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Horoscopes In Buddhism

Cool Water Palace

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Can anyone explain a strange account?

A friend disappeared, and later I was told:

"I went to temple to make merit and monk told me my horoscope I will die and I have to do something for make my self alive. I have to stay in the religious wear white color and do thing about religious or veil for while at the temple for 3 and half months if I don't I might die."

My knowledge of Buddhism is limited, and I wondered if this was a common occurrence. The friend did not acknowledge the effects of the temporary isolation, and total lack of any contact until a sudden approach a few months later with the above quote in an email.

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Horoscopes are not part of Buddhism if what you mean by Buddhism is what the Buddha taught.

At many temples there are many things going on which are not actually Buddhism if what you meant by Buddhism is what the Buddha taught.


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monk told me my horoscope I will die and I have to do something for make my self alive. I have to stay in the religious wear white color and do thing about religious or veil for while at the temple for 3 and half months if I don't I might die."

I think any Buddhist monk who tells you he can predict the future and that you can control future outcomes by wearing certain colors needs to go back to school and study the teachings of Buddah again.

All that hocus pocus magic stuff has no place in Buddhism

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