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Black magic in Thailand


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On 1/31/2020 at 2:56 PM, Kenny202 said:

Whats with the question mark? I think u know what I mean. Isaan is an area, people usually Laos descent and Bhudist. Khmer is a religion / culture and yes Khmer people are found in South Eastern Isaan

Religion, I don't think so, 97% of Cambodians are Buddhists .  Khmer are simply people from Cambodia and speak the language.  People from Isaan who speak Khmer, are in most cases not really Khmer but they do speak something like the Khmer language.  If someone from Thailand speaks Khmer in Cambodia, they are immediately recognized as speaking Surin-Khmer. 

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On 1/30/2020 at 9:53 PM, BritManToo said:

I don't want to be the one to say this, but in all probability your current gf put something in your food.

Punishment poisoning is very common with Issan ladies, I've had it done to me by a lovely lady from Korat.

I pooped and vomited for a day, then everything was good.

I was thinking of marrying her until that happened.

I’ve been around Issan for over 10 years now and I’ve never heard of such a thing. I asked my wife who’s from here and she’s heard of punishment poisoning but it’s apparently frowned upon and it’s very rare. You probably just got food poisoning or something or drank the tap water but of course it’s possible. I asked my Issan wife about that and it’s not really common but she said an extremely spiteful woman might do something like that if you really messed up bad maybe. It’s highly frowned upon here to deliberately put something bad in anyone’s food because they take cooking very seriously in Thailand they take a lot of pride in their food and cooking. 

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Ohhhhhh, I read the whole story to my wife and it might’ve been poisoning and the items you described you found is apparently Thai or possibly Laotian Statanic worshipper stuff. Sounds like you had an interesting ex according to my wife. Was she into that kind of stuff like the a-cult? 

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Take your current girlfriend’s advice and do exactly what she says about taking it all to the temple. Trust me she’ll feel better. It’s supposed to be a nasty curse so listen to your girlfriend. 

Edited by RoiEtDale
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Oh lol, you must take the gargoyle to the temple there’s no other way to get rid of it. If you throw in the rubbish it comes back, if you burn it to ashes it still comes back. The monk has to lock it up in a special kind of box or it just keeps reappearing in your house. And it’s been known to poses people. 

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On 1/31/2020 at 5:50 PM, IvorLott said:

The only true power of 'Black Magic' is the power to scare those thick enough to believe in it; regardless of geographic location, culture or creed.


That is not quite true. You do not have to believe in it to be affected by it in some way. You don't have to be thick to be poisoned by someone who may believe in Black Magic. Not believing is no protection!

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11 minutes ago, RoiEtDale said:

Take your current girlfriend’s advice and do exactly what she says about taking it all to the temple. Trust me she’ll feel better. It’s supposed to be a nasty curse so listen to your girlfriend. 

And she'll be less likely to poison you for laughing at her beliefs.

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2 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

Uncanny how she seemed to know that

Thai are more perceptive than Westerners in general as women are to men... 


I have a very close friend who is a shaman.. his Hawaiian Shaman teacher had a lot of experience with black magic in Nigeria when he was young... he said a curse is just words... and if you believe the words or the cursed items], then it can be effective... those items were in your safe for many years, but once you knew about them, you got sick. The brain is a powerful tool.

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1 hour ago, RoiEtDale said:

Oh lol, you must take the gargoyle to the temple there’s no other way to get rid of it. If you throw in the rubbish it comes back, if you burn it to ashes it still comes back. The monk has to lock it up in a special kind of box or it just keeps reappearing in your house. And it’s been known to poses people. 

Like way out man.


(this is all too far fetched for my simple western brain)

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On 1/30/2020 at 8:46 AM, Kenny202 said:

and the creepiest little figurine, like a brass thing with a gargoyle riding a cock.

Can I ask a question, when you first looked at the bag did you see any numbers ? If so could you share them.


As for the little gargoyle fella, surely you are not going to through him away.

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Actually in the rural areas around here there’s been a lot of crop circles around the rice paddies lately and a local farmer who used to be a monk has reported seeing strangers around these parts. And they have been hearing strange noises over his daughters old baby monitor. 

Edited by RoiEtDale
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9 minutes ago, Gracas said:

Can I ask a question, when you first looked at the bag did you see any numbers ? If so could you share them.


As for the little gargoyle fella, surely you are not going to through him away.

You can’t throw him away he’ll just keep coming back it has to be taken to the temple and encased in glass forever. 

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I once had a Thai gf who had what she called a "womb" problem. The government doctors/hospitals told her "there is nothing wrong with you". But fair to say, I think there was.

This may be a stretch from black magic (I don't know a lot about it) but she went to the witch doctor lady way up country (from her Krabi home) for her "treatment".

Needless to say, there was no improvement on her "womb" condition after the session.

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The locals in our village blame everything on ghosts and black magic, for them it is a constant threat. All illness is blamed on black magic and most accidents are caused by ghosts.


It is one of the reasons I like living hear. I like telling people I have seen ghosts and vampires, it makes me happy.

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9 minutes ago, mick220675 said:

The locals in our village blame everything on ghosts and black magic, for them it is a constant threat. All illness is blamed on black magic and most accidents are caused by ghosts.


It is one of the reasons I like living hear. I like telling people I have seen ghosts and vampires, it makes me happy.

I actually did once see something it’s a long story but absolutely no reasonable explanation. I didn’t personally see or hear anything but our cat did and it freaked him out really bad and I saw him behave in a way that I’ve never seen before I’ve never seen him act like that before it was crazy if you’d seen it you’d understand what I mean by no reasonable explanation. There was no question that cat saw something that I couldn’t see absolutely no doubt he saw something and I don’t know what but it was weird. 

Edited by RoiEtDale
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8 minutes ago, RoiEtDale said:

I actually did once see something it’s a long story but absolutely no reasonable explanation. I didn’t personally see or hear anything but our cat did and it freaked him out really bad and I saw him behave in a way that I’ve never seen before I’ve never seen him act like that before it was crazy if you’d seen it you’d understand what I mean by no reasonable explanation. There was no question that cat saw something that I couldn’t see absolutely no doubt he saw something and I don’t know what but it was weird. 

So your cat acted strange , must be black magic ,run 

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2 minutes ago, RoiEtDale said:

I actually did once see something it’s a long story but absolutely no reasonable explanation. I didn’t personally see or hear anything but our cat did and it freaked him out really bad and I saw him behave in a way that I’ve never seen before I’ve been seen him act like that before it was crazy if you’d seen it you’d understand what I mean by no reasonable explanation. 

I was once working in the basement of a hospital directly under the mortuary. The heating pipes made it red hot, suddenly it went very cold and a tray on a table fell to the floor. In that moment the only explanation was a ghost.


My alcoholic neighbour was dragged of his bike by three ghost dressed in military uniform. His one armed brother was drowned in a lake after a sexy female ghost made him go swimming.

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13 minutes ago, Foghorn said:

So your cat acted strange , must be black magic ,run 

Oh no a lot more to that story than the cat acting strange that’s for sure!!! It’s a really long story and sort of off topic. The cat could clearly see something in the corner, his fur stood up big! He was perfectly calm then suddenly freak out for absolutely no reason fur stood up he hopped off the sofa and started starring really hard at that spot where he clearly saw something.


Then the cat started walking backwards just so he could not take his eyes off of something he wouldn’t turn around away from whatever he saw because he was too scared. He couched down under the dining room table and just kept staring at something and hissing at it. This went on for 30 minutes and we couldn’t see or hear anything but the cat most certainly saw something God knows what but there’s no doubt he was seeing something. I’ve heard of stuff like that but that’s the only time in my life I experienced it for myself. It was weird and extremely out of character for that cat to do anything like that but there’s no doubt the cat saw something. 

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22 minutes ago, mick220675 said:

I was once working in the basement of a hospital directly under the mortuary. The heating pipes made it red hot, suddenly it went very cold and a tray on a table fell to the floor. In that moment the only explanation was a ghost.


My alcoholic neighbour was dragged of his bike by three ghost dressed in military uniform. His one armed brother was drowned in a lake after a sexy female ghost made him go swimming.

I just explained a little bit about my little ghost story but this was like a real no bs experience that I truly never could explain. And I was not drunk or on anything. 

Edited by RoiEtDale
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