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Get Your Oem Operating System Refunded


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I was wondering if it s possible to get a refund on windows vista OEM when you buy a new notebook as windows vista OEM cost 6000 bahts. This could save like 15% of the price ? Does anyone ever try to ask such a thing ?

Thanks for your answers.

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I was wondering if it s possible to get a refund on windows vista OEM when you buy a new notebook as windows vista OEM cost 6000 bahts. This could save like 15% of the price ? Does anyone ever try to ask such a thing ?

Thanks for your answers.

Google "Windows Refund" .. Some people have managed it , a lot of work and effort though. Some of the Acer notebooks come with linux preinstalled.

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Guest Reimar

VISTA OEM cost YOU Baht ~6,000.00 but that don't means the the manufacturer of the machine has the same cost!! You can't acpect to get a refund from the manufacturer. May you can get some from the Dealer but I don't think so!

How they should take of the Certificate of Authority, the lable with the OS-info and the License Key? Have you ever try to do so? And that is just one of the things which have to be done if you request a refund. The machines coming form the manufacturer pre-installed and with Lable on already!

Even if you buy the machine with software and want to sell later by yourself, you will face the same problem as the Dealer! Not only that you'll have the Problem of the remove of the Lable, this OS can be leally use on only the exact same type and Model of the computer were it came with!

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VISTA OEM cost YOU Baht ~6,000.00 but that don't means the the manufacturer of the machine has the same cost!! You can't acpect to get a refund from the manufacturer. May you can get some from the Dealer but I don't think so!

How they should take of the Certificate of Authority, the lable with the OS-info and the License Key? Have you ever try to do so? And that is just one of the things which have to be done if you request a refund. The machines coming form the manufacturer pre-installed and with Lable on already!

Even if you buy the machine with software and want to sell later by yourself, you will face the same problem as the Dealer! Not only that you'll have the Problem of the remove of the Lable, this OS can be leally use on only the exact same type and Model of the computer were it came with!

So basicly you are telling me that It s my fault that Microsoft and the manufacturer agreed on a very strict marketing and legal deal, and they made it so hard for them to remove it that I must buy my computer with a microsoft Operating System eventhough I m not planning to use it ? The label and sticker can be removed, pre installation can be formated. There is little to no issue, even if the cost for the manufacturer isnt 6kbaht there is still a cost that I m not willing to pay. It s exactly like when you buy a cdrom or a graphic card and you have an antivirus or a partionning software included in the box that costs money.

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You knew that Vista was pre-installed when you bought it, right ?

Here in Thailand, there must be literally hundreds of brands you can buy, without OEM software...

Give me 100 brands of notebook that i can buy without OEM Software.

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The solution is to not buy the product in the first place. If you buy a product with full knowlage of the problem then yes, it is your fault actually.

Havent bought any, was just wondering if anybody succeeded to get the OEM Operating System refunded when they bought one notebook.

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You knew that Vista was pre-installed when you bought it, right ?

Here in Thailand, there must be literally hundreds of brands you can buy, without OEM software...

Give me 100 brands of notebook that i can buy without OEM Software.

Well, maybe not a 100.

But there are plenty around to choose from.

Can't be that difficult to find, and you only need one.

I wouldn't even be surprised if they offered you a discount, on a brand that has Vista pre-installed if you didn't want it bundled.

(It's always easier to negotiate before you make the purchase).

Most computer stores in Thailand are well aware of the competition...

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Under 40,000 baht, a lot of Asus, Compaq, IBM and Acer notebooks come with either Linux or DOS, not Windows so MS does not have a monopoly on the OS installed on notebooks available in Thailand by a long shot.

So is it your fault for having a notebook with a Windows OS you don't want? yes it is, 100% your fault so next time better do some research and some comparison shopping to save yourself some heartache.

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Guest Reimar

May you go into a shoe shop and want to buy a pair of shoes: "But please two left shoes only, I don't want the right shoe!"!

Laptops from a special series which coming with an OS pre-installed are coming as it from the manufacturer and the dealer didn't have the choice to sell with or without the OS, they have to sell it as it comes to them!

According to an existing law the removing of and License Lable for to use on an different Laptop (for example), even if the new location is 100% the same as the original one, is prohibet and against the law! From this point of view, the Dealer, if they remove the lable, are not allowed to sell it with another machine! It is different if the original machine was used already and the owner (which can't be a Dealer) want to sell the machine and the license seperatly, that can be done legally!

Just for fun I try to negiotate which Acer Thailand to buy some Laptops from the 5590 series without installed OS for a lower price, the answer: "Excuse us Sir but Acer sell this product with pre-installed OS only. If you want the Computer without installed system, we can do so but the we have to place the License Lable on the Computer. A lower price for the Laptop's isn't possible. We suggest you to choose a different product from our line which fullfill your requirements. Thank you for to contact Acer."

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