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PM Urges Government Officials To Devote Themselves To People

Jai Dee

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PM urges government officials to devote themselves to people

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont urges government officials to devote themselves to work and also to re-evaluate their own performances constantly for the sake of the country.

During the ceremony granting reward to good-performance government officials, the premier delivered a speech instructing state authorities to provide good civil service. In addition, he urged them to abide to good virtues, ethics, and governance.

He says the government officials who can follow the instruction will be praised as a good model. In addition, they must bring their experience to place more efficient and effective in their work.

The good-performance government officials include Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs Krit Kanchanakunchorn (กฤษณ์ กาญจนกุญชร), Yala (ยะลา) Governor Boonsit Suvarnarat (บุญสิทธิ์ สุวรรณรัตน์), the Director-General of the Cooperative Promotion Department, Ms. Suphatra Thanaseniwat (สุพัตรา ธนเสนีวัฒน์), Thammasat University Rector Suraphon Nitikraipoj (สุรพล นิติไกรพจน์), Ubon Ratchathani Governor Suthi Makbun (สุธี มากบุญ), Thai Ambassador to Tokyo, Mr. Suwit Simakul (นายสุวิทย์ สิมะกุล), the Director General of the Department of Mental Health, MD M.L. Somchai Chakrapan (สมชาย จักรพันธุ์), the Director-General of the Mineral Resources Department, Mr. Somsak Phothisat (สมศักดิ์ โพธิสัตย์), and the director-general of the Department of Business Development, Ms. Ornjit Singhkalawanich (อรจิต สิงคาลวณิช).

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 30 March 2007

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