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Cannabis Oil Against Nausea Chemo...


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Merry X-mas:


I am on stage IV. cancer therapy, now on Dabrafenib/Trametinib (Targeted Therapy). One of the many side-effects that affect me, is constant very bad

nausea 24/7; I feel as if I am sea sick and it makes life pretty miserable. We have tried a bunch of anti-nausea drugs in various

combinations and dosages. No positive effect at all. Vomiting is rare, but does occur during fever attacks and comes "fast & furious".

Anybody with experience of Cannabis Oil? Is it available in Pattaya. I am in treatment in BKK and due for next visit mid January. Would like to inform 

myself before that visit. Would have to get OK. & check if interactions allow use anyway.


Any help & advise much appreciated. I have tried all, incl. meditation, aromatherapy etc. etc. The few hours of sleep are the only moment I don't feel

sick as hell.


Thank you all and Happy & Healthy New Year!   MS>


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Sorry to hear of your situation. Unfortunately the only thing I may offer is that I've known folks personally that were helped by using cannabis when suffering the effects of chemo. If it's not available in Pattaya (which I assume it would be) I'm sure a Doctor could have it brought from Bangkok. From what I understand, it's effectiveness makes it worth any hassle.  

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Sorry to hear of your predicament moonseeker.


I've no personal experience of cannabis but it has been used for thousands of years with minimal side effects. The Americans demonized it and forced the western world to do the same.


Try it, of course, it could well influence the transmission of messages to the brain. In your case there are complications, but it seems the brain is getting messages that the body is being poisoned and is taking measures to help.


But;;;; do try Reishi. Make a tea and see if your nausea symptoms ease.


https://www.healthline.com › nutrition › reishi-mushroom-benefits


A friend of mine was involved with GcMAF. Do some research on this moonseeker!

Edited by owl sees all
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Thank you both for the quick answers. Starting year 6 of my fight, 3 years stage IV.

8 surgeries, immune-therapy & targeted therapy the last 3 years with only brief interruptions for emergency surgeries really start getting to my body and my head.

I will get on it immediately.

Merry Christmas & Thank you so much!  MS>

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Dronabinol is not available in Thailand.  But there are brands of CBD oil.I am not sure re Pattaya but doctors in many government (and probably also some private) hospitals in Bkk can now prescribe it. Suggest you ask your oncologist.


Also ask about a better antiemetic. It is common here to start with the cheaper ones and move up to better ones if not effective.


What you want is ondanestron. It will often work where others did not. Make sure to take pre-emptively, do not wait until you are nauseous already.











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5 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Dronabinol is not available in Thailand.  But there are brands of CBD oil.I am not sure re Pattaya but doctors in many government (and probably also some private) hospitals in Bkk can now prescribe it. Suggest you ask your oncologist.


Also ask about a better antiemetic. It is common here to start with the cheaper ones and move up to better ones if not effective.


What you want is ondanestron. It will often work where others did not. Make sure to take pre-emptively, do not wait until you are nauseous already.











Thank you kindly Sheryl, once more. 

Last few days just got so bad, that it gets hard tu function even partially. I will try Ondanestron and make a few local calls ref. Cannabis oil, which I never even considered. 

Great advise ref. taking preemptively. 


Merry Christmas and a Great 2020 to you and your family. 



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as far as the cannabis oil is concerned a ratio of 1:1 THC/CBD is being heralded as working the best to relieve nausea and instill an appetite so strength can be maintained. 20 years ago in Canada a doctor told my friend who was suffering from chemo treatment to smoke some and after he was finally able to get a handle on it. I admire your strength, good luck.. 

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14 hours ago, moonseeker said:

Thank you kindly Sheryl, once more. 

Last few days just got so bad, that it gets hard tu function even partially. I will try Ondanestron and make a few local calls ref. Cannabis oil, which I never even considered. 

Great advise ref. taking preemptively. 


Merry Christmas and a Great 2020 to you and your family. 



If you are feeling not just nauseous but overall bad/wiped out better make an extra trip to doctor for check up, labs and possibly other tests (echo etc depending on what is noted on physical exam).These are serious meds you are on and adverse effects can come on suddenly, so important to go back in if your condition changes even though you may have been fine on a recent prior visit.


Otherwise can get ondanestron over the counter from a pharmacy.


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Thank you Sheryl & CC.

Last weeks it get really tough and I am used to a lot after 5 years and some major surgeries. Used to be a strong and very active guy. No more....Just done lab tests. All within "norm" for my case. And yes, I feel totally wiped out and it seems I am going step by step through the list of 200+ side-effects of these 2 meds. I will wait for my onc. to be back at work and discuss with her. Not much hope so, I was lucky to make it to 2020, not much hope left for another end of the year.

Main thing nausea and devastating fatigue and general malaise - Zofran did not help - have some of the fast acting one. Trying 3 days of a very low dose 2 x 5mg Prednisone, but so far no improvement. My stomach & digestive system is so screwed up, on top of the abdominal surgeries and reconstruction, that we are having quite a complicated situation here. The results I see & feel 24/7.


Happy New Year & Thank you kindly!    MS>

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Oh dear MS I am so sorry to hear this.


You might want to consider stopping treatment and switching to palliative care. It is a highly personal decision that only you can make. Listen to the inner voice, it will tell you when it is time.


Even if you decide to continue treatment you might still get under the care of a palliative specialist to address quality of life.  I forget where you are located?

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Thank you so much Sheryl. I am getting treated at Watthanasot where I also had most surgeries with lovely Prof. THANAPONG. Can highly recommend him. 

Zofran helps slightly. Off course all my treatment destroys normal mouth and intestinal flora, my whole body is a bit screwed up. I am still responding to Dabra & Tramet, liver cleared up massively, so I don't want to give up just yet. 

I am a fighter and if I can get constant nausea and surprise violent vomiting under control I can still be of use on this earth, albeit reduced o. c.  Found a private clinic here in Pattaya that seems very promising and will see them for evaluation regarding Cannabis oil. 

Thank you dear Sheryl and others for the great support. MS>

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2 hours ago, moonseeker said:

Thank you so much Sheryl. I am getting treated at Watthanasot where I also had most surgeries with lovely Prof. THANAPONG. Can highly recommend him. 

Zofran helps slightly. Off course all my treatment destroys normal mouth and intestinal flora, my whole body is a bit screwed up. I am still responding to Dabra & Tramet, liver cleared up massively, so I don't want to give up just yet. 

I am a fighter and if I can get constant nausea and surprise violent vomiting under control I can still be of use on this earth, albeit reduced o. c.  Found a private clinic here in Pattaya that seems very promising and will see them for evaluation regarding Cannabis oil. 

Thank you dear Sheryl and others for the great support. MS>


There is a good palliative care team at Watthanasot.  Suggest you consult this doctor there:




The palliative folk really are much better for pain and nausea issues since this is their sole focus.


You can see her while still being under the primary care of Prof. Thanapon. 

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Sorry to hear you feel so crappy.  


CBD Oil will not stimulate your appetite.


If you can get a preperation with a bit of cbd and some thc your appetite will improve greatly..  I am not certain what is available here in LOS but anything you can get with a mix of cbd and thc will stimulate appetite.    Some preps with just thc wil do the same.   


Many of the terpines that are beneficial to pain management and appetite may not be available in the oils and extracts,  as they are volatile compounds that literally "go up in smoke"   so any refinement involving heat in the process of manufacture will be devoid of many of the beneficial terpines.


If you can get some raw flower and smoke it,  or ingest it after it has been decarboxylized, you will get the maximum benefits from the various compounds and terpines in the plant.   Obviously,  if there is much THC,  you may be high as hell for a bit,  and if that is not a feeling you want or are helped by for your chemo symptoms,  then try to find a strain that has a low amount of thc in ratio to other cannabinoids.



If you are not comfortabe with smoking the plant,   then you can decarboxylize the flower on your own by heating it to about 140-160*F  for 40 minutes to an hour.    There are devices that are designed to cook it properly so that you can ingest it with food and get the benefits.


Any regular consumption of the compounds can lead to tolerance of their effects.   So the feeling of being "High"  will gradually go away if you keep the same dose,  but the beneficial aspects of appetite,  rest, pain management etc should continue nonetheless as you acclimate your body and nervous system to it.   



Edited by samuttodd
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