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money required for Marriage extension.

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Hello all,

Last year in august I married to my wife. (februari boeddhist) We did this in The Netherlands.

It costed over a year to get it registered at the Ampoe, mainly due misplacement of the marriage papers...
LOL, Thai storage system....

Anyway, Ampoe now knows we are married.
For the extension done by the embassy in Den Hague a letter of the bank telling i am a good customer and a list of the deposits of my income where sufficient.
The letter was in English, the list of deposits in Dutch.

Having the 40.000 thb is not an issue, but how I proof for immigration office??
I can ask the bank to send me the same letter again to my address in The Netherlands, and my son can re-send it to Thailand. (or make scan)
The bank deposit overview I can make, no problem, but it is in Euro.

I opened a bank account in Thailand, Bangkok bank..
and closed it after 2 weeks....
reason? i deposit 500.000, but where unable to transfer more than 50.000 a day.
as i am not Thai.
getting bank app?
big problems.. only at big branche office they can provide the login name etc.
the normal route, using the ATM won't work as I am not Thai......

I'ts my money, they don't decide how much I can transfer or use in a day.
So I withdrew all money. that was possible ???? I didn't have to go to the bank 10 times....

I live in Phen area, Udon Thani. No Bangkok bank here, only in Udon. and that branch office appeared to small.

maybe next month ill try different bank, now I have the Bangkok bank bankbook it might be possible.
As i have marriage visa most banks don't accept (??) they do retirement and working and study.....
strange Thai system....

back on track...

Immigration in Udon Thani, who have experience with funds in Euro on not Thai bank account??


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17 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

To prove your income you will need to do a affidavit at the Dutch embassy in Bangkok.

Do we still have to prove that the money is coming to a Thai bank with 12 bank statements?

I thought I read that a while ago and wonder if it's still right?

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@ Ubonjoe: The Embassy from The Netherlands was the very first what did not sign an affidavid anymore. They now give a 'Visa Supporting Letter' To become this document the applicant has to prove his income.

@Sirquest007: You are clearly a Hollander....

'I'ts my money, they don't decide how much I can transfer or use in a day.
So I withdrew all money. that was possible
???? I didn't have to go to the bank 10 times....'

They think they can make the rules in an other country. As you are Hollander, ask your question on a Dutch forum or blog. In your home language you will be able to explain your real problem and also get answers in a language you understand. (see www.thailandblog.nl)


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You have two options:

- show 400,000 baht in a bank account in Thailand in your name. Money must be there for at least 2 months. I guess this option is out.


- show you have an income of at least 40,000 baht per month. For this you can apply for a "visa ondersteunings brief" at the Dutch Embassy. Look on their website and download the form. Fill it in together with the required evidence (tax-documents, pay-slips of employer or pension fund, etc) of your income and they will send it back to you within a few days. Thai immigration will convert the amount to Thai baht on the day you apply for the extension.

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19 minutes ago, alexlm said:

Do we still have to prove that the money is coming to a Thai bank with 12 bank statements?

I thought I read that a while ago and wonder if it's still right?

Not with an Embassy letter although you never can be sure what backup may be requested.

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22 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

To prove your income you will need to do a affidavit at the Dutch embassy in Bangkok.

But if this affidavit is only your declaration and the Embassy writes in small print that their legalization only confirms that you signed it but does not guarantee that the content is authentic ....then Immigration Office can or will reject is (as I/O did in my case with a Belgian legalization / indeed the Embassy has no means to do verification)

You should read the small print on the legalization stamp applied by the Dutch Embassy.


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The Austrian Consul-general in Pattaya can issue a Letter of Income, and certify the income ( after submission of the necessary documents ) for the nationals of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands.


This L.oI. is accepted by Immigration Jomtien, Rayong,

not sure everywhere. 

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If you have your income in the NL certified by Embassy letter, you dont need to worry about sending 40K THB to a Thaibank every month. You can send it as you think best (Send only savings from the previous calendar year may suit).

I use Krungsi FCD (GBP), opened at a main province branch, seems to work well. 0.25% deposit fee(min 200THB), then you can convert to THB at their TT fx rate. Min balance $500US equivelent. They may only open a Thai Baht account if recommended, say if your wife is already a bank customer, or they will ask for a work permit! 

But I think their max per withdrawal via ATM is 20kTHB/ per withdrawal, 100kTHB/day. (I actually had one of my cards limited to 20kTHB / day by choice).

The advantage is you probably dont need to transfer every month (unlike UK, AUS, & USA who cannot get a letter).

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On 10/29/2019 at 1:44 PM, luckyluke said:

The Austrian Consul-general in Pattaya can issue a Letter of Income, and certify the income ( after submission of the necessary documents ) for the nationals of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands.


Hi LuckyLuke, I live in Isaan.. close to Laos. Far far from Pattaya..

"@Sirquest007: You are clearly a Hollander...." ... is it that obvious?

Don't other cultures care about a bank deciding for them what they can and can not do?
I don't think any European is willing to travel a whole day to the bank a few times in a row, only as the bank limited transaction space.... Makes me wonder about your nationality...

"Apartheid" Dutch word... 
It have nothing to do with rules, but with discrimination.
From what I read about it on this forum, Thai gouvernement is doing a great job with this... 
unless discrimination is the rule...
then, yes. 
"They (I) think they can make the rules in an other country. "
No. Not make the rules, but question them. Are they relevant, realistic, real? 
Not to blind follow/ like robot, but be human. There is a big difference!!

But thank you for the tip  'Visa Supporting Letter'  / "visa ondersteunings brief"
(thanks @preachter)

For others that need to find 'Visa Supporting Letter'  / "visa ondersteunings brief": link visumondersteuningsbrief

My visa extension is needed in august 2020.
I learned that in Thailand preparation is key.
many different people at different locations in the chain will tell different requirements.
best is to provide them all.
(only to find that at the office where it actually happens they don't even look at 90% of them.)
Be prepared, be gentle and patient. smile a lot and be respectful.

Thanks for the feedback!


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