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My work permit expires on the 31st of March

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Hi all,

So as stated in the title my work permit expires the 31 of March. The plan was to go to the border get a 30 day visa on arrival, which would then later be converted to an ED visa.

Anyway, the visa on arrival thing doesn't seem like an option anymore. Is there any way to extend my work permit another 30 days because of this? Or maybe get a tourist visa without leaving the country? 

I did see that memo going around saying something about that. Can anyone clarify whether that applies to me?

I'm South African.

What documents will I need for an extension, where do I even go to get the forms? I stay in a small town with limited English which makes things difficult.


Any help will be greatly appreciated!  

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What visa or extension do you have now for your current work permit?


You can't work on a visa exemption.


You can't work on an ED Visa (AFAIK I don't think you can convert from exempt/tourist inside Thailand?)


You can't work on a tourist visa.


You need to get the company that is employing you to sort out the paperwork both for your non-immigrant visa and your work permit. Appears that the renewal of the work permit isn't your main problem right now.



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You could apply for a work permit extension separately from visa extension, if you have the paperwork.


But you are a little late.


If you can, get paperwork and head to labour department, try to extend your WP. Once that's done, to CW (not sure if you're in BKK) and ask for extension on your current Non-B visa based on circumstances. They might give you another month, after which, depending on situation you may need to extend again. WP extension would be 30 days under consideration or a year or 2 years, not sure what you'd get. But that would give you basis for requesting extension of stay.

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