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Pakistani Man Gets Life For Murder Of Thai Teacher


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Its amazing how many arabs lie about there true background. You hear many bar girls say that also. A muslim wil say he is either Spanish or Italian to get a woman.

I hope they mess this guy up in prision. What he did, he deserves only the hardest punishment.

Who mentioned Arabs? you sound f'ed up? You must be english.

That's quite insulting. How can you assume that all English people are f'ed up as you put it? Granted I take Westybrook's mistake calling this guy an Arab to be misguided, however your view is misguided too. I hope one day you will be liberated from your narrow mindedness.


Finally, I would like to add, condolences to her family. I'm sure they must be in a state of shock right now at her untimely death.

Edited by Fraktalkid
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it's crazy to here about this again. i lived in the apartment complex where this happened. my wife was worried about the ghost.

we moved into the place a few days afterwards unaware of the murder. it wasn't until i had paid and moved in that we were told what had happened there a few days earlier. fortunately it wasn't the same room.

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Where does it say that she asked him to pay for the plane ticket?

Seems like you are unaware of the whole story.

"When Dissanee realized who her internet chat friend was, she was not amused and started to insult Arif, demanding he buy her a return ticket home, prompting the murder, rape and dismemberment. "

Take a look at this for the full story


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it's crazy to here about this again. i lived in the apartment complex where this happened. :o my wife was worried about the ghost.

we moved into the place a few days afterwards unaware of the murder. it wasn't until i had paid and moved in that we were told what had happened there a few days earlier. fortunately it wasn't the same room.

I think that all this happened in the hotel and not in the apartment.

Bangkok police nabbed Mohammad Arif, 34, Monday night in his room at the Racha Palace Hotel where they found blood stains and various items belonging to the victim, English teacher Dissanee Thongnarkthae, 28, said the mass circulation Thai Rath newspaper.

Take a look at this link


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should have let the death penalty stand. But seeing as what he did, i don't think his fellow Thai inmates will be very impressed, so his deserved punishment will probably come sooner rather than later.


He got the death penalty all ready,Thai intimates will take care of that in less than a year


The only exception I'd take to Buriramboy's post is the last acronym. More appropriately, I would suggest: RIH. :o

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Pakistani man gets life for murder of Thai teacher

BANGKOK: -- A Pakistani man - convicted of killing a Thai teacher whom he had met through an internet chat service and dismembering her body last year - was given a life sentence Friday.

Hopefully they serve lots of pork in jail !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and most likely he will not last long in there .... not long enuff to loose wieght

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Its amazing how many arabs lie about there true background. You hear many bar girls say that also. A muslim wil say he is either Spanish or Italian to get a woman.

Do you think no muslim in spania or italia ?! you must know many of spanish peoples are muslims

I dont think it is correct way to attack to cultures , it will reach us to third War World surely

I think every religion has very crazy parts , you can't find a complete religion

I have not religion but i like all peoples . i like buddha , islam , jews and all because i dont look at their religions i look at their souls , humans must be good human , i dont care what he/she beleive

that pakistam man , he is crazy and he msut be punished of course

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This case should have everybody consider the following:

1. When meeting someone from the Internet, never show up alone if you're a woman. Bring some freinds or relatives.

2. Always meet in a public place, ie. restaurant, library, coffeshop etc.

Mohammad Arif killed a woman he tricked into meeting him. Some people can't figure that lying on the internet doesn't get you very far in real life, unless you're running an online scam tricking money from other people.

He could have found a bargirl instead if he wanted to "get lucky". Thailand has been very nice to you, Mohammad Arif, even letting your sorry a.. off a death penalty.

I hope this guy won't be released from jail. Ever.

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FLYX - Yes!!! your response was tactful. You have done well. We should be careful to use language in a derogatory way. Sometimes I feel it's because of prejudice for certain race groups that we lose our sanity and dignified respect for each other. I suppose if other than a Muslim who committed such an atrocious act as he did which forthrightly condemn we would have been careful with words/language we would have used.

Therefore, let's be careful not to harbour and excercise racism towards only certain groups of people in a casr such as this while softer and carefully thought of language is used for likeable race groups.

Let's show constraint and try to condemn the "Sin, rather than the Sinner"

Justice has done well to that criminal and murderer. We condemn all acts of violence, theft, racial prejudice, murder, intolerance, lies, adultery, abusive language... and the list goes on and on...

He who has no Sin, you are at liberty to cast the "first stone"

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Mohammad Arif - from Thai Rath - 30 March 2007

He looks like a latino chico,Arabs,Indian malaysian,singaporean, afterall he's an asian man and a freaking crazy dude and no big deal hehehe lol

Or maybe he's mother is latin,Dad Pakistani, Grandmother is italian and Granddad is Arab lol hehehe

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So what , he is a muslim man and he killed this poor girl, Even Budist, christian jews and etc kills people . Why you guys need to trash this pakistani guy . Why just because he is a muslim ?

What if its a budist,cristian or jew who kills this poor english teacher will you also trash them in your thread ?

Leave the religion trashing away ... Be neutral

I hope this guy won't be released from jail. Ever.

Anyway he should be hang to death ... I wonder why they sentence him to life sentence in prison. Is thai prison too big ? and could accomondate lots of murderer ? :o

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The article as posted does not say the guilty party is of the Muslim faith.

And while we support the death penalty in some instances, we have not (nor has anyone here) seen the evidence or testimony in the case. He was sentenced to die and then the sentence was commuted to life in prison. Nowhere does it say he was sentenced to be murdered in prison. Hoping for that sort of thing is not only distasteful, but undermines the very notion of and hope for a meaningful judicial process.

To put it another way, if you ever got a prison term, would prefer the judge or the other inmates decide how your time was served? Mr. Arif's case is an extreme one, but if you accidentally killed someone, yet the court convicted you of murder, would you want to be at the mercy of a prison mob?

Our sympathies in this matter are wholly with the Thongnarkthae family. But one of the hallmarks of civilization is how much civility it will show to the uncivilized.

How many non-Muslims you have seen with the "Mohammad" as the part of the name? He is Pakistani and of course he is Muslim as his name suggests. :D

By the way what is ur point in the post? :o

Reason of edit: posted comments at wrong place.

Pakistan is 3% non-Muslim. People in minority groups often give themselves or their children names from the dominant ethnic or religious group as protective coloration. Further, he may be apostate, just as there are Latin-American atheists named Jesus.

The point of the post is to find out who gets the real points:

1) Don't leap to conclusions based on one news article.

2) Justice is a matter for courts not mobs (whether they''re imprisoned behind bars or keyboards).

he cut the girl into pieces....if that doent deserve capital punishment i dont know what would...i dont think it was an accident he cut her up...

It deserves, in the view of many, capital punishment, which is a judicial exercise reserved to the state alone and which should be a fairly clinical and dispassionate process.

There is a huge leap downward in social values from approving of an execution to standing on the sidelines cheering on a mob to stomp someone to death.

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I find it interesting and saddening that this thread is not closed. It shows a very sad side of the forum and while I feel very sorry for the family of the victim I also feel sorry for the family of the Convicted. Someone has lost a son. Maybe not a salt of the earth honest to goodness son, but the fruit of their loins none the less. They will doubtless feel great pain too.

I dislike racism but admit that its probably in all of us to some degree. The amount shared publicly in this thread however saddens me almost as much as the crime reported.

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Many in the teaching profession are considered professional common sense people.

Surely this lady should have been aware of the dangers of meeting someone from the Internet. No different than getting into a car with a stranger offering a lift.

Was the lady accompanied by a friend when she first met the guy and as a teacher of language, surely she should have been able to tell the difference between a paki and a Latin?

Nop, not convinced, must be more to this case than what they are letting out.

Edited by distortedlink
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Pakistani man gets life for murder of Thai teacher

BANGKOK: -- A Pakistani man - convicted of killing a Thai teacher whom he had met through an internet chat service and dismembering her body last year - was given a life sentence Friday.

The Criminal Court at first sentenced 35-year-old Mohammad Arif to death, but lowered the punishment to life imprisonment because his confession was useful to the case.

I will wager that by the end of his first year in a "Bangkok Hotel" he will have wished that the death sentence would have been carried out.

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I have had to remove some posts due to racism.

Racism is not acceptable on Thaivisa and anyone that continues to post racist comments will face suspension from the board.

Please take time to read the forum rules before continuing to post.


Cheers, Totster. Racist/bigoted remarks should not be tolerated.

And.....I hope this brutal killer will never be pardoned.



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Many in the teaching profession are considered professional common sense people.

Surely this lady should have been aware of the dangers of meeting someone from the Internet. No different than getting into a car with a stranger offering a lift.

Was the lady accompanied by a friend when she first met the guy and as a teacher of language, surely she should have been able to tell the difference between a paki and a Latin?

Nop, not convinced, must be more to this case than what they are letting out.

Yes, a truly very sad case on so many levels... Truly worth investigating more...

What was the background on this sick pup that he could do such a heinous act??? No, religion has very little to do with that but a look into his family and school history might be very revealing... Anyone have access to the story about him (the long, accurate version that is???) ?

Very sad about the Thai teacher too... Some hapless people are trapped and fooled...

...but what happened to this poor lady so desparate for friendship to meet a near stranger???

Some questions that leave me wondering...



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Yes but please stick to the topic there was never a mention of him being muslim I mean there is a good chance he may have been but the article does not say this. As regards wars it always amazes me people can be so stupid and nations instead of suffer lack of face will annihalate most of their population rather than say "sorry we were wrong" we made a mistake. Such as Iran at the moment first giving co-ordinates which show the British not in their waters and then changing it, they are all acting like children. Its like fleas on a dog arguing over who owns the dog!! Interestingly perhaps some Thai women do not want a muslim partner as they can have more then 1 wife??? and I think many Thai men already adopt this attitude to women in thailand which thankfully some of the Thai women are now rebelling against and marrying farang as in "their" opinion are more likely to stick by them. Maybe this is why some muslims may try and use anotner nationality??

This still doesnt answer the question of "how do they get the 2 million baht from this guy"

An interesting way would be to execute and sell his organs to better someone elses life and give the proceeds to the family.

No amount of money can bring back a dead person (yet) but it sure could help them.


I agree best thing to sell this low lifes organs only way anyone will get any benefit from him

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sad to see all kinda hate comment on the post and to some extent some even consider one man wrong to be base on where there are from or what kinda god there believe .

all i can say is i am as sorry for the teacher who die and sorry that such an act is commited and also i am sorry for those who can only fill their life with hate instead of understanding and giving heart .

we should learn not aviod

see not turn away

face the problem not shove it away

open your heart to understand instead of blind by your hate

be wise


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