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I am having plastic surgery at Yanhee International Hospital and my doctor is Dr. Virat Osathalert. I have emailed the Soc. of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons of Thailand to check on his credentials but as yet have had no reply. Has anyone out there had anything done by this surgeon.

Although I now feel that I have to just have confidence in the standing of this hospital and as Dr. Osathalert has been a doctor for 20 years I am sure I will be well looked after in his care. My girlfriend, who is also, coming with me, pointed out that I am flying over and I'm not checking out the pilot's licence... am I being over cautious?

AussieMiss :o


I am having plastic surgery at Yanhee International Hospital and my doctor is Dr. Virat Osathalert. I have emailed the Soc. of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons of Thailand to check on his credentials but as yet have had no reply. Has anyone out there had anything done by this surgeon.

Although I now feel that I have to just have confidence in the standing of this hospital and as Dr. Osathalert has been a doctor for 20 years I am sure I will be well looked after in his care. My girlfriend, who is also, coming with me, pointed out that I am flying over and I'm not checking out the pilot's licence... am I being over cautious?

AussieMiss :o

No, you are being sensible. I'm a health professional and I would not dream of having surgery -- or referring a friend for surgery -- without having thoroughly reviewed the doctor's qualifications.

If Yanhee does not list doctor's qualifications on their website (as most international hospitals in Thailand do) then you are well within your rights to email and request his biodata.

You do, after all, have a number of surgeons to choose from, bith at Yanhee and other hospitals in Thailand. By all means review his qualifications and if they leave you in any doubt look for another doctor.

  • 5 months later...

Hi there,

I am looking to book in with the same surgeon at Yanhee Hospital for 2008. Have you already had your surgery, and if yes, how do you think it went?? Did the doctor have the credentials and was the hospital good?? I have had plenty of replies from the hospital (not the surgeon directly) but they have been very prompt in replying and answering any questions I had.

Please let me know honestly.


Jade :o

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys,

I am a photographer in Sydney that understands symetrics & facial balance & harmony. I consider myself similar to a plastic surgeon because I use photoshop everyday & have the same kind of artistic eye for balance.

I just had a complete nose reconstruction at Yanhee by Dr Virat, Firstly I have to say that I studied plastic surgery for 1 year before I visited Thailand. At first I was quite nervous about thailand, but what kept me together was my knowledge of the procedure I wanted, I could tell the "b" crap from the real stuff. Added to this I went to 4 hospitals in Thailand & the only Surgeon that seemed to know what he was talking about was Dr Virat. Many other surgeons were nervous about dealing with my nose because it was complex & bent. I was told that I may have to "come back" in 6 months. Dr Virat new exactly what had to be done with little discussion.

Although I could not see any examples of their work, I will say that he new exactly what to do within 15 minutes, I had the operation in the hour & was amazed with the results. My new nose gives me such great confidence, its only been 3 weeks since the op & its still a little swollen. The after service at Yanhee is amazing, the nurses come in & make you feel so fantastic. Yanhee is a hospital that is not known to the world yet but will be soon, they have what seems to be hundreds of patients visiting everyday. The Anti inflametory drugs were simply amazing, controlling my face in 7 days, people could see the difference, these drugs known as "rodase" were exclusivily made in thailand.

Be aware that some of the drugs used for removing stitches that last only 25 minutes are "cosmic" to say the least, I saw snakes running through my body !! amazing ! they dont warn you of this, I think these are used as they are cheaper & quicker, but mask the pain & quicker is better to me.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised with Yanhee, very reasonable, & extremely fast service & they offer just about every type of cosmetic enhancement with innate confidence.

if you have any questions feel free to email me directly.




having dealt with Yanhee and know a little about their internal pay structure heres what Id say:

Some doctors at Yanhee are awesome doctors such as Dr Greechart (head of their plastic surgery bad bedside manners) and all the doctors are always in a rush. figure out why? Because the doctors in Yanhee work according to a performance paychart and not according to clientele time etc.

My friend had his nose done 3 times!!!! The same doctors at Yanhee told him differing things based on when they saw him ranging from do nothing to do exploratory surgery and see what happens.

My friend had his work done by Sorawuth at Bumrungrad and never got what he really wanted. The doctor had simply trimmed some cartilage, lifted tip using sutures only, cleared the airways removing obstructing cartilage and thats it. He went in for a revision due to bend and bump on left nostril and doc claimed scar tissue and none of the others at Yanhee even said anything nor could figure out anything. So after the surgery surprise once swelling goes down still same issue and just went back to doc and got sick of him.

So went to Doctor Somyos Kunachak. Straight up the guy told him what was wrong, why it wasnt done properly, what can be done, how itd be done etc and that hes had plenty of experience doing it. Certainly by looking at his credentials and accrediatation his been doing it for a long time and is a professor at uni. Awesome doctor with awesome bedside manner and really takes his time so long as you need. My friend had work 3rd rhino done by him and the doctor took 5hours to complete that and his chin augmentation!!!! And though its only been 1 week all we can say is WOW. What a difference. Just hope things heal and keep healing and nothing gets bent crooked damaged etc. After surgery said it took a long time because the nose was special and he had to be meticulous removing scar tissue, shaving cartilage. grafting cartilage for tip, aligning the septum(which should have been done twice already by sorawuth), removing excess tissue and excising it, alar reduction. basically sculpting everything and doing it all right. He charged 3500usd considering it was 3rd rhinoplasty was good price and for 5hours work? awesome.

heres hoping to healing.

as for me I went with Dr preecha at BNH. Preecha also takes his time talking to you and explaining etc. I had chin and nose augmentation and though it only took him 1hour at most I hope hes done a good job of it especially with his rep. Went with preecha only due to lower cost about 1000usd less. interestingly preecha told my friend nothing can be done about his nose without even looking or feeling or anything and said let it be whereas somyos said outright he can fix it and that noses of middleeastern decent can be tricky especially with thick nasal tip skin but can be done just that those surgeons dont know what to do.


interesting comment, maybe they rely on recourse/turnover then? they are very cheap thats for sure,

the same rhino in oz is 7k, but if you do it in yanhee 3 times thats more than 7 k !

agree with bedside manner, i never saw my surgeon afterwards as he went on holidays.

its better to have somone that does care a little more thats for sure, i had to goto bangkok hospital for a second opinion & ct scan, but i guess i was a little over cautious.

still like the results so far..i think it takes months for the swelling to go down completely, heres to healing. still cant feel the right side of my mouth as well

The Anti inflametory drugs were simply amazing, controlling my face in 7 days, people could see the difference, these drugs known as "rodase" were exclusivily made in thailand.

I am not qualified to comment on the medical technique or course of treatment but I will comment on "rodase". The active ingredient is serratiopeptidase which is a proteolytic enzyme derived from the bacterium that belong to genus Serratia. It is found in silk worms and it helps the silk worm to digest its cocoon. I am not aware of any clinical trials that prove its effectiveness or long term safety

Although the drug is manufactured in Thailand (Pond's Chemical) and a few other asian countries, I believe the 2 primary sources of the raw material are Korea and China. As we all know, standards differ in many countries. E.g. If one looks at a typical Korean manufacturer's spec statement (e.g. Insect Biotech Co., Ltd.), it shows an acceptable Max. level of Arsenic of 50ppm. In the EU and North America the typical safety limit is a Maximum Contaminant Level of 0.010 ppm of Arsenic with a preference for 0.

In respect to the swelling going down in 7 days, swelling is a product of how invasive a procedure is. In many ONL surgeries major swelling can range from 3-14 days. As well, if one took any salicylates (aspirin), ibuprofen, or NSAIDs, this may have contributed to the reduction of the swelling. Usually, these are given shortly after surgery and one may be unaware what the pills are that are administered.

Therefore, I urge prospective users of this drug to be prudent and to exercise caution.

Remember the lesson of Thalidomide. It is a great drug and offers tremendous benefits for some patients. Unfortunately, when prescribed to pregnant women, it has horrific side effects. (Not saying this is a Thalidomide situation, just giving an illustration.)


yeah pete all the surgeons bedside manners at yanhee suck ass. They work on a turnover pay performance ratio and obviously dont have the time if they want money to sit around too long with 1 patient.

Ultimately what matters is not the hospital but who the hel_l is the surgeon and how good they are. eg my friend went to Bumrunggrad a powerhouse hospital right? But his surgeon Sorawuth sucked ass. He had it done 3 times costing him in total $6500usd when it should have been done properly in the first place for the 3000usd he had paid bumrungrad. Hes know thinking of raising a complaint with the hospital but isnt hopeful at all of getting anything.

And from everything I saw and noticed and felt Bumrungrad is an awesome hospital for sure but that does not mean all the docs are awesome. The doctor/surgeon is ultimately what matters. From the PS surgeons there id say DR POOMEE is good and Teerasit for BA and maybe Preeyaphas for some facial work. But bumrungrad doctors for example will not do BA through armpit for higher than 250cc! Yanhee can do a lot more and Preecha sticks to no larger than around 350cc i think.

Dr Somyos Kunachak for example is qualified accredited and trained all over but does all his ops right in his own clinic with his own staff and doctors no hospitals. Did what seems so far like an awesome job on my friends nose and spent 5hours on him and has good bedside manners too and looks and acts caring afterwards too.

I got mine done at BNH by Preecha whose world reknowned for sex changes etc and has trained most gender surgeons in thailand and is considered the father of plastic surgery too. Old guy nice smiling face and ok bedside manners. I only went with him since he had papers to match Somyos and the procedures sounded identical but he quoted cheaper.

All this goes to show is FORGET THE HOSPITAL or how fancy the place is etc means nothing. ONLY look at your surgeon, research him/her, find his credentials/accreditations/background, education etc look at his previous work, talk and quiz them to hel_l, search the web on them and look at their feedback on forums etc then decide.


drugs ...well thats interesting, as far as im concerned Rodase was fantastic so I have no issues with it, i would recommend any of the drugs at yanhee.

doc credentials Its funny i never even looked for creds?, all i new was that Yanhee was the best

hospital in thailand for cosmetic surgery, even the taxi driver told me ! & when i went in it was flat out ! busy, shear numbers to me were a vital factor of confidence along side of Virats knowledgable discussion in the area. I didnt want to hear bullcrap , everyother hospital were either attentative or spinning rubbish.

bedside manner please be advised that even though it appears the surgeons as you so call "suck ass"

with bedside manner, keep in mind also that the nurses were just fantastic, they have been trained to do the after stuff, which to me also makes sense to keep costs down.Things like pulling the plug from my nose, reassuring me that my head is ok. I consider the nurses very professional.

my new look Its my first day back at work & i have already had compliments on my face WOWO!

i didnt expect to look like brad pitt but it appears to be close thats for sure, you tend to get more smiles.

Thanks Virat & a big thanks to yanhee.

drugs ...well thats interesting, as far as im concerned Rodase was fantastic so I have no issues with it, i would recommend any of the drugs at yanhee.

doc credentials Its funny i never even looked for creds?, all i new was that Yanhee was the best

hospital in thailand for cosmetic surgery, even the taxi driver told me ! & when i went in it was flat out ! busy, shear numbers to me were a vital factor of confidence along side of Virats knowledgable discussion in the area. I didnt want to hear bullcrap , everyother hospital were either attentative or spinning rubbish.

bedside manner please be advised that even though it appears the surgeons as you so call "suck ass"

with bedside manner, keep in mind also that the nurses were just fantastic, they have been trained to do the after stuff, which to me also makes sense to keep costs down.Things like pulling the plug from my nose, reassuring me that my head is ok. I consider the nurses very professional.

my new look Its my first day back at work & i have already had compliments on my face WOWO!

i didnt expect to look like brad pitt but it appears to be close thats for sure, you tend to get more smiles.

Thanks Virat & a big thanks to yanhee.

hope your not misunderstanding because I am not threading yanhee down or anything. just ultimately that the doctors and his/her skills is what matters.

I actually had BA and Bleph done at yanhee myself so I know exactly what im talking about. Greechart saw me for like 10mins drew lines and kicked me out, did surgery, never saw me after it until i Insisted on seeing him before checking out of hospital next day. The nurses were very different and attentive and helpful though lots of them sucked in english and pronunciation caused major confusion at times.

Drugs? totally depends on what the doctor gives you. doesnt make one place better worse than another.

glad to see your happy with dr virats work on you though believe it or not he had stated he cant do anything on my friends nose.

we are both happy with our respective surgeons work at yanhee so far and hopefully itll stay that way :o


no problem at all,understood, im just saying it like it is thats all, because I am exclusively happy now with my results as I went out last night & felt super confident... instead of people avoiding me they are now approaching me... thats just TOPS !

everywhere in the world there are horror stories & dream stories regardless of where they are.

my new realisation is if you want the surgeon to talk to you afterwards spend 10 k,

if you just want a good job done, you are mentally sound & you know your stuff, spend much less at yanhee & let the nurses look after you. The nurses I had had absolutley perfect English, even better than mine, they were dressed immaculately & carried themselves (their stance) super professionally.

They came in to my room every hour...

Did you also notice how beautiful all the nurses are at yanhee?? I have never seen so many beutiful women haha. :o like heaven


It is not necessarily the case that only surgeons who charge more take the time to talk to patients. It has more to do with their personalities and individual style, how busy they are at any specific point in time, and also work conditions. As one poster mentioned the remuneration system at yanhee creates an incentive to minimize time spent per patient.

What is definitely true though is that a surgeon's bedside manner and his/her surgical skill are 2 different matters and it is possible for a surgeon to be excellent at one and poor at the other.

I've seen some absolutely incompetent surgeons who got by thanks to their skill in gaining trust and rapport (and using this to decive patients and their families). I've seen some absolutley top notch surgeons who were very poor in interpersonal skills or even obnoxius. Of course, one would like one's surgeon to be good at both, but it doesn't always happen, and the most important thing is the surgeon's medical skill. As long as he/she talks to you enough before hand to get a clear medical history and a clear idea of what you want, gives you a clear idea of risks and benefits to the proposed procedure, and responds quickly if a complication arises afterwards, the rest is gravy.

no problem at all,understood, im just saying it like it is thats all, because I am exclusively happy now with my results as I went out last night & felt super confident... instead of people avoiding me they are now approaching me... thats just TOPS !

everywhere in the world there are horror stories & dream stories regardless of where they are.

my new realisation is if you want the surgeon to talk to you afterwards spend 10 k,

if you just want a good job done, you are mentally sound & you know your stuff, spend much less at yanhee & let the nurses look after you. The nurses I had had absolutley perfect English, even better than mine, they were dressed immaculately & carried themselves (their stance) super professionally.

They came in to my room every hour...

Did you also notice how beautiful all the nurses are at yanhee?? I have never seen so many beutiful women haha. :o like heaven

hahahah yes I did. the hospital encourages them "highly" to dress like that and also offers them discount plans on PS work.


"I've seen some absolutely incompetent surgeons who got by thanks to their skill in gaining trust and rapport (and using this to decive patients and their families). I've seen some absolutley top notch surgeons who were very poor in interpersonal skills or even obnoxius. Of course, one would like one's surgeon to be good at both"

I agree with this completely, its funny but i have a good sense of who the real artist really is and their characterics, I prefer the intraverted surgeon that lack social skills, because these are the ones that

spend most of their time actually thinking about their work & getting it right.

As for the women at yanhee, its not just their clothing but their beautiful faces & bodies!!! maybe they have had surgery who knows??? , all the same it makes for a great sales tool regardless. :o

  • 3 months later...

Hello Pete,

How interesting reading your experience at Yanhee Hospital.

I have had a nosejob 2 years ,done by dr.Jansi.I think he is very good.

I'll go back the 20 Febr 2008 for a mini facelift,necklift,maybe eyelid.

Since i am obsessed by symetri and facial balance i am thinking also of boneshaving!!

I am very curious to go and talk to dr.Virat about the possibillities.

Do you have any idea if he has done this before?


Hi guys,

I am a photographer in Sydney that understands symetrics & facial balance & harmony. I consider myself similar to a plastic surgeon because I use photoshop everyday & have the same kind of artistic eye for balance.

I just had a complete nose reconstruction at Yanhee by Dr Virat, Firstly I have to say that I studied plastic surgery for 1 year before I visited Thailand. At first I was quite nervous about thailand, but what kept me together was my knowledge of the procedure I wanted, I could tell the "b" crap from the real stuff. Added to this I went to 4 hospitals in Thailand & the only Surgeon that seemed to know what he was talking about was Dr Virat. Many other surgeons were nervous about dealing with my nose because it was complex & bent. I was told that I may have to "come back" in 6 months. Dr Virat new exactly what had to be done with little discussion.

Although I could not see any examples of their work, I will say that he new exactly what to do within 15 minutes, I had the operation in the hour & was amazed with the results. My new nose gives me such great confidence, its only been 3 weeks since the op & its still a little swollen. The after service at Yanhee is amazing, the nurses come in & make you feel so fantastic. Yanhee is a hospital that is not known to the world yet but will be soon, they have what seems to be hundreds of patients visiting everyday. The Anti inflametory drugs were simply amazing, controlling my face in 7 days, people could see the difference, these drugs known as "rodase" were exclusivily made in thailand.

Be aware that some of the drugs used for removing stitches that last only 25 minutes are "cosmic" to say the least, I saw snakes running through my body !! amazing ! they dont warn you of this, I think these are used as they are cheaper & quicker, but mask the pain & quicker is better to me.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised with Yanhee, very reasonable, & extremely fast service & they offer just about every type of cosmetic enhancement with innate confidence.

if you have any questions feel free to email me directly.



Hello Pete,

How interesting reading your experience at Yanhee Hospital.

I have had a nosejob 2 years ,done by dr.Jansi.I think he is very good.

I'll go back the 20 Febr 2008 for a mini facelift,necklift,maybe eyelid.

Since i am obsessed by symetri and facial balance i am thinking also of boneshaving!!

I am very curious to go and talk to dr.Virat about the possibillities.

Do you have any idea if he has done this before?


Hi guys,

I am a photographer in Sydney that understands symetrics & facial balance & harmony. I consider myself similar to a plastic surgeon because I use photoshop everyday & have the same kind of artistic eye for balance.

I just had a complete nose reconstruction at Yanhee by Dr Virat, Firstly I have to say that I studied plastic surgery for 1 year before I visited Thailand. At first I was quite nervous about thailand, but what kept me together was my knowledge of the procedure I wanted, I could tell the "b" crap from the real stuff. Added to this I went to 4 hospitals in Thailand & the only Surgeon that seemed to know what he was talking about was Dr Virat. Many other surgeons were nervous about dealing with my nose because it was complex & bent. I was told that I may have to "come back" in 6 months. Dr Virat new exactly what had to be done with little discussion.

Although I could not see any examples of their work, I will say that he new exactly what to do within 15 minutes, I had the operation in the hour & was amazed with the results. My new nose gives me such great confidence, its only been 3 weeks since the op & its still a little swollen. The after service at Yanhee is amazing, the nurses come in & make you feel so fantastic. Yanhee is a hospital that is not known to the world yet but will be soon, they have what seems to be hundreds of patients visiting everyday. The Anti inflametory drugs were simply amazing, controlling my face in 7 days, people could see the difference, these drugs known as "rodase" were exclusivily made in thailand.

Be aware that some of the drugs used for removing stitches that last only 25 minutes are "cosmic" to say the least, I saw snakes running through my body !! amazing ! they dont warn you of this, I think these are used as they are cheaper & quicker, but mask the pain & quicker is better to me.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised with Yanhee, very reasonable, & extremely fast service & they offer just about every type of cosmetic enhancement with innate confidence.

if you have any questions feel free to email me directly.



I want to get a bit of hair back on me ead. I've been rubbing buffalo manure over the afflicted area for some time without success and figure I must be the victim of a practical joke. Where do I go from here?

  • 2 weeks later...
drugs ...well thats interesting, as far as im concerned Rodase was fantastic so I have no issues with it, i would recommend any of the drugs at yanhee.

doc credentials Its funny i never even looked for creds?, all i new was that Yanhee was the best

hospital in thailand for cosmetic surgery, even the taxi driver told me ! & when i went in it was flat out ! busy, shear numbers to me were a vital factor of confidence along side of Virats knowledgable discussion in the area. I didnt want to hear bullcrap , everyother hospital were either attentative or spinning rubbish.

bedside manner please be advised that even though it appears the surgeons as you so call "suck ass"

with bedside manner, keep in mind also that the nurses were just fantastic, they have been trained to do the after stuff, which to me also makes sense to keep costs down.Things like pulling the plug from my nose, reassuring me that my head is ok. I consider the nurses very professional.

my new look Its my first day back at work & i have already had compliments on my face WOWO!

i didnt expect to look like brad pitt but it appears to be close thats for sure, you tend to get more smiles.

Thanks Virat & a big thanks to yanhee.

Hi Pete! Your experience with your surgeon in Yanhee sounds great :o I also want to have a Rhinoplasty by September 2008. Did you stay inside the hospital or got a hotel room? Currently, I'm exchanging emails with Carmen asking about the prices. Turns out procedures are priced as a "package" (included : doctors fee, pre & post op, etc.). Was yours the same as well? Aren't there any extra fees like tax or anything else I should know?

And by the way, I want to have Goretex as the implant because some say it's much safe than silicon. Anyone here had Goretex for Rhino implant?

Thanks Pete!

  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,

I am a thaigirl but I am growing up in europe. I dont know much about Thailand and I am planning to do a nosejob there. I have a very ugly nose and I went to some plastic surgeon in europe, but they seem they dont have confident at do this, cause they have not much experiment of doing a nose job for a asien girl. I heard about some beautiful nose job have been done in Thailand, but I have no ideal which hospital and doctor should I go to... :o

I have been looking at different website like Bumrungrad Hospital, Yanhee Hospital og PAI, Any one have good/bad experiences in those hospital? which one will you guys recommend?



Hello Pete,

How interesting reading your experience at Yanhee Hospital.

I have had a nosejob 2 years ,done by dr.Jansi.I think he is very good.

I'll go back the 20 Febr 2008 for a mini facelift,necklift,maybe eyelid.

Since i am obsessed by symetri and facial balance i am thinking also of boneshaving!!

I am very curious to go and talk to dr.Virat about the possibillities.

Do you have any idea if he has done this before?


Hi guys,

I am a photographer in Sydney that understands symetrics & facial balance & harmony. I consider myself similar to a plastic surgeon because I use photoshop everyday & have the same kind of artistic eye for balance.

I just had a complete nose reconstruction at Yanhee by Dr Virat, Firstly I have to say that I studied plastic surgery for 1 year before I visited Thailand. At first I was quite nervous about thailand, but what kept me together was my knowledge of the procedure I wanted, I could tell the "b" crap from the real stuff. Added to this I went to 4 hospitals in Thailand & the only Surgeon that seemed to know what he was talking about was Dr Virat. Many other surgeons were nervous about dealing with my nose because it was complex & bent. I was told that I may have to "come back" in 6 months. Dr Virat new exactly what had to be done with little discussion.

Although I could not see any examples of their work, I will say that he new exactly what to do within 15 minutes, I had the operation in the hour & was amazed with the results. My new nose gives me such great confidence, its only been 3 weeks since the op & its still a little swollen. The after service at Yanhee is amazing, the nurses come in & make you feel so fantastic. Yanhee is a hospital that is not known to the world yet but will be soon, they have what seems to be hundreds of patients visiting everyday. The Anti inflametory drugs were simply amazing, controlling my face in 7 days, people could see the difference, these drugs known as "rodase" were exclusivily made in thailand.

Be aware that some of the drugs used for removing stitches that last only 25 minutes are "cosmic" to say the least, I saw snakes running through my body !! amazing ! they dont warn you of this, I think these are used as they are cheaper & quicker, but mask the pain & quicker is better to me.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised with Yanhee, very reasonable, & extremely fast service & they offer just about every type of cosmetic enhancement with innate confidence.

if you have any questions feel free to email me directly.



I want to get a bit of hair back on me ead. I've been rubbing buffalo manure over the afflicted area for some time without success and figure I must be the victim of a practical joke. Where do I go from here?

Hello Pete,

How interesting reading your experience at Yanhee Hospital.

I have had a nosejob 2 years ,done by dr.Jansi.I think he is very good.

I'll go back the 20 Febr 2008 for a mini facelift,necklift,maybe eyelid.

Since i am obsessed by symetri and facial balance i am thinking also of boneshaving!!

I am very curious to go and talk to dr.Virat about the possibillities.

Do you have any idea if he has done this before?


Hi guys,

I am a photographer in Sydney that understands symetrics & facial balance & harmony. I consider myself similar to a plastic surgeon because I use photoshop everyday & have the same kind of artistic eye for balance.

I just had a complete nose reconstruction at Yanhee by Dr Virat, Firstly I have to say that I studied plastic surgery for 1 year before I visited Thailand. At first I was quite nervous about thailand, but what kept me together was my knowledge of the procedure I wanted, I could tell the "b" crap from the real stuff. Added to this I went to 4 hospitals in Thailand & the only Surgeon that seemed to know what he was talking about was Dr Virat. Many other surgeons were nervous about dealing with my nose because it was complex & bent. I was told that I may have to "come back" in 6 months. Dr Virat new exactly what had to be done with little discussion.

Although I could not see any examples of their work, I will say that he new exactly what to do within 15 minutes, I had the operation in the hour & was amazed with the results. My new nose gives me such great confidence, its only been 3 weeks since the op & its still a little swollen. The after service at Yanhee is amazing, the nurses come in & make you feel so fantastic. Yanhee is a hospital that is not known to the world yet but will be soon, they have what seems to be hundreds of patients visiting everyday. The Anti inflametory drugs were simply amazing, controlling my face in 7 days, people could see the difference, these drugs known as "rodase" were exclusivily made in thailand.

Be aware that some of the drugs used for removing stitches that last only 25 minutes are "cosmic" to say the least, I saw snakes running through my body !! amazing ! they dont warn you of this, I think these are used as they are cheaper & quicker, but mask the pain & quicker is better to me.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised with Yanhee, very reasonable, & extremely fast service & they offer just about every type of cosmetic enhancement with innate confidence.

if you have any questions feel free to email me directly.



I want to get a bit of hair back on me ead. I've been rubbing buffalo manure over the afflicted area for some time without success and figure I must be the victim of a practical joke. Where do I go from here?

Hair follicles on the head have extremely deep roots hence it is necessary to cover the entire head and face with the substance of choice and leave it in place for at least seven hours each day. Trust me, you are doing the right thing.


I want to get a bit of hair back on me ead. I've been rubbing buffalo manure over the afflicted area for some time without success and figure I must be the victim of a practical joke. Where do I go from here?

Dear Moldy,

Go to some place where they sell carpet and/or carpet tiles.

Select a carpet tile of your choice and ask them to glue it on your head with vinyl carpet glue, make sure they staple it in place all around the edges of the tile.

I dunno who adviced you about the buffalo manure but sure indeed that is a sick joke.........

Good luck!


I want to get a bit of hair back on me ead. I've been rubbing buffalo manure over the afflicted area for some time without success and figure I must be the victim of a practical joke. Where do I go from here?

Dear Moldy,

Go to some place where they sell carpet and/or carpet tiles.

Select a carpet tile of your choice and ask them to glue it on your head with vinyl carpet glue, make sure they staple it in place all around the edges of the tile.

I dunno who adviced you about the buffalo manure but sure indeed that is a sick joke.........

Good luck!


Moldy, I think that Alex is having a joke at your expense and he should be ashamed of himself. The fact is that vinyl carpet glue will not adhere well to skin on the head hence it will be necessary to use crazy glue to secure the tile. Also, use double back tape to secure the edges since using staples would obviously hurt.

  • 4 months later...
Hi guys,

I am a photographer in Sydney that understands symetrics & facial balance & harmony. I consider myself similar to a plastic surgeon because I use photoshop everyday & have the same kind of artistic eye for balance.

I just had a complete nose reconstruction at Yanhee by Dr Virat, Firstly I have to say that I studied plastic surgery for 1 year before I visited Thailand. At first I was quite nervous about thailand, but what kept me together was my knowledge of the procedure I wanted, I could tell the "b" crap from the real stuff. Added to this I went to 4 hospitals in Thailand & the only Surgeon that seemed to know what he was talking about was Dr Virat. Many other surgeons were nervous about dealing with my nose because it was complex & bent. I was told that I may have to "come back" in 6 months. Dr Virat new exactly what had to be done with little discussion.

Although I could not see any examples of their work, I will say that he new exactly what to do within 15 minutes, I had the operation in the hour & was amazed with the results. My new nose gives me such great confidence, its only been 3 weeks since the op & its still a little swollen. The after service at Yanhee is amazing, the nurses come in & make you feel so fantastic. Yanhee is a hospital that is not known to the world yet but will be soon, they have what seems to be hundreds of patients visiting everyday. The Anti inflametory drugs were simply amazing, controlling my face in 7 days, people could see the difference, these drugs known as "rodase" were exclusivily made in thailand.

Be aware that some of the drugs used for removing stitches that last only 25 minutes are "cosmic" to say the least, I saw snakes running through my body !! amazing ! they dont warn you of this, I think these are used as they are cheaper & quicker, but mask the pain & quicker is better to me.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised with Yanhee, very reasonable, & extremely fast service & they offer just about every type of cosmetic enhancement with innate confidence.

if you have any questions feel free to email me directly.



My Thai wife and i spoke with Dr Virat liked what we heard. She had a breast implant (silicon)and nose implant.June 08 Cost I500 pounds The result ? Perfection nothing else to add

I want to get a bit of hair back on me ead. I've been rubbing buffalo manure over the afflicted area for some time without success and figure I must be the victim of a practical joke. Where do I go from here?

Dear Moldy,

Go to some place where they sell carpet and/or carpet tiles.

Select a carpet tile of your choice and ask them to glue it on your head with vinyl carpet glue, make sure they staple it in place all around the edges of the tile.

I dunno who adviced you about the buffalo manure but sure indeed that is a sick joke.........

Good luck!


Moldy, I think that Alex is having a joke at your expense and he should be ashamed of himself. The fact is that vinyl carpet glue will not adhere well to skin on the head hence it will be necessary to use crazy glue to secure the tile. Also, use double back tape to secure the edges since using staples would obviously hurt.

You should also be aware of changing fashions. A friend of mine did this when Afro haircuts were all the fashion, so he chose himself a cracking piece of shagpile carpet, and he looked just like the bloke who used to manage Chelsea. Unfortunately, when this was definitly yesterdays look, he had to through the pain of getting it removed and replaced. The next time he chose a closer cut carpet tile, and he now looks just like Action Man! His girlfriend, Barbie, loves this look, but her ex, Ken, is now gunning for my mate, so be careful. He also makes us men with full heads of hair very jealous, as his hair is always perfect, and he only has to "Shake'n'vac" it once a month, and give it a quick going over with a car vacuum cleaner to raise the pile again, for those special nights out.

  • 4 months later...

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