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Just got back from immigration for my Retirement extension.

First thank you to Ubonjoe.  I had everything i needed.

I went today and completed the following

1. annual retirement extension

2. exit authorization

3 90 day report


I arrived at 845 was completed everything at 10 am


Having all the paperwork ready helped.


Point of advice


For extension at PT you need to have 

2 packages ready


1 is a complete package for the extension and all the paperwork

2 a complete package of all the same copies of your visa and your passport with the blue residence paper inside.


She was pleasant but told me that it would make her happier if we had those seperately.

After you get your new blue paper for residence you need to go get a copy made outside because they need a copy of it for your extension

The main hiccup I had today was the fact that i am Canadian and not American.  I ended up with a different person looking at my paperwork and she first was not willing to accept that the letter from the Canadian Embassy was original.  She kept looking at the bank statements and asking if I had my bankbook.

I told her that I did not because it ws a Canadian bank and rather expensive for me to fly to Canada to get it updated.

Then she asked if i had a Thai bank account and I told her yes but that there was only 6000 baht in that account.

She finally accepted that as a Canadian I was still allowed to use a letter.

Once that was finished everything went smoothly.

There was not time that i got worried or showed any frustration I just kept making light and being nice.

My usual immigration rep was there at this time so at worst i would have gone to her and asked.



This went through quickly once I got a photocopy of my new extension LOL


90 day is 90 day simple quick and easy


What did I learn 

Every year I can be a prepared as i think I am but there will still be something.




I am going to Korea for the weekend to see QUEEN and asked if i had to redo my residence.  The rep told me that i just needed to worry about my 90 day report.







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