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Sod for Lawn (Garden) Kalasin


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I don't have a direct location for Kalasin as I live in Kuchinari, but if you ask at the gardening/plant/ flower shope you see on the side of the road they will know. 

We got ours from a roadside place in Mukdahan. The gardening places don't have it all the time.

I think Malay grass is the best for Isaan. I'll go take a pic. of ours.

If they don't have it you can order so many m2 and they will get it in.





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If you take the first Exit coming from Yang Talat / Khon Kaen. the first Garden Shop you pass on your Left sales Sod...     Check what they have on hand and if it does not meet your wants, then ask them and they can / will order fresh shipments from their supplier...  They also can supply people to do the installation for you  if you are not into "Yard  Work"......



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