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Why You Hiding Behind A Mask?

Andrew Hicks

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I've just got satellite internet out here in the rice fields of Surin and I'm having a look at Thai Visa pretty much for the first time. But a funny thing happened to me on the way to the Forum.

I had to sign up n'that, so when it said 'user name'

Your profile says that you signed up on 11 December 2005. So you come today and talk to us about an event that occurred 15 months ago.




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Definite troll :D

(not sure though he could be a nice guy so just in case)

Hi Andrew, why not be real brave and fill in your profile :D

joined 2005 and first post (ish) a bit slow on the old keyboard too hmm :o

Steve :D:D:bah:

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You're as anonymous as the rest of us, cos whether you call yourself Andrew Hicks or Little Orphan Annie makes no difference if no-one on here knows you.

Some usernames do identify the owners (initials, real names, service numbers etc), some are just a representation, like an avatar is. That's not necessarily hiding. It can be, but most of us are straightforward enough in our posts that we could probably be identified by people who know us. The majority of people don't know us however, so it makes no difference what name we use. November Rain sounds more interesting than my given name & it does say something about my likes & personality - more than my given name.

Dear Mr Rain or can I call you Nov?

Yeah, but the difference is that my name's really Andrew Hicks and maybe I'm famous. Have you never heard of Andrew Hicks? I've my good reputation to consider, you do realise, and because I've declared who I am, I have that to uphold. Clear identity seems to be desirable on a public forum and I wonder why this shadowy practice has developed.

Oops sorry, maybe Novenber's a girl's name.


Don't be a senseless git .... I could sign up right now as ANDREW HlCKS ad nauseum <note the I in hicks is actually a lower case L> ... would that be you?

but I am not so anonymous .... and have even had some senseless tw@t threaten me on here ... what did I do? Posted where I live :o MANY members of this forum (and gay.com etc) know exctly who I am :D I live a secure above board life .... but if you have read ANYTHING about internet ettiquette and responsible usage you'd know not to reveal too much because there can be consequences!

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Brit, nice to see you back!

Cheers for the sentiment mate! Not exactly happy to be back, but suppose thats life for you!!! :o

I was getting worried Brit, you almost had a thread started about you. I know it can get a bit dodgy down that Soi Katoey! :D

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I dare say that these anonymous posters would not be so bold as to say these things to my face. This is why they will not use their real names.

Yet another ex special forces, sas, delta force, green beret, navy seal, elite commando type that resides in Thailand.

There must be thousands here if all is to be believed, chatrooms and internet forums seem to attract many ex special forces and many airline pilots for some reason...... :D

Okay, I give up. How did you find me out? I never told anyone about my military past. :o

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so they just call me ATM.



C'mon spill it, who were you before on this board?

Good Luck


Quite funny though

Thanks 28,619 Moss,

Who was I before? Andrew Hicks for quite a long time. I really am a newbie on Thai Visa.

The point's been made that identity can be traced. Try Googling "Andrew Hicks Bangkok" and see if anything comes up. I might try it myself 'cos I've no idea.

Then I'll try Mossfinn.



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I've just got satellite internet out here in the rice fields of Surin and I'm having a look at Thai Visa pretty much for the first time. But a funny thing happened to me on the way to the Forum.

I had to sign up n'that, so when it said 'user name'

Your profile says that you signed up on 11 December 2005. So you come today and talk to us about an event that occurred 15 months ago.




Can't get away with anything! You're right. The true story is that my namewas mentioned in vain (at least my novel was) on Thai Visa and I registered so I could reply. I think I said something rude to RSole and I got myself banned. That was the end of my Thai Visa career.

Now I've just got satellite internet and Totsters just reinstated me. And that's as true as my grandma had blue eyes.

Honest, really! Check me out.

But I still think anonymity on a forum is a bad thing.


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You're as anonymous as the rest of us, cos whether you call yourself Andrew Hicks or Little Orphan Annie makes no difference if no-one on here knows you.

Some usernames do identify the owners (initials, real names, service numbers etc), some are just a representation, like an avatar is. That's not necessarily hiding. It can be, but most of us are straightforward enough in our posts that we could probably be identified by people who know us. The majority of people don't know us however, so it makes no difference what name we use. November Rain sounds more interesting than my given name & it does say something about my likes & personality - more than my given name.

Dear Mr Rain or can I call you Nov?

Yeah, but the difference is that my name's really Andrew Hicks and maybe I'm famous. Have you never heard of Andrew Hicks? I've my good reputation to consider, you do realise, and because I've declared who I am, I have that to uphold. Clear identity seems to be desirable on a public forum and I wonder why this shadowy practice has developed.

Oops sorry, maybe Novenber's a girl's name.


I think Mr Hicks needs to chill out a bit!!!!! A name is but a lable. It doesnt make you a better person. Your action and your voice are what best respresents you, not your lable. Your name merely ids you... like the barcode on the frozen peas ids them as they go through the scanner at tesco.

I am new here, and I feel that many people here are physically known to each other (more so in the local rooms.. ie Isaan, pattaya room etc) So there is very little hiding going on.

Take of your blinkers, chill-out and chat to some of the nice people here and you might make a friend or two... or even learn something :o

Edited by jaede
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You're as anonymous as the rest of us, cos whether you call yourself Andrew Hicks or Little Orphan Annie makes no difference if no-one on here knows you.

Some usernames do identify the owners (initials, real names, service numbers etc), some are just a representation, like an avatar is. That's not necessarily hiding. It can be, but most of us are straightforward enough in our posts that we could probably be identified by people who know us. The majority of people don't know us however, so it makes no difference what name we use. November Rain sounds more interesting than my given name & it does say something about my likes & personality - more than my given name.

Dear Mr Rain or can I call you Nov?

Yeah, but the difference is that my name's really Andrew Hicks and maybe I'm famous. Have you never heard of Andrew Hicks? I've my good reputation to consider, you do realise, and because I've declared who I am, I have that to uphold. Clear identity seems to be desirable on a public forum and I wonder why this shadowy practice has developed.

Oops sorry, maybe Novenber's a girl's name.


I think Mr Hicks needs to chill out a bit!!!!! A name is but a lable. It doesnt make you a better person. Your action and your voice are what best respresents you, not your lable. Your name merely ids you... like the barcode on the frozen peas ids them as they go through the scanner at tesco.

I am new here, and I feel that many people here are physically known to each other (more so in the local rooms.. ie Isaan, pattaya room etc) So there is very little hiding going on.

Take of your blinkers, chill-out and chat to some of the nice people here and you might make a friend or two... or even learn something :o

Khorpkun cup. Sawaddi cup.

Jaedee jing jing!

No, I first came here back in seventy seven so I'm chilled out okay, even though it's 40 degrees.

No, there's loadsa nice people like you and that's why I'm here and I'm forever learning.

Choke dee cup.


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I think we all use nicknames to hide in one aspect or an other but I also hope there is abit of ones personality or reason when we pick the name we login under. That is enless they are just sneaking in to troll or flame someone or everyone. I have found with the standoffish of the internet some almost feel they are free of having to be polite and have some god given right to be rude as there is not direct penalties.

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so they just call me ATM.



C'mon spill it, who were you before on this board?

Good Luck


Quite funny though

Thanks 28,619 Moss,

Who was I before? Andrew Hicks for quite a long time. I really am a newbie on Thai Visa.

The point's been made that identity can be traced. Try Googling "Andrew Hicks Bangkok" and see if anything comes up. I might try it myself 'cos I've no idea.

Then I'll try Mossfinn.



sales must be falling off

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I've just got satellite internet out here in the rice fields of Surin and I'm having a look at Thai Visa pretty much for the first time. But a funny thing happened to me on the way to the Forum.

I had to sign up n'that, so when it said 'user name', I put in the name of this user which happens to be Andrew Hicks. I've been called Andrew Hicks quite a long time and it's not bad really, so why not use it. But now I've had a look at the forum, I see that when they ask for your name, they don't want your name. If you're going to play Forums, it seems you're supposed to make up a funny one.

Okay, so this has become sort of Forum ettiquette has it, but why? I'd never write a letter to the papers and hide behind a pseudonym... I'll fearlessly express my views with my name subscribed. And I feel the same about the Forum.

Why are you all hiding behind a mask? Is it so you can stick you neck out and defame without fear? This Forum is about asking questions and that's my first one, ye behind the masks.

Ann Nonny Ms.


I imagine most people on this forum are just normal users with no bad intent.

Unfortunately that isn't the case with everyone on the net.

I would rather not have my real name known, except to those who I give it to and who know me personally.

If you look at my profile on this forum, you won't see much information.

I like to keep it that way.


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Why are you all hiding behind a mask? Is it so you can stick you neck out and defame without fear? This Forum is about asking questions and that's my first one, ye behind the masks.

Ann Nonny Ms.

Don't like people camping in my front yard.

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Some people buy a car and keep it stock; some people like to modify it to show a bit of their own character in it. Those who customize are by far more interesting than those who don’t, and I would say more honest about who they are.

Disclosing personal info on the internet is about as prudent as lending out your credit card to a bargirl. But hey whatever floats your boat.

An anonymous forum is a more powerful tool of communication than one with full disclosure. People are free to express things they might not be able to otherwise due to responsibilities and career concerns. You want to hear honest opinions? It’s more likely you’ll find them in anonymity.

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I think we all use nicknames to hide in one aspect or an other but I also hope there is abit of ones personality or reason when we pick the name we login under. That is enless they are just sneaking in to troll or flame someone or everyone. I have found with the standoffish of the internet some almost feel they are free of having to be polite and have some god given right to be rude as there is not direct penalties.

Good statement. Unfortunatly people who use forums to insult would never have the nerve to say these things in real life but wouldalso use your own info to hurt you.

I am sure 99% of the off color things said to me would never be spoken to my face and this includes Mods.

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Hello Andrew,

I am another one that will not hide behind a mask.

I have started a few threads asking perfectly reasonable questions as well as responded to existing threads with my thought on the issue. Invariably, someone using a pseudonym will blast me, insult me and/or laugh at my point of view. I, in return, lower myself to their level and blast back using whatever insult seems appropriate. Needless to say, their trail of insults persists.

I dare say that these anonymous posters would not be so bold as to say these things to my face. This is why they will not use their real names. As I ponder this, I think these people are intelligent in at least one regard. If I knew who they were & happened to run up on one in Chiang Mai, the outcome might not be so pleasant.

I fully anticipate a volley of insults from some of the members. Know in advance no response will be forthcoming so feel tough & let loose the tirade. You will have to wallow in the mud by yourself.

I have decided that this will be my last post on ThaiVisa. I have a very bad taste in my mouth regarding this "forum thing" in general. From this day forward I will read this forum for news and search for answers to specific questions only.

Good luck to you, Andrew Hicks. Good on you for not hiding.

Dear T Lloyd

Almost brings tears to my eyes. Please don't play The Last Post yet. We men of principle must stick together. (Or are you a bit of tottie?)

From all the comments, I'm beginning to feel it's pretty dirty out there and I'm almost running scared. If I know they've broken you, I don't know what I'll do ut here alone.

But seriously, maybe the rules should require a real name from all verbal gladiators. It might clean up the collective act.

And by the way, are you that bastard, Tony Lloyd I used to work for because if you are, I'm out to get you and I'm not going to rest til I find you! For two years you made my life a misery...

Andy, stop being a tool.You are as funny as polio.Nice little troll though....

agreed! self importance comes to mind.

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With big brother these days and many scammers or trouble makers out there (especially in cyber space) only a complete knob would put information about themselves up on the net (especially in forums) that could be used to find out their real identity.

From my user name you can work out that im a young Australian. I think thats enough info you need to know about me, and im sure most posters would feel that your age and nationality would be sufficiant info about yourself for other posters to see. And, if you aren't satisfied with that info, then you need to get a life and worry about yourself, rather than worrying about the identity of others......................

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so they just call me ATM.



C'mon spill it, who were you before on this board?

Good Luck


Quite funny though

Thanks 28,619 Moss,

Who was I before? Andrew Hicks for quite a long time. I really am a newbie on Thai Visa.

The point's been made that identity can be traced. Try Googling "Andrew Hicks Bangkok" and see if anything comes up. I might try it myself 'cos I've no idea.

Then I'll try Mossfinn.



sales must be falling off

Ding Ding Ding ,

we have a winner ....................

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Try Googling "Andrew Hicks Bangkok" and see if anything comes up. I might try it myself 'cos I've no idea.

Then I'll try Mossfinn.

If you do, you will come up with one of the finest Centre's ever to play Rugby Union for Ireland and captain of the Province of Munster.

And guess what, I am not him. :o

Good Luck


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