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Hsbc Fee Free Account Transfer?

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HSBC Fee Free account transfer?

The HSBC refers to a fee free account transfer… If you have an account in say the US or UK they will help you set up an account in Thailand one then can make transfer between accounts online without a fee other that exchange fee


Also has anyone done business at the HSBC Premier Office in BKK – What were your experiences?


Edited by sfokevin
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i have a hsbc account in england and wanted to set one up in bkk but they did not give me an option of online banking tranfers from uk to bkk ....however they did want to charge 500 baht per month for having the hsbc bank in bkk and transfer would cost me 15 pounds every transfer or 25 pounds with any other thailand banks ... so i opened up a k bank in bkk its cheaper ...they dont charge 500 every month for having the bank account ..

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So if they offer it what are they not deliverying it ?

In the UK HSBC now have a dedicated ddepartment for opeing accounts overseas - but Thailand is not included !

I have HSBC accounts in Malaysia and Singapore and there is no fee free transfers to these - lower cost yes but not fee free !

Cheapest way for large amounts is with a Nationwide Visa Debit card in a Thai bank....


HSBC Fee Free account transfer?

The HSBC refers to a fee free account transfer… If you have an account in say the US or UK they will help you set up an account in Thailand one then can make transfer between accounts online without a fee other that exchange fee


Also has anyone done business at the HSBC Premier Office in BKK – What were your experiences?


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