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CM Immigration Annual Extn Retirement & Dependent - a Brief Update


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Myself and wife, both Brits, did the deed today, our sixth annual extension, with our renewal date being 23rd December.  Some points of possible interest -

  • we had to provide a marriage cert this time which had been officially signed off / stamped by both the UK authorities (in the UK) and the Royal Thai Embassy in London (the previously-accepted Chiang Mia British Consulate Affirmation letter not now being considered sufficient proof of our 40 year marriage)
  • our first visit (to CM) was a waste of time since we turned up initially with our package of copies at about 1315 and were told that we had to be there beyween 0700 & 0800 if we wanted to be processed - this was news to us since we understood matters had improved and stabilised at CM Immigration
  • today (after our 0715 arrival) we were processed but only after being sent to the bank for an official statement of transactions to highlight transactions in November for reasons which were not obvious - first of all, there were no transactions in that month as was clear from the passbook which was presented with the requisite balance having been maintained throughout the relevant period, there was also submitted hard copy all entries in that passbook, stradling more than 2 years - signed off by myself, and there was the official bank letter confirming the balance in the account as of yesterday.  The "statement" cost us 200 baht but showed nothing other than what was already obvious in the passbook and the hard copies.  

These frustrations aside the officer on the desk was very polite and efficient, albeit performing what must be a mind-blowing task daily.  

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"we had to provide a marriage cert this time which had been officially signed off / stamped by both the UK authorities (in the UK) and the Royal Thai Embassy in London"

Can you provide more information or clarify that statement? What authorities in the UK had to stamp your marriage certificate? Did you have to travel back to the UK to have this done?

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17 hours ago, kilt said:

"we had to provide a marriage cert this time which had been officially signed off / stamped by both the UK authorities (in the UK) and the Royal Thai Embassy in London"

Can you provide more information or clarify that statement? What authorities in the UK had to stamp your marriage certificate? Did you have to travel back to the UK to have this done?


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7 minutes ago, fredge45 said:

Retirement extension took me all of 20 minutes this week at CM Immigration.  But I had all of the paperwork in order before I went into the process.  Do your homework and it's easy and painless.

For those of us who'd appreciate a capsulized list of documents required, please itemize what currently is needed.  Thank you.

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On 12/18/2019 at 8:39 PM, kilt said:

Can you provide more information or clarify that statement? What authorities in the UK had to stamp your marriage certificate? Did you have to travel back to the UK to have this done?

Step 1 was to contact the Legalisation office in Milton Kenyes who put their seal of approval on the marriage cert.  Step 2 was to then send that UK-authorised doc to the Thai embassy in London who did likewise.  No need to be in the UK as such but we were and so avoided international courier risks and costs.  We submitted a hard copy to Immigration in the extension package but also had the original then-validated cert to show him as well.  And he did ask.

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