem in Thailand with a Thai overstay of 1 or 2 days as have rentered my twice with these stamps

You may be surprised what embassy officials can read, particularly ones in embassies based in Bangkok :o

BTW what kind of problem did you have when entering with overstay stamps, most posters have reported no difficulties?

Edited by Crossy
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Assuming you make it to the airport there will be no problem, and there will be no problem when you return to Thailand in the future.

My only worry would be getting an 'overstay' stamp, other countries may use its presence as a reason to delay or not issue a visa in the future.

Well unless the other country' officals can read small squiggly Thai can see it being a problem. And it is a problem in Thailand with a Thai overstay of 1 or 2 days as have rentered my twice with these stamps

You may be surprised what embassy officials can read, particularly ones in embassies based in Bangkok :D

BTW what kind of problem did you have when entering with overstay stamps, most posters have reported no difficulties?

Sorry mate no problems, just mistyped... Have gone and edited it!!! Thnks and sorry... (am new here :o )

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people miss flights all the time. The only time I heard of anyone having a problem with a one day overstay was the infamous ranong 12 or 7 fiasco a year or so back. They were actually looking for meth traffikers but ended up with egg on their faces by not knowing what to do with a few over-stayers.

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you have two choices:

you can extend your stay by a week to 30 days depending on what type of entry you made (ie on arrival or visa). the cost of this is B1900 and can be done at most immimgration offices around the country. it takes from 20 minutes (pattaya and phuket/patong) to a day (Bangkok).

the other choice, like you say, is to pay the overstay fine at the airport. the fine is B500 per day per person. at the immigration counter, the officer will note the overstay (or you can just tell them) and there is a desk off to the side where you will be directed to pay the fine. as it is only 1 day it is no problem. many tourists and others have overstays and it's a common procedure at the airport. a record is made but i don't believe it is any sort of criminal record and to my knowledge, no entry is made in your passport.

Learn the facts or do not comment. Post dumped.

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A year ago I had 4 days of overstay, told so when I got my exit stamp and the guy just pointed at the office, where I got a stamp in the passport about it and paid my 800 Baht for it. This winter I applied for a double 60day tourist visa in Stockholm, got it with no questions asked.

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you have two choices:

you can extend your stay by a week to 30 days depending on what type of entry you made (ie on arrival or visa). the cost of this is B1900 and can be done at most immimgration offices around the country. it takes from 20 minutes (pattaya and phuket/patong) to a day (Bangkok).

the other choice, like you say, is to pay the overstay fine at the airport. the fine is B500 per day per person. at the immigration counter, the officer will note the overstay (or you can just tell them) and there is a desk off to the side where you will be directed to pay the fine. as it is only 1 day it is no problem. many tourists and others have overstays and it's a common procedure at the airport. a record is made but i don't believe it is any sort of criminal record and to my knowledge, no entry is made in your passport.

Learn the facts or do not comment. Post dumped.

If you ring immigration they will tell you to simply pay the overstay fine at the airport... or if you have 1900baht and a day to spend at the immigration office then you can get an extention... easier and cheaper to pay the fine at the airport, it takes 5 minutes, they will stamp your passport with the overstay fine... the only hassle I can see is the stamp takes up space in your passport

Also, just as a matter of interest, I have seen someone overstay by 2 years, he paid the maximum fine of 20,000 baht, and returned to Thailand the same day... I think it's a lot cheaper than doing lots of visa runs.

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Also, just as a matter of interest, I have seen someone overstay by 2 years, he paid the maximum fine of 20,000 baht, and returned to Thailand the same day... I think it's a lot cheaper than doing lots of visa runs.

Well, lucky he is to not be blacklisted :o

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Go to the immigration office with your plane tickets and ask for an extension before you leave.


Nonsense. Just overstay one day .... there is a special counter at the airport for overstay (clearly marked

by a sign).

There used to be a grace period for 1 day overstays, only pay on the second day (2 x 500 bht).

Not sure if that rule is still in place .... but to go to the immigation office (today is Saturday also) with

your tickets ( :o ) is pure nonsense.

If you are on overstay and get caught on way to airport you cna be put in jail and in Thailand it is not a nic eplace to spend even a few days.

If you make it to the airport you will be fine

Your choice

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From experience with clients leaving from Suvrnawhatsit you need not worry at all...one day is still NOT charged, there is a sign saying that, and I have had 2 clients fly out the mroning after visa expired and they just walked thruemigration like anyone else. They were flying on the first available flight after midnight on day of visa expiration and had no hassles at all. As long as you are not flying say 0100 of the day after the day of expiry (eg expires 1 April and u fly 0100 on 3rd) you might get a one day charge but I have never known them put an overstay stamp in anyones passport for this either. They do seem to understand that flights are really busy right now. Hope that reassures you :o

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I had a one day overstay last year, at the airport they showed me to a desk where a nice lady made a notation in my passport, no fine was paid and I was on my way in 10 minutes.

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If you ring immigration they will tell you to simply pay the overstay fine at the airport... or if you have 1900baht and a day to spend at the immigration office then you can get an extention... easier and cheaper to pay the fine at the airport, it takes 5 minutes, they will stamp your passport with the overstay fine... the only hassle I can see is the stamp takes up space in your passport

yes, the immigration in CMX told me the same 3 years ago. But the forget to tell me, what is happen - if the police checked me

on the way to the airport.

If this happen, you can´t leave the place - you go in the jail first and then you must wait for your

deportation - after this you are blacklisted for many years.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I left Thailand to go to Singapore througn the airport one month ago, I had a one days overstay.

They stamped me out with no fine or overstay stamp, just a normal exit stamp.

ThaiPauly, at Land crossings there is no 1 day grace like there is at the airport, it's 500 baht and a stamp I'm afraid.

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My Son's visa expires today we cannot get to the Burmese Border today so will go tomorrow.

Has anyone experienced any problems with overstay at the Tachelek border crossing?

your son have no problem, if he show his passport at the Tachilek Border.

But be careful - if one of the many checkpoints before stop you and check the passport - your son can not go any place more.

They bring him to Bangkok and deported him to his country with an entry in the blacklist for long time.

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since being here in thailand i have had so many overstays but never had a problem longest was 6 days at the airport i just went through passport control and when they saw the overstay the man just pointed at the desk behind him and i went and 5mins and 3000 baht later got overstay stamp they said no problem but advised me next time to go to an immergration office as local police are less understanding since then i have had an o visa with no problem they have never mentioned anything about overstay and yes at land borders no day of grace 500 baht for every day im not saying this is ok to do as an overstay is breaking the law here and if a police man sees your overstay you would no doubt end up in the nick

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ps went back to uk last sunday and on the plane was a brit who had 5 year overstay got caught because ex girlfriend called police 4 days in nick 20,000 baht fine 22,000 for one way ticket and 200 baht fee to be taken to the airport also got arrested at heathrow because he had a warrent out for him in uk for unpaid fines uk embassy here passed on the info to uk police what a bummer

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