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Tatted Thai Thug Boy


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Okay everyone, screw being kind and generous to the KID who had sex with Dogberry’s daughter and made a baby.  That is all he did, a physical process that was selfish and produced a pregnancy.  Dogberry has taken responsibility and he and his wife are really the parents and they owe it to their grandchild to protect him or her ...I forgot what sorry, as if this is their own child.  You would not give your own child to some idiot violent Thai teenage boy to babysit for a few days at a time ....would you????


it would take me a long time to give you a list of examples of the things my daughter’s Thai family, her grandmother who had five children already, did to her when she was 2 years old, that also Thai people considered shockingly dangerous, I can’t imagine if those people were teenage boys.  Try to remember how selfish your average teenage boy is even if he is outstanding, and how unprepared for 24 hour a day childcare??  

You owe that boy nothing, you owe everything to protect your grandchild, that is it. He can come visit in your front yard for an hour if he wants once a month or something at most, if he is polite and easy to get along with and should bring money.  Totally turn this table.  By legalize his fatherhood, I meant that a man can go to court to make himself the legal father and pay child support.  He is not the legal father and has no rights to anything if he does not do that.


Everybody drop your tattoo BS, obviously the OP is mad at this guy and is talking <deleted> due to that. If you have tattoos then you are going to have to live that from time to time ...don’t say you can’t take it, you want to look tougher than whine like a baby??  All the bikers and ex-cons ...you are embarrassing them now!!


Really Dogberry, I’m so sad you are getting this standard line of drop your pants for the Thais no matter what they did, just keep being kinder and more gentle than everyone else ....bow down, kiss ass, and wait for your grandchild to die, get kidnapped, get all your money extorted ...why don’t you send that idiot to Harvard???  Don’t listen to this!!!  Get tough, that is what Thais do, that is what Chinese do, lock him out, freeze him out, protect your own, finished.

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Well well well... It goes from bad to worse. I'm finding out this guy is an actual sociopath. There was threats made to my step daughter yesterday when he appeared at my home while my lady and I were out. He is hot and dangerous.


I don't think he got into the house but he did jump the gate and punched the locked screen door off the track a bit and tore the screening a little. Daughter with baby ran upstairs and locked herself in her room. She says she heard his motorcycle depart shortly after.


I am also beginning to believe that P (daughters name) did not willingly give herself to him but was raped. I asked the wife straight out "did he rape her?" She said "I don't know for sure but I think so, P will not tell me."


I have no cameras, no witnesses. Police? Great... I'll just stay locked up in my house for fear of being murdered on some outing.


7 years of peace and tranquility gone to &*$#*.




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10 hours ago, amykat said:

Really Dogberry, I’m so sad you are getting this standard line of drop your pants for the Thais no matter what they did, just keep being kinder and more gentle than everyone else ....bow down, kiss ass, and wait for your grandchild to die, get kidnapped, get all your money extorted ...why don’t you send that idiot to Harvard???  Don’t listen to this!!!  Get tough, that is what Thais do, that is what Chinese do, lock him out, freeze him out, protect your own, finished.

I agree with you and appreciate the time you took for your thoughtful reply. However it's beyond that now. You understand that I cannot win this, right? Even He ends up in jail or something his gangster buddies will extract their revenge. I am actually excited to move somewhere new. Why not. 

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31 minutes ago, Dogberry said:

OK, resolved. I've had the wife and daughter up since 5 am and they are onboard. Call me chicken, I don't care. We're moving. I'll rent this place out and go somewhere else. Call it an adventure. Safety of my beloved is the ONLY thing I care about. 



Not at all chicken probably the best solution otherwise the situation would just drag on.Good luck.

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11 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Not at all chicken probably the best solution otherwise the situation would just drag on.Good luck.

Well there's drama at Dog's place for sure. P just now tearfully admitted he raped her, that she hates him and is scared to death of him. She delightfully said "really" when I suggested we try down south for awhile... win!

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Alright Ladies and Gentlemen. TYVM but I have packing to do... oh yeah and service the truck and cancel my internet and change my address and and... oh well. Not the first time I've moved. I will have a look back here from time to time so thanks again!!! Catch ya later.

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Good decision.  I didn’t mean you had to go confrontational ...anything that works.  Often doing Thai style lies works ...just delay, making up stupid stories works, why you can’t meet.  But okay things have gotten worse quickly already.    I’m happy you are taking action.  I wish you good luck.

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8 hours ago, Dogberry said:

P just now tearfully admitted he raped her, that she hates him and is scared to death of him. 

My friend have same before.


Rape guy use the motorbike right?

Have a lot hit and run accident in Thailand.

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