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The Thai Love of Animals

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This Morning while out riding my Bike, a Pickup Truck stopped further along the track I was riding on.

An Old man in the back threw out 3 sacks onto the ground, and my initial thought was these people were dumping Trash. But no, a guy got out of the cab and and untied one of the sacks and shook a mature dog out of it onto the ground.

The poor Animal was" Hog tied " and the guy from inside the cab got the rope untied from it and it ran off.

He repeated the process with the next sack, but only managed to get some of the Rope off the Dogs legs, and it also ran off.

He again repeated the process with the third sack, but the dog escaped with its rear legs still bound together.

I remonstrated with these people ( in Thai ) and told them that I hope they got Cancer for their wicked treatment of these poor Dogs.

Disgusting way to behave, specially from people that so called love Animals so much.

I have tried to befriend these dogs to at least remove the rope from their legs, but as you would expect, they are trusting nobody.


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"Disgusting way to behave, specially from people that so called love Animals so much".


Not heard that term used here before.


Unfortunately this happens in all countries to a more or lesser degree.
My family ( in England ) have had rescue dogs since the 80's the first in England ( a sheep dog that was "not fit for purpose ", similarly a Jack Russell from England, one from Turkish controlled Cyprus that was to be shot ( a very large what is called "gun dog" in English ).   A red setter in Holland during late 70's early 80's.  One from Thailand along with a cat ( quarantined together to avoid 'cage fever'.   One daughter is currently visiting Thailand helping at a dog rescue in Hua Hin for a few days.


There is lack of understanding as to the care of animals and things like sterilization are probably seen as 'wrong'.    As for worming etc.   Quite a number of male dogs are Thai German Shepherds which often have the gentic link for DM.


I am currently 'helping' with 4 dogs here medicating etc for free


How can one help - ? 

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Unfortunately animal cruelty happens everywhere, but in Thailand is often more often than not just total disregard.


Most don't have 'pets' in the sense we do. I treat my cats like part of the family, to be looked after and loved, and in return they love me back.


For most, not all Thai's, cats and dogs are just animals, and can be dumped or abused without any problem or consequence.


Look at the feral animals running around the place, they came from somewhere. It breaks my heart when you see some of these wretched creatures, the females who breed constantly are particularly heartbreaking.


I remember taking my cat to have her spayed at 10 weeks. The vet looked at me like I was from another planet

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58 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

keep well away, dumped for a reason

I would suggest that you are right. Generally, the Thai's leave strays alone if they are not bothering anyone.


These 3 mutts have been moved on for a reason. Still a good outcome for them when you see the alternatives.

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1 hour ago, PatOngo said:

They probably drove straight to the their nearest temple to make merit and absolve themselves of their heinous actions!

Maybe Muslim? They not like dog.


Most thai is good to animal. I think care more than westerner. We not kill soi dog, let them live. Some western country kill the soi dog. So many. In USA 2.7 million animals are euthanized (1.2 million dogs and 1.4 million cats) 


Thai people not like hunting if not food. I see westerner go to Africa and kill the animal for fun. 

And some animal have protection in Thailand, even you eat it, will have police problem. eg black panther.


i love animal more than human.


Some Thai people are cruel with animal. Most are not.


if you ask the dog, want you want? I throw you away or kill you like in USA, the dog will answer “Throw me away, I will go the temple and kind people will bring me delicious food everyday and I will make friend with the other dog. Get a girlfriend”





Edited by Rimmer
Off topic disturbing pictures removed
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16 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

By some you must mean the ones who let their dogs  wander in the roads wherever they happen to  live because for sure any sensible caring dog  lover would never let their animal wander the street to be hit by a vehicle........would they? You'd  see almost  none on the roads if that were true. As  for the fighting cocks!!

Thais are the worst "animal lovers"  I  have ever  met, they are too  lazy to properly   look after an animal.

And this Mornings incident only reinforced that for me.

It is one thing to throw the Dogs away, but the way in which they were treated prior to being thrown out of that Pickup Truck was absolutely appalling.

Thais will always say when asked " that is my Dog " but the moment something is not right ( like it attacks a child )" its not my Dog " - " never seen it before Guv. ".

As for the Thais being too lazy to properly look after any Animal, well you only have to look  at all the Soi Dogs with broken / missing limbs Etc Etc Etc to see how well the Thais look after their Dogs.


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4 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

By some you must mean the ones who let their dogs  wander in the roads wherever they happen to  live because for sure any sensible caring dog  lover would never let their animal wander the street to be hit by a vehicle........would they? You'd  see almost  none on the roads if that were true. As  for the fighting cocks!!

Thais are the worst "animal lovers"  I  have ever  met, they are too  lazy to properly   look after an animal.

Yinn pretend that some Thai are cruel with animals, but most are not.

That's her opinion, which of course she is entitled to have, but it is no more than one opinion.

It is of course a pity that no more Thai people post here, but it is not a reason to accept her opinion as absolute true and representative for all Thais.

Her opinion should not been underestimated of course, but also in no way overestimated. 

We don't  accept as such an opinion from one "foreigner" here, but we listen to all of them and each of us determine for himself what he is ready to accept.

So there is no reason to accept unconditionally the opinion of one Thai.  

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54 minutes ago, Yinn said:

Maybe Muslim? They not like dog.


Most thai is good to animal. I think care more than westerner. We not kill soi dog, let them live. Some western country kill the soi dog. So many. In USA 2.7 million animals are euthanized (1.2 million dogs and 1.4 million cats) 


Thai people not like hunting if not food. I see westerner go to Africa and kill the animal for fun. 

And some animal have protection in Thailand, even you eat it, will have police problem. eg black panther.


i love animal more than human.


Some Thai people are cruel with animal. Most are not.


if you ask the dog, want you want? I throw you away or kill you like in USA, the dog will answer “Throw me away, I will go the temple and kind people will bring me delicious food everyday and I will make friend with the other dog. Get a girlfriend”





I agree Thais like dogs. Unfortunately, many Thais are clueless in terms of taking care of them.

A pet is also a responsibility. It took me some time to persuade my Thai family of that.

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1 hour ago, GinBoy2 said:


I remember taking my cat to have her spayed at 10 weeks. The vet looked at me like I was from another planet

You are from another planet. It's a Buddhist belief among vets here, all the pets should have the chance of at least one litter before being spayed. Then everyone wonders why soi dogs are out of control.

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27 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

So there is no reason to accept unconditionally the opinion of one Thai. 

Thai people are not the same. Not zombie.


The south, north, Issan and central have different language, food, culture. 


I am from south. 


People in the south are not same each other. Have different education level, family, job, attitude, lifestyle, religion, eat different food etc

Vote different people etc.

eg. One person I know like Prayut!


i am one person. Nobody is same as Yinn. Everybody different. Even the twin.

Same luckyluke and people from your village and country. 


I love animal more more than human. 


Most my friend/family not be cruel to animal. For what?



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10 minutes ago, Yinn said:

Thai people are not the same

It is a good  thing that you can acknowledge this.


So, not =


-Thai are mostly not cruel with animals-




- I, Yinn,  think that Thai are mostly not cruel with animals.-

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21 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

You are from another planet. It's a Buddhist belief among vets here, all the pets should have the chance of at least one litter before being spayed. Then everyone wonders why soi dogs are out of control.

Yes, I understand that this is a way of thinking.

As humans we hopefully have the mental capacity "for ourselves" to understand the consequences of having offspring.    With that we can / should make that decision for ourselves without external pressures.

However there are always two sides regarding dogs ( and other animals ).
1 - if you allow a female to have pups what happens to them ?   If the pups are female if you keep them out of kindness what happens if they become pregnant ?    If the pups are males it means more fighting etc if you are unable to teach them to behave or you may even lock them in the yard.    If the original female has her pups taken away before they are at an age ( mentally ) both the mother and pups will be distressed.


2 - if you stererlise the female she will still have a built in instinct to come in to season and this maybe disturbing mentally and physically for her but she will not bring more unwanted ( ?! ) dogs in to the world.
If the males are castrated then they will be distressed but less aggressive ( this may be a down side if you want a 'guard dog' ).


At the end of the day as others who have posted here say the animal should be seen and respected as part of the family. 

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4 minutes ago, Speedo1968 said:

Yes, I understand that this is a way of thinking.

As humans we hopefully have the mental capacity "for ourselves" to understand the consequences of having offspring.    With that we can / should make that decision for ourselves without external pressures.

However there are always two sides regarding dogs ( and other animals ).
1 - if you allow a female to have pups what happens to them ?   If the pups are female if you keep them out of kindness what happens if they become pregnant ?    If the pups are males it means more fighting etc if you are unable to teach them to behave or you may even lock them in the yard.    If the original female has her pups taken away before they are at an age ( mentally ) both the mother and pups will be distressed.


2 - if you stererlise the female she will still have a built in instinct to come in to season and this maybe disturbing mentally and physically for her but she will not bring more unwanted ( ?! ) dogs in to the world.
If the males are castrated then they will be distressed but less aggressive ( this may be a down side if you want a 'guard dog' ).


At the end of the day as others who have posted here say the animal should be seen and respected as part of the family. 

At the risk of being seen as sexist, it's preferable to have the females spayed. After all, they are the ones who produce litters. Although vasectomies are quite common in humans.

As far as I can tell with two dogs I had spayed in Australia, the only effect is to make them more placid. Hormones are no longer raging.

There are some ways in which Thai thinking is better than ours. IMO this is not one of them.

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11 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

At the risk of being seen as sexist, it's preferable to have the females spayed. After all, they are the ones who produce litters. Although vasectomies are quite common in humans.

As far as I can tell with two dogs I had spayed in Australia, the only effect is to make them more placid. Hormones are no longer raging.

There are some ways in which Thai thinking is better than ours. IMO this is not one of them.

Yes, it's more common to have the females spayed and yes with humans we perhaps have been raised over many generations to think that way with humans.
I mention male castration for male dogs as also useful because where there are many "house" dogs out roaming and feral dogs, the non- castrated male will mate with any female that is in season.    It would go a long way to reducing "house" dogs from becoming pregnant and help keep numbers down in the feral dog community.


Many years ago I worked in farming in Saudi.    The farm was some 70km fro Jeddah.    The city had asked for the stray dogs in the city to be removed.    A well known international pest control company was tasked with the job.     The crews used blowpipes which meant that they 'could' kill the dog from a distance.   However they did not like the idea of killing them so they used a knock-out drug, once the dogs were sleeping they were collected up and driven to a "suitable" spot, with the unadmitted hopes that they would not die from starvation.     The farm was far enough away ( many kilometres ) that the dogs could not return to Jeddah nor were there any settlements nearby other than the farm.

There were more than 300 people on the farm but all waste was incinerated and farm staff would never encourage dogs by leaving out food.     Some dogs were extremely friendly and lovable.    The pest control company was finally caught dumping the dogs.

What happened ?

The dogs became 'through need' feral dogs very quickly, learning to make homes in the sand,hunt and eat whatever they could catch.

Things like true feral cats and similar animals disappeared, this caused an increase in snakes and other dangerous creatures.    They breed uncontrollably.  Eventually the dogs became starved and moved into the housing complexes on the farm.    Dogs started to die.  

The farm called the same pest control company to remove the remaining dogs ( free of charge ), the same procedure of blow darting was carried out, the dogs were then put to sleep by the farm vet.

In the following years the original wildlife never really returned......

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2 minutes ago, Speedo1968 said:

Yes, it's more common to have the females spayed and yes with humans we perhaps have been raised over many generations to think that way with humans.
I mention male castration for male dogs as also useful because where there are many "house" dogs out roaming and feral dogs, the non- castrated male will mate with any female that is in season.    It would go a long way to reducing "house" dogs from becoming pregnant and help keep numbers down in the feral dog community.


Many years ago I worked in farming in Saudi.    The farm was some 70km fro Jeddah.    The city had asked for the stray dogs in the city to be removed.    A well known international pest control company was tasked with the job.     The crews used blowpipes which meant that they 'could' kill the dog from a distance.   However they did not like the idea of killing them so they used a knock-out drug, once the dogs were sleeping they were collected up and driven to a "suitable" spot, with the unadmitted hopes that they would not die from starvation.     The farm was far enough away ( many kilometres ) that the dogs could not return to Jeddah nor were there any settlements nearby other than the farm.

There were more than 300 people on the farm but all waste was incinerated and farm staff would never encourage dogs by leaving out food.     Some dogs were extremely friendly and lovable.    The pest control company was finally caught dumping the dogs.

What happened ?

The dogs became 'through need' feral dogs very quickly, learning to make homes in the sand,hunt and eat whatever they could catch.

Things like true feral cats and similar animals disappeared, this caused an increase in snakes and other dangerous creatures.    They breed uncontrollably.  Eventually the dogs became starved and moved into the housing complexes on the farm.    Dogs started to die.  

The farm called the same pest control company to remove the remaining dogs ( free of charge ), the same procedure of blow darting was carried out, the dogs were then put to sleep by the farm vet.

In the following years the original wildlife never really returned......

The Law of Unintended Consequences at work.

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I 'rescued' a young soi dog about 18 months ago. He has become quite a celebrity amongst the extended family and the people who have got to know him. Not one ounce of aggression in him towards humans and tends to 'hug' people with his long legs!

We have neighbours who hate dogs! Why I don't know because our soi is very quiet concerning dogs.


Only this evening I was out walking my hound around one of the local lakes and came across a 'dumped' old golden retriever that had a serious wound on its hind leg. Apparently someone was seen letting him out of an old pick-up which drove away and what does anyone do …… Nothing!  The last I see of it, he was running up and down the track looking for its owner. I'll be going back at first light to see if I can find it. 


Sorry @Yinn, from my few years experience in N-E Thailand, most Thais do not know how to care for animals correctly. 

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7 hours ago, Yinn said:

“Throw me away, I will go the temple and kind people will bring me delicious food everyday and I will make friend with the other dog. Get a girlfriend”

…..and spread rabies to the next generation of homeless dogs!

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If I would hazard a guess, these dogs had been causing a nuisance in some nearby village by continually running after people, barking at them and trying to bite them, as is often reported on here.
So some of the locals decided to round them up and dump them out of the area.

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