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Escape The Heat


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The hottest Month in Thailand is comming up, and I would like to "escape" to some cooler Spots in the Kingdom! Has anybody some good Tips or Advices, where to spend a good and cooler Time here in Thailand? Any Tips or Links, where to go and to stay economic "Overnight" there ? I will be thankfull for any Advice given .....

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Pattaya, with a car for a month.

From my experience the coastal area where you are is probably as cool as it gets but I've never been to Chiang Mai during the hot season. At the coast at least you get a bit of a breeze so you might want to explore the coast down towards Trat. Alternatively head north and around the end of the gulf and down the opposite side to Hua Hin. The interior of the country gets bluddy hot through April so I'd avoid that.

Maybe others with wider ranging experience can come up with something better, one of the islands maybe. However there tends to be not much to do once you're there and you are wasting the use of the car.

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maybe something like this :-)

Mae Sai Lodge - the most northern District of Thailand, Mae Sai - at the Burma Border, just right Side on the Picture

Well you can't get much further away from the equator and still be in Thailand. Don't know what the weather is like this time of year but there is another thread running complaining of the heat in Chiang Mai. I've been up as far as Mai Sai but it was January, it was cold and right old pea soupers in the morning (foggy). Felt a right wimp in Fang outside a friend's house huddled around a camp fire. :o

Don't forget the bad haze affecting Chiang Mai at the moment it may also reach that far north.

It's a hel_l of a drive from Pattaya, or was when I did it, but okay as you are in no hurry. Could split the journey at Suhkothai, call in Ayuthaya on the way, stay a few days in Chiang Mai (I'm sure some TVers would welcome you).

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just reading in the Lonelyplanet: Ranong - 2 Monsoons, and the and the Mountains there hold the Rain for a longer Period! Consequently, it is incredible green there with a lot of Waterfalls ...

seems to have a pleasant climate http://thailandforvisitors.com/east/rayong...ng-weather.html

and also some Nationalparks http://www.dnp.go.th/parkreserve/nationalpark.asp?lg=2

by seeing this second Link - why not to visit some of them to "Escape the Heat"

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It's not quite as hot and humid here in Chiang Mai... That's not to say it doesn't get hot, because it does. One thing you may look into before booking up North (Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Mae Sai, etc.) is the air quality. It has been horrendous here for the last month or so. Today we got a reprieve a bit with a thunderstorm, but I suspect in a couple of days the air quality will again be above the harmful level.


You may want to check the above link before planning a trip up North.

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Two years ago in April, I spent about 10 days in Chiang Mai. Here's three suggestion/locations:

  • Downtown wasn't so hot, because you were constantly wet from the Songkran dousings.

  • The temperature was bearable on top of Doi Suthep, and at Phu Ping (the royal palace) which was shady and cooler, and open to visitors. At the palace, fabulous cool gardens and water fountains timed to music.

  • Following that I went to Doi Intanon where the weather was COLD -- Thai's were shivering uncontrollably, and westerners wore jackets (24 degrees celsius / 72 Farenheit at noon).

If I was to do it again, I'd spend the whole freakin' vacation exploring Doi Intanon because of the wonderful cool weather. There's plenty to explore. I'd rent a motorcycle, and visit all the hill-tribe Hmong villages and Royal National Park built and maintained by the Royal Thai Airforce. A must-see. Then I'd explore all the trails at the top of the mountain by foot with a small backpack.

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[*]Following that I went to Doi Intanon where the weather was COLD -- Thai's were shivering uncontrollably, and westerners wore jackets (24 degrees celsius / 72 Farenheit at noon).

If I was to do it again, I'd spend the whole freakin' vacation exploring Doi Intanon because of the wonderful cool weather. There's plenty to explore. I'd rent a motorcycle, and visit all the hill-tribe Hmong villages and Royal National Park built and maintained by the Royal Thai Airforce. A must-see. Then I'd explore all the trails at the top of the mountain by foot with a small backpack.

Yes, I agree. The top of Doi Inthanon is the coolest place I found around this time of year.

It seems hoter this year than last year. My wife and I live in Chiang Dao and even though it gets hot during the day, at night time, we only had to use our fan twice between April and May last year. This year, we already got the fan going for almost a week now at night. Still cooler than Chiang Mai at night here, because we are in the mountains, but around this time of year, I always think about Canada and Spring skiing. :o

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