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The Great Race

Crow Boy

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In a previous thread Kayo Link

I made the statement "Only 7800 and I catch up to kayo - keep typing man"

since then I have received 127 PM, two additional postings, and a pigeon with a note attached to it's leg telling me my math was wrong - Being a bit hung over this morning it took a while for the synapses to fire in the correct sequence and to everyone who took the time "yes I made a mistake thanks for pointing it out to me"

Ok that settled this started me thinking that if Kayo who is currently sitting on 8,808 posts continues to put out his average of 9 posts per day (taken from his personal data) and I am currently on 520 (with this post) but my output is only 3.1 per day so I will never catch up to him and thus denied a life's ambition.

So if I take a leaf out of my ol' mate jamesybois' book and churn out 20 posts per day how long will it take for me to catch up to Kayo assuming he maintains his average of 9?

There is a prize attached to this but I haven't thought yet what it will be - kinda depends on the chance of the poster with the correct answer being able to collect it. Less chance means better prize - good chance of collaring me to collect and the prize value may dramatically reduce. :o

I haven't sat down yet and worked it out myself but a couple of hints.

1) this is like the old applied maths question that had two horses/cars/trains moving in the same direction but one traveling at x kph/mph and the other at y. How long will it take before the one 10 km/miles behind catches up?

2) remember the target is increasing because kayo will continue to add new posts each day at an average of 9 per day so don't fall into trap #1 for beginners which is to divide 8288 (8808-520) by 20 which equals 414.4 days 'cos it will be wrong.

For bonus points - what will the target number of posts be when Crow Boy and Kayo finally have the same number?

You can send me the answer by PM or if you think you really want to show how smart you are you can submit it on this thread but you must show the working out not just the answer to collect

cheers and good luck

Crow Boy

Edited by Crow Boy
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In a previous thread Kayo Link

I made the statement "Only 7800 and I catch up to kayo - keep typing man"

since then I have received 127 PM, two additional postings, and a pigeon with a note attached to it's leg telling me my math was wrong - Being a bit hung over this morning it took a while for the synapses to fire in the correct sequence and to everyone who took the time "yes I made a mistake thanks for pointing it out to me"

Ok that settled this started me thinking that if Kayo who is currently sitting on 8,808 posts continues to put out his average of 9 posts per day (taken from his personal data) and I am currently on 520 (with this post) but my output is only 3.1 per day so I will never catch up to him and thus denied a life's ambition.

So if I take a leaf out of my ol' mate jamesybois' book and churn out 20 posts per day how long will it take for me to catch up to Kayo assuming he maintains his average of 9?

There is a prize attached to this but I haven't thought yet what it will be - kinda depends on the chance of the poster with the correct answer being able to collect it. Less chance means better prize - good chance of collaring me to collect and the prize value may dramatically reduce. :D

I haven't sat down yet and worked it out myself but a couple of hints.

1) this is like the old applied maths question that had two horses/cars/trains moving in the same direction but one traveling at x kph/mph and the other at y. How long will it take before the one 10 km/miles behind catches up?

2) remember the target is increasing because kayo will continue to add new posts each day at an average of 9 per day so don't fall into trap #1 for beginners which is to divide 8288 (8808-520) by 20 which equals 414.4 days 'cos it will be wrong.

For bonus points - what will the target number of posts be when Crow Boy and Kayo finally have the same number?

You can send me the answer by PM or if you think you really want to show how smart you are you can submit it on this thread but you must show the working out not just the answer to collect

cheers and good luck

Crow Boy

You're catching up at a pace of 11 posts a day. Hence it will take you roughly 800 days at current posting rates to catch up. Show the math? Nah. :o

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It'll never happen, you've not factored in the fact that Kayo will accelerate his posting rate in order to keep in front. The closest you'll get is being lapped by the Wabbit when the post counter rolls over at 4294967295 (assuming it's a 32 bit unsigned integer).

You need some sort of sub-ether transport device that can take a short-cut through the space-time continuum. Maybe a TARDIS is in order, or a singularity drive like the spacecraft in 'Event Horizon' (and look what happened to that).

Edited by Crossy
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In a previous thread Kayo Link

I made the statement "Only 7800 and I catch up to kayo - keep typing man"

For bonus points - what will the target number of posts be when Crow Boy and Kayo finally have the same number?

You can send me the answer by PM or if you think you really want to show how smart you are you can submit it on this thread but you must show the working out not just the answer to collect

cheers and good luck

Crow Boy

You're catching up at a pace of 11 posts a day. Hence it will take you roughly 800 days at current posting rates to catch up. Show the math? Nah. :o

You are on the right track by using the differential in speed - there are several ways to get the correct answer to this and part of the purpose this sort of question is given to school kids doing maths is to see how their reasoning works

Your estimate of 800 days is a bit high but in the ball park

Want another shot?


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It'll never happen, you've not factored in the fact that Kayo will accelerate his posting rate in order to keep in front. The closest you'll get is being lapped by the Wabbit when the post counter rolls over at 4294967295 (assuming it's a 32 bit unsigned integer).

You need some sort of sub-ether transport device that can take a short-cut through the space-time continuum. Maybe a TARDIS is in order, or a singularity drive like the spacecraft in 'Event Horizon' (and look what happened to that).

now that's funny :o

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In a previous thread Kayo Link

I made the statement "Only 7800 and I catch up to kayo - keep typing man"

For bonus points - what will the target number of posts be when Crow Boy and Kayo finally have the same number?

You can send me the answer by PM or if you think you really want to show how smart you are you can submit it on this thread but you must show the working out not just the answer to collect

cheers and good luck

Crow Boy

You're catching up at a pace of 11 posts a day. Hence it will take you roughly 800 days at current posting rates to catch up. Show the math? Nah. :o

You are on the right track by using the differential in speed - there are several ways to get the correct answer to this and part of the purpose this sort of question is given to school kids doing maths is to see how their reasoning works

Your estimate of 800 days is a bit high but in the ball park

Want another shot?



"Shot through the heart and you're to blame, baby you give love, a bad name"

"I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy"

Shoot to thrill, shoot to thrill, too many women and too many pills"


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It'll never happen, you've not factored in the fact that Kayo will accelerate his posting rate in order to keep in front. The closest you'll get is being lapped by the Wabbit when the post counter rolls over at 4294967295 (assuming it's a 32 bit unsigned integer).

You need some sort of sub-ether transport device that can take a short-cut through the space-time continuum. Maybe a TARDIS is in order, or a singularity drive like the spacecraft in 'Event Horizon' (and look what happened to that).

oh not correct - Kayo being a kind soul who understands these thing would never change his output from the agreed 9 posts per day. And if he did then it would simply be a matter of me calling in Glen Close and we would have a boiled bunny and the race dramatically shortened.

However as a great respecter of his humour and in deference to the time he has inhabited the cyberworld I would never so much as harm a hare on the wabbit's head

OK weasels - get the dip ready just in case :o


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Ok for those of you frantically working this out let it be known that I have received the correct answer from Neddy

Neddy sent me a PM at 2007-03-30 13:11:03

He hasn't identified his location to me yet or the chances of him collecting his prize so I can't tell him what it is yet.

Congratulations and if like me you were in mid type and the computer suddenly spun out and everything went odd it is because we suddenly shifted from one forum to another.


And Neddy please stand up and take a bow

To everyone else keep sending me the answers and STOP sending PMs to Kayo to lift his daily output - come on guys gimme a chance here :o


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Ok for those of you frantically working this out let it be known that I have received the correct answer from Neddy

Neddy sent me a PM at 2007-03-30 13:11:03

He hasn't identified his location to me yet or the chances of him collecting his prize so I can't tell him what it is yet.

Congratulations and if like me you were in mid type and the computer suddenly spun out and everything went odd it is because we suddenly shifted from one forum to another.


And Neddy please stand up and take a bow

To everyone else keep sending me the answers and STOP sending PMs to Kayo to lift his daily output - come on guys gimme a chance here :o


Right to add to this Crossy sent me a PM in the middle of the transfer and his answer is not only correct but he got the bonus question correct with the number of days to two decimal points.

Stand up and take a bow Crossy - excellent work

this gives me two winners and am happy to issue double prizes


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Your will never catch upexactly, but after 754 days you will have 15,600 posts while he will have 15,594.

I used an algebraic formula: 8808 + 9X=520 + 20X

Looks like you will keep busy for a long time.



In a previous thread Kayo Link

I made the statement "Only 7800 and I catch up to kayo - keep typing man"

since then I have received 127 PM, two additional postings, and a pigeon with a note attached to it's leg telling me my math was wrong - Being a bit hung over this morning it took a while for the synapses to fire in the correct sequence and to everyone who took the time "yes I made a mistake thanks for pointing it out to me"

Ok that settled this started me thinking that if Kayo who is currently sitting on 8,808 posts continues to put out his average of 9 posts per day (taken from his personal data) and I am currently on 520 (with this post) but my output is only 3.1 per day so I will never catch up to him and thus denied a life's ambition.

So if I take a leaf out of my ol' mate jamesybois' book and churn out 20 posts per day how long will it take for me to catch up to Kayo assuming he maintains his average of 9?

There is a prize attached to this but I haven't thought yet what it will be - kinda depends on the chance of the poster with the correct answer being able to collect it. Less chance means better prize - good chance of collaring me to collect and the prize value may dramatically reduce. :o

I haven't sat down yet and worked it out myself but a couple of hints.

1) this is like the old applied maths question that had two horses/cars/trains moving in the same direction but one traveling at x kph/mph and the other at y. How long will it take before the one 10 km/miles behind catches up?

2) remember the target is increasing because kayo will continue to add new posts each day at an average of 9 per day so don't fall into trap #1 for beginners which is to divide 8288 (8808-520) by 20 which equals 414.4 days 'cos it will be wrong.

For bonus points - what will the target number of posts be when Crow Boy and Kayo finally have the same number?

You can send me the answer by PM or if you think you really want to show how smart you are you can submit it on this thread but you must show the working out not just the answer to collect

cheers and good luck

Crow Boy

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You have a bit of a problem CB, and hence Neddy's answer is wrong. As of 5 seconds ago, Kayo had made 61 posts today (a few more than 9, methinks) and you, CB, weren't even in the top 20 today (you have been for a few days). Thinking caps have to go on again, I'm afraid! :o

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Based on the day you posted this!!!!!

754 days. At the end of the 754th day, you would have 15600 posts, your pal would have 15594 posts.

Based on the differential being 11 posts per day.

8808 - 520 = 8288 divide by 11 =753.45454=754

Target would be reached by April 23rd 2009, assuming that 2008 and 2009 are not leap years.


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You have a bit of a problem CB, and hence Neddy's answer is wrong. As of 5 seconds ago, Kayo had made 61 posts today (a few more than 9, methinks) and you, CB, weren't even in the top 20 today (you have been for a few days). Thinking caps have to go on again, I'm afraid! :D

Hi November Rain - thanks for the reply.

The question was based on a number of assumptions including that Kayo would maintain a consistent rate of 9 posts per day and I would make a consistent rate of 20. To allow for variations of rate changes makes the mathematics much more complicated - but very interesting because that requires variant changes and predictive formulae which use past patterns eg does Kayo post more on a particular day, is there a pattern to his posting style. I think this is beyond the scope of the puzzle and TV in general

So he posted 61 posts on one day which will increase the rate for the day but bear in mind the 9 came from the total number of posts he has made divided by the total number of days since he joined Thai Visa. I allows for fluctuations in post rates and gives an average over the total time. What would be interesting is to see his post pattern and determine if it is an accelerating or decellerating rate.

In addition over the last week my post rate (apparently) peaked at 90 in one day which is the equivalent of 4.5 days of my supposed rate (20 per day) so the fact that I did not and do not post over the weekend was accounted for.

In summary Neddy is still correct as is Crossy who came up with the same answer. I started the puzzle just a bit of fun not to start a forum on chaos mathematics - I struggled enough with four years of the stuff to get my Engineering Degree and then had to get really serious when I did my Masters. I leave the stuff now to guys who really get into it. :o

Cheers and hope you enjoyed the puzzle as well


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It'll never happen, you've not factored in the fact that Kayo will accelerate his posting rate in order to keep in front. The closest you'll get is being lapped by the Wabbit when the post counter rolls over at 4294967295 (assuming it's a 32 bit unsigned integer).

You need some sort of sub-ether transport device that can take a short-cut through the space-time continuum. Maybe a TARDIS is in order, or a singularity drive like the spacecraft in 'Event Horizon' (and look what happened to that).




I can't believe I've only just seen this thread now! OH MY GOLLY GOSH! :o

THe nerves are on edge, the butterflies in my belly are fluttering... THe race is on... Carry on Crow Boy, I'll be down the pub on me 3000th pint by the time you catch up... :D

oh not correct - Kayo being a kind soul who understands these thing would never change his output from the agreed 9 posts per day. And if he did then it would simply be a matter of me calling in Glen Close and we would have a boiled bunny and the race dramatically shortened.

However as a great respecter of his humour and in deference to the time he has inhabited the cyberworld I would never so much as harm a hare on the wabbit's head

OK weasels - get the dip ready just in case :bah:


Dangerous Liason's wasz it? Fatal Attraction, one of them! THat bunny was related to me too!

As for the Dip! Well, I beat it once, an' I'll beat it again, with the help of me ol mucker Eddie Valiant!

Cheers CrowBoy. I have, as Nov Rain pointed out, been posting a bit more the last few days, but it comes and goes, in waves, always has, and probably always will, so rest assured my posting average should stay pretty consistent at 9 posts per day. But er... THose are generally 9 genuinely awe inspiringly hilarious quality posts, not bland rehashing of old jokes :o

Carry on! ;)

(Looking at this thread is funny.. almost as funny looking as crow boy :bah:


edit> PS> There should be an alert system in place when you are the subject of a thread! Took me a week to find this thread!

Edited by kayo
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Crow boy... my average is up to ten now....

Posts or IQ?


btw we watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit (AGAIN) last night - my 2 year old loves it and laughs his head off the whole time. I must have seen if 60 times now and still think it very clever and funny. I always hoped they would do a sequel.


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