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Thai attacked over coronavirus ‘Asian prejudice’ in London


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13 hours ago, macleans said:

The amount of hatred towards Thais shown in this thread is shocking. I mean the man just got racially abused, robbed, and had his nose broken, and all I see is a bunch of expats, who live in Thailand for whatever reasons, expressing their happiness that this event happened to a Thai national living abroad.


Some of you may have had bad experiences in Thailand, but they give you no reasons to be satisfied when an innocent man got hurt, just because he is Thai. Seriously, that's overt racism. I doubt any of you have been robbed and assaulted here because you happen to be foreigners.


I have seen a few posters in other threads ask if and why the attitude of Thais towards expats have changed and been less welcoming over time. You lot on here are the cause of that change.


What I don't understand is if you hate Thailand and Thai people so much, why do you stick around? Wouldn't it benefit both you and Thailand if you leave?

Not so much hate as pure "cynicism" considering that the typical "indigenous" British person is in fact "discriminated against" most of all in his own country  by  traitorous  politicians who have sold out the UK and most of Europe! 

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13 hours ago, macleans said:

The amount of hatred towards Thais shown in this thread is shocking. I mean the man just got racially abused, robbed, and had his nose broken, and all I see is a bunch of expats, who live in Thailand for whatever reasons, expressing their happiness that this event happened to a Thai national living abroad.


Some of you may have had bad experiences in Thailand, but they give you no reasons to be satisfied when an innocent man got hurt, just because he is Thai. Seriously, that's overt racism. I doubt any of you have been robbed and assaulted here because you happen to be foreigners.


I have seen a few posters in other threads ask if and why the attitude of Thais towards expats have changed and been less welcoming over time. You lot on here are the cause of that change.


What I don't understand is if you hate Thailand and Thai people so much, why do you stick around? Wouldn't it benefit both you and Thailand if you leave?

A lot of them stick around because there is no where else to go for them, they blew their chances at a rewarding life and now many are destined to be pushed out of here by their failing currencies and lack of planning. Racism to many is just a way of life, their mother and fathers teaching them the lessons from their grandparents - ignorance counselling ignorance. Getting rid of the agents would go a long way in taking out the rest of the trash..

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1 hour ago, AdamTheFarang said:

The difference is in the UK it is an open society, he can get a Visa and work, unlike in Thailand where most professions are reserved for Thais. Why is this? Are Thais not the most intelligent, hard working, moral and educated people in the world. I am Jewish and most Thais did not know what a Jew is? This amazed me, their education must be so inward thinking to Thailand. Lesson number 1 "How to make a baby buffalo"  

Thais know only a few countries.






 They know a fourth one too. Dum dum. But I think it's an abusive term for people who hail from Africa. Sorry for my ignorance.




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I don't see no ethnicity description of the attackers within this article or in the link to an external article! So before people start calling caucasian British as racist I exercise my right to reserve judgement that this was not racicially motivated until proven otherwise.


Additionally the immigration status is also not confirmed of the attackers for obvious reasons - they have neither been identifed or caught, I mean London is packed to the hilters with CCTV so where are the Police here requesting assistance with stills from the camera's mmmm ... intesrsted to see how this develops.

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22 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

A lot of them stick around because there is no where else to go for them, they blew their chances at a rewarding life and now many are destined to be pushed out of here by their failing currencies and lack of planning. Racism to many is just a way of life, their mother and fathers teaching them the lessons from their grandparents - ignorance counselling ignorance. Getting rid of the agents would go a long way in taking out the rest of the trash..

And a lot of them recognise the folly of things in Thailand but are not so silly as to think they can't cope with it. Perhaps they just get fed up of being told how wonderful Thailand is and how wonderful Thais are by people who score 20 or 30 point below them on the IQ scale. Remove the beam in your own eye before complaining about the mote in someone else's.



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5 minutes ago, ParkerN said:

And a lot of them recognise the folly of things in Thailand but are not so silly as to think they can't cope with it. Perhaps they just get fed up of being told how wonderful Thailand is and how wonderful Thais are by people who score 20 or 30 point below them on the IQ scale. Remove the beam in your own eye before complaining about the mote in someone else's.



sounds familiar



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I'm a westerner that has been attacked ss well as enduring racial abuse by Thais on may occassions, however, racism is not called for.


Im in hope the British police will serve the correct punishment to the attacker...

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11 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

Why? Don't know the man, never even heard of him, but if Dominic Cummings likes him then that's reason enough to take no notice of him at all... after all, Dominic Cummings likes Boris Johnson and he isn't even clever enough to comb his hair or tuck his shirt into his trousers.

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2 minutes ago, Sonhia said:



I'm a westerner that has been attacked ss well as enduring racial abuse by Thais on may occassions, however, racism is not called for.


Im in hope the British police will serve the correct punishment to the attacker...

Maybe. In Thailand the police would stand around, shuffle their feet and laugh. They do that quite alot...

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Extract from the Guardian article from which so much has been made by so many with nothing whatsoever to back their claims up:


Scotland Yard said: “Police are investigating an aggravated robbery committed in Fulham. The victim, a 24-year-old man, reported being racially abused by an unknown male suspect in Fulham Road, SW6. A second male suspect approached the victim from behind and stole his headphones and then assaulted him. The victim sustained a broken nose and received hospital treatment.”

& this too would seem a monumental overreaction, unless of course his parents were heading to UK for other legitimate reasons that were conveniently overlooked:


Silawattakun said his parents had flown from Thailand to support him. He is due to have an operation on his nose and has taken leave from work. “It doesn’t matter how much I’ve accomplished or how hard I’ve worked,” he said. “None of that shields me or anyone else. I’m still just a target because I’m east Asian.”

Judgement reserved until any of the above has been properly verified.

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19 hours ago, ParkerN said:

Indeed. As much as I personally have little time for racism, I have to suppress a slight frissant when a Thai finds himself (or herself) on the receiving end. The words poetic and justice spring to mind, though there is no excuse for common assault. The reality is that whatever land you hail from, the probability is that they have little time for Thais, who generally behave badly, perhaps on the assumption that they are better than all other nationalities a feature of the cradle-to-the-grave indoctrination that glorifies the Thai cukture ans belittle all else. That belief ought not to survive the incoming passport checks. I've seen how Thais are treated in USA (for example). I don't think I would like it if it were me.


Still, racism based on the Covid-19 virus seems a little extreme...


seems to me you have prejudice against Thais yourself the tone of your writing, somewhat a contradictory. Quote “Who behaves badly on the assumption that they are better than..... etc” the rest of you white folks don’t have the same assumption? black salves, Stole half the world Treasure from other nations, Brexit. Oh don’t we get Donald trump. USA have a racist as their president????. I hope you are not living in Thailand. If you do, I suggest you fly back to where ever you are came from. 

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18 hours ago, talahtnut said:

London is known as the capital of crime and 

has been for centuries.

I was attacked in 2014 so I don't go there now.

Its dangerous whatever colour you are, and

knife crime is rampant, luckily the Thai chap

was spared that problem.

"London is known as the capital of crime"


By whom? I would think that some other capitals would better qualify:-

The countries with the ten highest crime rates in the world are:

  1. Venezuela (84.86)
  2. Papua New Guinea (80.26)
  3. South Africa (77.02)
  4. Honduras (75.84)
  5. Afghanistan (73.26)
  6. Trinidad and Tobago (73.15)
  7. Brazil (69.48)
  8. El Salvador (68.63)
  9. Namibia (68.14)
  10. Syria (66.91)


And as regards safety:-


"London is a very safe city. With a rating of 77% The United Kingdom, is ranked 33th out of 162 on the ranking of the safest and most dangerous countries."


Tijuana is ranked as the most dangerous city in the world 2019 with a homicide rate of 138 per 100,000 and a total of 2,640 murders."






















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Makes me ashamed to be English!  Poor man.


So many times do I hear Europeans/Aussies/Yanks ridiculing the Thais and . . . 'questioning their intelligence' -- but so many mindless acts are committed in our countries! Countries that supposedly have wonderful education systems and citizens that consider they are intellectually superior to 'others'.


Last weekend there were another 4 stabbings in London (over 114 in the last year); drunk drivers are having accidents on almost a daily basis; our police do not follow up on burgalries or car theft; and 4 days ago a 'non'-celebrity committed suicide and the UK news channels have been constantly broadcasting this terrible tragedy and telling those that ''are feeling depressed or suicideal due to the suicide of this woman'' should contact the Samaritans, the BBC, ITV, and Sky websites (created for this event) to receive counselling!


Seems to me that stupidity is more contagious than the coronovirus!


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Sad news about this poor Thai gentleman in London. No doubt that this can happen anywhere, but at least the UK authorities will do something about it.


I just experienced a similar case here in Bangkok, but for a different reason, even though the background is also racial animosity.


Last Thursday night, I have been assaulted by two Thai neighbors from my same floor, regarding a non offensive painting I have hanged in the wall beside my door for more than 5 years. They smashed it and while I was trying to take photos, both attacked me in order to delete the evidence. After punching me to the floor, they took my phone insisting in deleting the photos. Once police came, did nothing to force them giving me back the phone or ask for their names and ID. The Building chairman came down and after long talk, they return it. But nor the JP of building neither the police will do more to provide their full names, summon or warn them about these serious nasty actions.


I am waiting for meeting with a forensic doctor, to issue the report and find a lawyer to come with me and do the formal police complaint. My Spanish embassy just sent me a list of lawyers and their best wishes nothing else.


A police officer handling the case told me, they can't arrest them because my injuries are not serious nor I am hospitalized.


At present I am collecting all evidence as cctv video of the event, as well photos of my bruises and property damage.


To be frank as a foreigner here, we have with no rights and no legal protection, the building management and JP wash hands, as well the police and our own diplomats.


I am a sitting duck waiting to be hit again. I would like to make this case public, as it can happen to anyone of us that came to retire and have a peaceful life in Thailand, even investing in property. We frankly are not welcome in Thailand any longer.


Would be grateful, if any of you have suffered similar experience and how did you deal with it legally. I am afraid to start spending a fortune in lawyer fees for nothing and wasting my time too. Any advice will be greatly appreciate it.


I don't have any virus or decease, but my only sin was to place a nice painting beside my own unit.

Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 3.47.00 PM.png

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