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More Important Than England V France


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On Saturday England play New Zealand at Dunedin.

Will the Chariot run over the Silver Fern (again)?

At least the match will be on at a civilised time - but where will it be showing?

(And I don't have time to travel to NZ).

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Looking forward to all the games, Boks Ireland will be a cracker, the tackles at Dunedin will be awesome, the blacks won't want to get beat twice in a row on home soil and the Aussie game, whilst a cake walk should be great as they'll be playing about 5 of the brumbies, just a shame Gerrard is injured, he's going to be a star - can you imagine the Aussie team with no injuries?! next generation looks awesome! Argies Wales too, although thats one to watch on repeat. :o

Bring it on!

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