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There Are Some Comediens Out There...


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I read this on another BKK forum and though it warranted sharing...

I paid some bar girl fresh out the rice field monopoly money and told her it was Canadian.Her friends seemed to frown on it because they came to my room and one of them had some stupid Englishmen with them.I had to anti up but I cracked the Englishmen in the side of the head

With folk like this in the Kingdom, is it any wonder they are making noises about change? :o

ps. I hope this is not to "racy" for the forum.

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I read this on another BKK forum and though it warranted sharing...
I paid some bar girl fresh out the rice field monopoly money and told her it was Canadian.Her friends seemed to frown on it because they came to my room and one of them had some stupid Englishmen with them.I had to anti up but I cracked the Englishmen in the side of the head

With folk like this in the Kingdom, is it any wonder they are making noises about change? :o

ps. I hope this is not to "racy" for the forum.

A similar anecdote with real money. A young girl asked me to change her US dollars for Baht. She'd spent three days with a Swedish guy who'd given her a handful of Kroner notes. She thought it was 500 Dollars but as near as I could reckon it only came to about 600 Baht.

Edited by qwertz
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The best of all are those guys who know too well the "girlfriend-experience game" and at the end of the week, they just say good bye without opening the wallet, because a few girls are too shy/polite to ask for money ...lovely guys :o

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Well, both parties get what they deserve. Can't say I don't find it sad and can't say I wouldn't beat the h3ll out of guys like these, but I'm not too proud about the other part either.

Edited by alexth
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Strongly agree with posts 1 thru 3. Whatever the morals of prostitution, if one party has come through with their part of the transaction, the other party should pay at least the amount agreed on, or more if they so wish. Anyone that tries to back out or cheat on that, is deplorable IMO. And, of course, there's always the risk of some of the lady's "friends" meeting them down a dark alley & extracting the money forcibly, later...

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It's stealing any way you choose to look at it. It's wrong and anyone who cheats another person like that deserves a good thumping. This type of thing is far more common than most people realize and we wonder why the Thais are losing their smiles.

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I read this on another BKK forum and though it warranted sharing...
I paid some bar girl fresh out the rice field monopoly money and told her it was Canadian.Her friends seemed to frown on it because they came to my room and one of them had some stupid Englishmen with them.I had to anti up but I cracked the Englishmen in the side of the head

With folk like this in the Kingdom, is it any wonder they are making noises about change? :o

ps. I hope this is not to "racy" for the forum.

A similar anecdote with real money. A young girl asked me to change her US dollars for Baht. She'd spent three days with a Swedish guy who'd given her a handful of Kroner notes. She thought it was 500 Dollars but as near as I could reckon it only came to about 600 Baht.

Well, i guess that the amount of "kronor" added up to 500 as she thought it was 500 USD, and if so it should give close to 2500 TB. Not as bad as 600 TB.

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Strongly agree with posts 1 thru 3. Whatever the morals of prostitution, if one party has come through with their part of the transaction, the other party should pay at least the amount agreed on, or more if they so wish. Anyone that tries to back out or cheat on that, is deplorable IMO. And, of course, there's always the risk of some of the lady's "friends" meeting them down a dark alley & extracting the money forcibly, later...


Well said


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I read this on another BKK forum and though it warranted sharing...
I paid some bar girl fresh out the rice field monopoly money and told her it was Canadian.Her friends seemed to frown on it because they came to my room and one of them had some stupid Englishmen with them.I had to anti up but I cracked the Englishmen in the side of the head

With folk like this in the Kingdom, is it any wonder they are making noises about change? :D

ps. I hope this is not to "racy" for the forum.

May he find out she was not fresh out of the rice field but a katoey fresh out of plastic surgery. :o

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I guess we all believe everything we read on Forums. :o

That's not the point, as far as I can see. Yes, I agree, the post originally quoted from the other forum probably is false. (Not by you, OP, by whoever wrote it in the first place) I can't see that even the most naive girl would be fooled by monopoly money. However, the idea is there. We have an example of using foreign money that the girl believes is worth more than it is, or believes comes from a different country. In another thread, we have examples of guys finding ways to embarrass the girls, so as not to pay them anything at all. Those sound like they could be genuine examples to me. The fact that people are even thinking of these scams to cheat girls who have (as I said before) gone through with their side of the transaction, is despicable. :D

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The fact that people are even thinking of these scams to cheat girls who have (as I said before) gone through with their side of the transaction, is despicable. :o

It's quite common in Singapore for Thai women to get cheated by Farangs, many just refuse to pay.

What can the girl do, run outside to find a group of Motor cycle taxi drivers to sort the Farang out or go running to the Police ?

They can't do nothing...........................

Guys like this are right azzholes.

Edited by Maigo6
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It was the incredulity that got me. I didn't consider it might be a hoax post but then it was late when I read it. The idea of cheating people in this position is rather sad. I'm not saying they are all angels or anything but from what I have seen in BKK, Some of the guys that use this service are not the "Dream Farang" that they'd want to be taking back to their village. The sums of money involved are so inconsequential to "ANY" farang that to devalue the girl even further by saying she's not even worth a thousand or so bhat is very mean indeed.

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I read this on another BKK forum and though it warranted sharing...
I paid some bar girl fresh out the rice field monopoly money and told her it was Canadian.Her friends seemed to frown on it because they came to my room and one of them had some stupid Englishmen with them.I had to anti up but I cracked the Englishmen in the side of the head

With folk like this in the Kingdom, is it any wonder they are making noises about change? :o

ps. I hope this is not to "racy" for the forum.

Ill bet hes americam,. my friend and i were in the lift at the nana and 2 young americans were telling us how in nam they could get laid for a can of beer,. i replied "Thats nothing alan my friend and i were in the states and got these 2 girls that stayed the night for nothing they said "right on man "!,. DOH

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Yes, the prostitution game brings out the worst in everyone... Not exactly a hotbed of moral integrity. Then again, who would think it would be?


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I'm finding it hard to believe the original story too,

having witnessed enough "Drunken Farang gets 17 shades of sh*t kicked/iron barred/beaten/stomped out of him by 10 or more Thai men for misbehaving" incidents outside Nana,

I cant believe that ANY bar girl,"fresh out of the fields"(what lovely terminology,what an as*hole!)or not,would'nt be able to call down a beating of biblical proportions in record time for such a dic*head :o

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I once bought a bag of orgeno and I can assure you no one felt sorry for me!

Was it that stuff that was grown with too much water and tastes all bland when you put it in a sauce?

I hate that. :o

My sympathies.

Edited by cdnvic
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The fact that people are even thinking of these scams to cheat girls who have (as I said before) gone through with their side of the transaction, is despicable. :o

It's quite common in Singapore for Thai women to get cheated by Farangs, many just refuse to pay.

What can the girl do, run outside to find a group of Motor cycle taxi drivers to sort the Farang out or go running to the Police ?

They can't do nothing...........................

Guys like this are right azzholes.

I have heard that too - one very well paid farang Dr (I will not say his nationality) is supposedley notorious for throwing them out the condo with nothing or very little.

This is the same guy who fills empty water bottles up in the toilets of OT bar's to save money

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I'm finding it hard to believe the original story too,

having witnessed enough "Drunken Farang gets 17 shades of sh*t kicked/iron barred/beaten/stomped out of him by 10 or more Thai men for misbehaving" incidents outside Nana,

I cant believe that ANY bar girl,"fresh out of the fields"(what lovely terminology,what an as*hole!)or not,would'nt be able to call down a beating of biblical proportions in record time for such a dic*head :o

Not all girls know guys of the type they can call on to get someone a doing - many are quite naive and do not know anyone in say Bangkok or Patters.

One girl always used to say to me England number 1 amercia 1 million - a few months later she said England 10 million

She said young english men are shit - it seems a few paid the bar and refused any more saying they knew how it worked????

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Devalue the girl further? She's a prostitute, she has no value.

I'd get a warning for telling what I think of you so I'll let someone else call you an ass.

If you aim your vengance toward my comment and not towards me personaly then i guess you can avoid a warning, and you could be as honest as you like.

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Devalue the girl further? She's a prostitute, she has no value.

I'd get a warning for telling what I think of you so I'll let someone else call you an ass.

If you aim your vengance toward my comment and not towards me personaly then i guess you can avoid a warning, and you could be as honest as you like.

Ok, Your comment makes you look like an ass.

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