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On Monday I had arranged with my sister in law to go to Savannaket to obtain another 90 day stamp, easy enough I thought, been doing it for years.


Difference this time I had two passports (done it before without problems) immigration told me I needed to go to Yasothon to get my new passport stamped.

This time they said that Yasothon was no longer in their remit and was handled by Yasothon.


After a little bit of arguing we decided to bite the bullet and return home, I still had until midnight 12th to sort this out. Came home had some lunch and phoned immigration in Yasothon, no problem please come.


Following day arrived outside immigration office only to find a meeting was taking place and told to come back at 2pm. Went to Tesco and tried to pass the few hours.

Time came went back to the office and got my passport stamped.

Was then told we/I needed to go to Savannaket as normal, if you can call anything normal here.


Long and short of it be prepared for a long day. Only cost to me was fuel a few munchies and a lot of time.

Next trip February 2020 oh deep deep joy.


If you are in Yasothon you might find the crossing at Chong Mek here in Ubon a better crossing to use. It is a friendly crossing and you walk across instead having to take the bus across the bridge.


On the Thai side of the border at Mukdahan there is an immigration office where your new passport could have been stamped prior to the border crossing. In that way you would have only made one journey. The immigration office is within walking distance of the bridge that leads to Savannakhet. 


djbrownderby, Thanks, are you aware of the building work that has taken place. I’m not sure what your referring to still exists, doesn’t really matter now as the day has passed. I was just letting others know of the possible hassle they may endure if in the same position as me.

18 hours ago, Paul Laycock1 said:

Ubonioe, thanks for the reply. I was told this was a one off and only applies to people with new unstamped passports.

Time will tell. 

I was suggesting Chong Mek since it may be closer than Mukdahan and is easier since there is no bridge to cross.


ubonjoe, I will stick to Mukdahan, Ubon Ratchathani is over 100 km away and 2.5 hour drive. Never heard of the place you suggest.

Mukdahan is 50km away. My sister in law drives for me and suggests it’s a few hours further so I’ll give it a miss but thanks for the suggestion.


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