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Why Where Some Bars Shut On Soi 8 Last Night


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A source tells us that the leases of the sub-tenants expired and the master tenant or landlord decided not to renew them. There's no information on the future of those properties. This is only from a single source and may not be correct, but if they're closed again tonight and in the following days, you can give it a higher probability of being true.

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A source tells us that the leases of the sub-tenants expired and the master tenant or landlord decided not to renew them. There's no information on the future of those properties. This is only from a single source and may not be correct, but if they're closed again tonight and in the following days, you can give it a higher probability of being true.

Maybe this is why a lot of them have been up for sale lately. Cheeky buggers.

Typical business ethics in Pattaya.

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The bars where closed due to a wrangle over who owns the land that they and the Prince hotel are on. The land was repossesed by the bank years ago, but they didn't forceibly evict the people running it. Therefore they remained in control of the area as 'squatters'. A few years ago the owner of Mike shopping mall bought the property from the bank, which included the hotel and strip of bars beneath it. However, he was also unable to forceibly evict the guy who was running the place, and so the squatters continued to collect rent (do you remember that area being boarded up just before Songkran a few years ago). He went through the lenghty legal process and has recently produced a court order to all the bar owners telling them that all future payments of rent be made to his company. He was also able to get the squatters kicked out and finally take contol of the land and hotel he bought. The closing of the bars last night was the squatters probable last attempt to regain control, probably hoping the bar owners would panick and pay him last months rent. He hired a bunch of goons to go and intimidate the bars saying they couldn't operate until they paid this guy last months rent (which the lease holders had already paid to Mikes, the legal landlord). Your average bar girl isn't going to risk smudging her make up by standing up to them, so the bars closed. Some owners panicked and could be seen carrying their TV's and other stuff into pick ups. Mikes was informed and eventually his own goons turned up and the bars reopened. The police where also informed, but declined to act - hence the need for a second group of goons on Mike's payroll.

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