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Pest Control?


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Any suggestions for an effective pest control company that is in the Bangkok area? I have well not me .....my home has some very creative and stubborn ants the same size who just resist any of my attempts at encouraging them to either die or move on I also would like to find some poison for flying rats! (pidgons) they are all over our street but seem to love my home the best as i think i am at the end of soi i have put the scare items but they also are unaffected they love to leave their unappreciated gifts for me to clean and are a general pain in the ummm any ideas?

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There's a recent Topic about PIDGEONS with 77 replies that could help you.

As to the ants - I have never had a problem with them. What colour are they? Black or brown? Large or small? Perhaps with some more info we can offer some help.


They are redish brown and extremely small but they are the fastest darn things i have ever seen within one minute they will swarm over any type of sweet food or beverage i have to keep everything sealed and locked away ironically i never see them outside too much unless they are on the exterior wall of the house when i spray or chalk one problem area they move quickly to another area thanks for your help

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been trying to ease the ant problem in Thailand now for over 7 years and still have not cone up with any decent answers, I have tried Rentakil (who just say its impossible to get rid of them) I have also tried numerous other avenues to no avail.

I currently have a monthly spray (that is provided free to our Condo complex) that is OK for 1/2 days but then they are back again, my kitchen is always kept clean and so is the whole condo, no food is ever left out.

I know that this time of year ants like to move inside because of the adverse weather (as ants is normally a seasonal problem) however like the OP says there MUST be somewhere or somebody in the whole of Thailand that can do something surely??? :o

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