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American Fast Food In Thailand


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I must admit that I love the American Fast food restaurants in Thailand. I don't buy the things I can get in the USA, I like to sample the foods that are not served in America.

In the KFC, they use to have a spicy chicken and rice... I LOVED it! It was spicy hot and had a great balance of flavor. It was made with the crispy chicken. It was one of my favorites! They also have a chicken wrap. I forgot what was in it, but it too was very tasty!

In McDonald's they served a pork burger type sandwich. Now when I am home in the USA, I tend to avoid McDonald's, but this sandwich they served in Thailand was something to remember! It was a almost finger licking good!

In the Burger King, I ate their fried chicken. It was OK. I enjoyed eating it mostly because Burger King is not known for fried chicken.

It also got me to wonder... Why isn't there any Thai Style fast food restaurants spreading around the USA? Hmmmmmmm..... I wonder what a Thai Style fast food restaurant would serve? I like to think a fruit shake and Thai Tea would be a popular menu item.....

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well those fast foods are made to cater to the Thai people's taste. as well as the fast food in the states are made to cater to the people here, especially when we speak of sizes and portions.

but i have got to admit i love calling 1150 to make an order and have them deliver my KFC, i wish we had delivery of KFC in my area lol

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Who cares what they think. I eat mostly Thai food in Thailand but need a dose of KFC or a decent burger once in a while. The KFC is better in Thailand than Canada. I'm not a big fan of Burger King here as the quality of the bread seems a bit dismal. Subway is as good here as I've found anywhere else. Usually hit Pizza Hut about once a week.

Edited by cdnvic
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Yes and look at most Americans - frangs gut hanging out over there belts, guess why this is happening????? You guessed it all the "JUNK" food places like discribed in the titled posting-

Most of the "farangs" I seen last week weren't Americans, rather Australian, British, German etc etc...They must love their fast food too as I don't think most could see their feet for their large stomach being in the way.

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Yes and look at most Americans - frangs gut hanging out over there belts, guess why this is happening????? You guessed it all the "JUNK" food places like discribed in the titled posting-

Most of the "farangs" I seen last week weren't Americans, rather Australian, British, German etc etc...They must love their fast food too as I don't think most could see their feet for their large stomach being in the way.

You forgot the "beer factor"

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Yes and look at most Americans - frangs gut hanging out over there belts, guess why this is happening????? You guessed it all the "JUNK" food places like discribed in the titled posting-

Most of the "farangs" I seen last week weren't Americans, rather Australian, British, German etc etc...They must love their fast food too as I don't think most could see their feet for their large stomach being in the way.

You forgot the "beer factor"

True, but the ladies also seemed to suffer from gut overhang.

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There's nothing wrong with it, is just funny to see the total lack of food culture of some people (really don't take it as an offense, I have zero culture about working hard for example :o )

Not necessarily. I've been through culinary school, managed numerous restaurants, have cooked and eaten many more kinds of animal than most people ever will, but I still like a big mac once in a while.

I'm also quite well versed in classical music but it doesn't mean I don't crank up Molly Hatchet when I'm driving and it comes on the radio.

Don't judge books by their covers.


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Um... why all the negativity? Is this what the cyber world is coming to?

Don't worry about it.

I'm sure most of them like it also (once in a while) and are scared to admit it.

It makes a welcome change from rice, rice and rice. :D:o



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Agreed- why all the negativity?

I like seeing restaurants in a country that specialize in foreign food. The American fast food joints in Thailand, especially including their local variations as the OP notes, are a charming example of this.

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There's nothing wrong with it, is just funny to see the total lack of food culture of some people (really don't take it as an offense, I have zero culture about working hard for example :D )

Not necessarily. I've been through culinary school, managed numerous restaurants, have cooked and eaten many more kinds of animal than most people ever will, but I still like a big mac once in a while.

I'm also quite well versed in classical music but it doesn't mean I don't crank up Molly Hatchet when I'm driving and it comes on the radio.

Don't judge books by their covers.


cdnvic is sensible as usual! :o

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There's nothing wrong with it, is just funny to see the total lack of food culture of some people (really don't take it as an offense, I have zero culture about working hard for example :o )

Not necessarily. I've been through culinary school, managed numerous restaurants, have cooked and eaten many more kinds of animal than most people ever will, but I still like a big mac once in a while.

I'm also quite well versed in classical music but it doesn't mean I don't crank up Molly Hatchet when I'm driving and it comes on the radio.

Don't judge books by their covers.


Canadian balance, it’s good to hear it once and a while. Wish there were a Tim Horton’s here abouts. I’m glad you said Molly Hatchet and not Rita McNeil.

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Menus in fast food places in the US are fairly national in uniformity so I doubt if you will ever find a pork burger on a McDonalds or Burger King menu in the US because pork is just not as popular as beef or chicken here. I usually do not eat much at national fast food chains but since in my experience they usually have high uniform standards of cleanliness, I feel that at least I can trust them that the food is safe to eat. All the McDonalds I have eaten at in Thailand appear to be clean so hopefully I am right in my assumption of their cleanliness.

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I must admit that I love the American Fast food restaurants in Thailand. I don't buy the things I can get in the USA, I like to sample the foods that are not served in America.

In the KFC, they use to have a spicy chicken and rice... I LOVED it! It was spicy hot and had a great balance of flavor. It was made with the crispy chicken. It was one of my favorites! They also have a chicken wrap. I forgot what was in it, but it too was very tasty!

In McDonald's they served a pork burger type sandwich. Now when I am home in the USA, I tend to avoid McDonald's, but this sandwich they served in Thailand was something to remember! It was a almost finger licking good!

In the Burger King, I ate their fried chicken. It was OK. I enjoyed eating it mostly because Burger King is not known for fried chicken.

It also got me to wonder... Why isn't there any Thai Style fast food restaurants spreading around the USA? Hmmmmmmm..... I wonder what a Thai Style fast food restaurant would serve? I like to think a fruit shake and Thai Tea would be a popular menu item.....

The reason you don't see Thai style fast food in the USA is that the food is of a much higher quality. How can you mass produce Pad Thai or Tam Yum? Please. Most of us live in Thailand to get away from fast food.

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Burgers and fries and Pizza love them all!

But you must be joking that its good in Thailand

The portion sizes are smaller -the beef tastes like cardboard, the pizzas are dissapointing and tasteless and you seem to get more bone than chicken in your KFC and dont get me going on the cheese. Is it even cheese?

Burger King's Whopper burgers are great but for the more than US Dollar price they charge for them you might aswell go eat at a restaurant.

Subway is a stalwart anywhere in the world but with only 3 in Bkk sometimes not worth the effort.

The home delivery of Mickey D's and Burger King and Subway is good, not available back home - but overall its a dissapointing culinary treat

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When in Thailand I eat mainly street vendor khai yang, som tam and khao neow during the day and a good Thai restaurant in the evening. I wouldn't allow my shadow to grace the steps of McD's etc, but I do sometimes hanker for a good bellyfull of western stodge and hunt down a western food eatery. Problem is when my plate of pie, mash, carrots, peas and gravy arrives I take about three forkfulls and think "why the hel_l did I order this?". It's not that I have anything against American fast food, I think it is sh1t :o but that's my personal view, it's just that I prefer to give my cash to small scale family run outlets.

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I'm also quite well versed in classical music but it doesn't mean I don't crank up Molly Hatchet when I'm driving and it comes on the radio.


Molly Hatchet, now there's a name from the past.............. beered up and stoned and Molly Hatchet blasting outta the stereo, memories, memories.. :o

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So did the Thai government have to warn people to stop using Borax to keep their veggies fresh because it made it too high in quality? :o

Weren't they using it on pork to makre it look more "red" coloured or something? :D

I enjoy the (very) occasional burger. I don't like the locally-made bread it comes in though. Same with fast-food chain pizza; tastes like cardboard. Occasionally I have a cholesterol-fix at KFC, but why the heck would anyone living here want to exalt over the bland, mass-produced crap churned out by these US conglomerates, when local fresh food is ten times tastier and healthier? (Usually...)

Reading "Fast Food Nation" put me off eating at these fast food joints a bit. :D

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Occasionally I have a cholesterol-fix at KFC, but why the heck would anyone living here want to exalt over the bland, mass-produced crap churned out by these US conglomerates, when local fresh food is ten times tastier and healthier?

I eat at a fast place OCCASIONALY and I enjoy it. It is nice to have the choice.

By the way, you forgot the "in my opinion" part. :o

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Yes and look at most Americans - frangs gut hanging out over there belts, guess why this is happening????? You guessed it all the "JUNK" food places like discribed in the titled posting-

Most of the "farangs" I seen last week weren't Americans, rather Australian, British, German etc etc...They must love their fast food too as I don't think most could see their feet for their large stomach being in the way.

You forgot the "beer factor"

True, but the ladies also seemed to suffer from gut overhang.

Same reason.

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How can you mass produce Pad Thai or Tam Yum?

Pretty easily. Pad Thai takes about 10 seconds to cook (as you will see on many streets in BKK) I'm sure Tom Yam could be produced en mass without too much difficulty.

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Subway is a stalwart anywhere in the world but with only 3 in Bkk sometimes not worth the effort.

Only 3 in Bangkok?! There are at least 3 just on Sukhumvit Road alone and 20 in total in Bangkok. Very good, actually, and reliable as a cheap(ish) source of healthy food.

I never have McDonalds, but then I never would back home in the UK either. And those Rice burgers look absolutely horrible, don't know how they can sell any at all!

Burger King is probably my favourite fast food option, a Whopper is just as tasty here as it is anywhere.

KFC has to be the most different from back home - crispy, spicy chicken, knives and forks, drink in a proper glass, etc. Probably just behind Burger King as second choice from the more unhealthy range.

Edited by dantilley
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Occasionally I have a cholesterol-fix at KFC, but why the heck would anyone living here want to exalt over the bland, mass-produced crap churned out by these US conglomerates, when local fresh food is ten times tastier and healthier?

I eat at a fast place OCCASIONALY and I enjoy it. It is nice to have the choice.

By the way, you forgot the "in my opinion" part. :o

Oops! Have a burger on me, m8! :D

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Junk food tastes good because it's junk food. If it tastes really good, it's usually unhealthy.

Junk food, such as french fries and KFC, are cooked in transfat oil.

Junk food, such as Subway, is served covered in high fat sauces.

Junk food, such as pizza, is full of salt.

Junk food, such as Dunkin' Donuts, is......oh, you get the idea. :o

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Junk food, such as Subway, is served covered in high fat sauces.

Only if you select those sauces. On the whole, Subway is a healthy option.

Anyway, re Thai fast foods - isn't Pad Thai a good example ? "Fast food" doesn't necessarily have to be mass produced does it ? All the little street stalls offering sausages and pancakes and noodles and fried chicken are selling fast food, so far as I can see.

Edited by WaiWai
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