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Blog Gone Wild For British Diplomat In Thailand

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Blog Gone Wild for British Diplomat

BANGKOK, Thailand -- A British envoy in Thailand has learned that writing a blog can open the door to some very undiplomatic exchanges -- on delicate subjects such as his trips to Bangkok's famed red-light districts.

The trouble started after Ian Proud, who heads the British Embassy's political division, accepted an offer to become an honorary blogger this week on the Web site of The Nation, an English-language newspaper in Thailand.

The idea was proposed to him by the newspaper's editor, Tulsathit Tuptim, a personal friend who envisioned the blog as a forum in which Proud could discuss his "Thai experiences with British perspective and humor" before ending his four-year tenure in Bangkok next month, according to the blog's introductory message.

What ensued could better be described as a case of a blog gone wild. Proud's picture appeared with the blog, prompting several Web surfers to post comments saying they had seen him around town, particularly at Bangkok's red-light districts.

As of midday Wednesday, the blog had attracted more than 3,000 viewers and about 100 postings since its start two days earlier.

"I recall going to the embassy once and that same night I was down on Cowboy and who did I bump into? Yes, it was Ian," wrote Edwardio Shanks, referring to notorious Soi Cowboy -- Cowboy Street -- which is packed with go-go bars and Western men on the prowl.

Simon Peltier wrote, "I saw him walking arm-in-arm with a girl that could only be described as '2 dollar whore.' I bet that girl got a visa no problem."

Other postings claimed to be authored by the diplomat, but weren't, Proud said in a telephone interview Wednesday, noting one in particular that said: "Yes, I did go with prostitutes during my tenure here with the Briyish Embassy, but that does not make me a bad person."

"My syntax is a lot better than that for a start," Proud said, not denying familiarity with the red-light districts but insisting he did not patronize them on "a regular basis."

"I'm not going to complain that I've never been there. But at the same time, the suggestion that I'm some sort of upholder of the sex trade in Bangkok ..." he trailed off. "It's pathetic, frankly."

Postings were not exclusively about Proud's wanderings through Bangkok's nightlife. Some readers complained about the consular office's visa section and hurled criticism at British diplomats in general, while others wished Proud well in his future endeavors or urged him to stop blogging to save his pride.

Proud had introduced himself on his blog as someone new to the blogging scene who hoped to share thoughts on his love for the country that had become home for the last four years.

"When my posting to the embassy ends next month, I don't think I can bear to leave; this country is my home now," he wrote in his introductory note, suggesting he had perhaps found his true calling and would stay in Thailand to become a "professional web-blogger."

= Associated Press

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Blog response surprises diplomat

A British diplomat has discovered to his cost the hidden perils of the blogosphere

The head of the British embassy's political section in Bangkok thought nothing of jotting a few musings for a newspaper website as he approaches the end of his posting. But Ian Proud's innocuous blog has sparked a blizzard of comments on all manner of topics, including his forays into Bangkok's infamous red light districts.

Yesterday a rueful Mr Proud, 38, was wondering what the Foreign Office would make of it all. "It's a real eye-opener seeing the depths of people's feelings about a common diplomat," said Mr Proud. "I couldn't write about my work. So it was harmless, cute little stories about Thailand. But the response has been quite remarkable."

One mistake may have been posting a picture alongside his blog on the Nation newspaper website. A number of readers said they recognised Mr Proud from Bangkok's notorious Cowboy Street sex bars.

"I recall going to the embassy once and that same night was down on Cowboy and who did I bump into? Yes, it was Ian," wrote one. Another observed: "I saw him walking arm-in-arm with a girl that could only be described as 'two-dollar whore'. I bet that girl got a visa no problem."

Visas and the refusal of requests are clearly a bugbear for those who posted comments, even though they are not Mr Proud's responsibility. Mr Proud does not deny being out on the town during his four-year stint, but adds: "I don't think there are many people here that haven't been in places like Soi Cowboy at some point. My last visit was about a year ago."

The Nation's editor, Tulsathit Taptim, is discussing with Mr Proud whether to continue the blog. "Ian loves to get the reaction and he found it really fun over the first two days."

Whether the Foreign Office will be similarly amused is another thing: Mr Proud did not anticipate the controversy so did not seek clearance.

Next month he will take a career break and marry Lek, his Thai girlfriend, "if she'll still have me after all this."

- The Guardian (UK)

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As a tribute to our very own taxexile, I submit a reader's comments:

A concerned British Taxpayer 11/04/2007 14:15

This is all very ugly, stupid and totally unecessary Methinks that Her Majesty's Government servants, soldiers and sailors are all loosing touch with morality and spinning out of control. Please stop it. You do yourselves nor our country any good whatsoever.

followed by the next reader's comments:
A concerned British Taxpayer 2 11/04/2007 14:28

Couldn't agree more. If you don't back off now, you may well be in the visa section front line for your remaining days.


Edited by sriracha john
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Australian Embassy just as bad. Was in Chiang Mai many years ago with a group of them, and there were some freshies in who could not speak Thai. Speaking some Thai, I was asked to "baby sit" them as they wanted to hit the scene. Was embarrassing, and they acted like a kid in a candy shop, and could not be hauled out of the place with a draught horse

Finally said adios, and if u want to get back to the hotel, find ur own way. Since they did not speak thai, and had no clue how to get back, they finally came back.

Not being judgmental ( well am really :o ), but I think when your a semi-public figure ( alot of think they are the ambassador :D thus "semi" ), you need to think about the impact on your countries image by such behavior. For those hoping for a senior post one day, would not look good on your resume

Edited by skippybangkok
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One mistake may have been posting a picture alongside his blog on the Nation newspaper website. A number of readers said they recognised Mr Proud from Bangkok's notorious Cowboy Street sex bars.
," Proud said, not denying familiarity with the red-light districts but insisting he did not patronize them on "a regular basis."

i think that as a representative of her majestys government in thailand and whilst he is pocketing the taxpayers shilling , he should not be frolicking around the centres of the bangkok prostitution industry.

exposure in the public domain will just decrease any respect for them amongst expats here.

i would hope he has been summoned to the headmasters study on wireless road for six of the best , to be followed by a massive bollocking from the penpushers at the f.o. when he returns to blighty.

those taxpayer funded embassy characters can be a bit smug and supercilious at times , and its good to see when one is brought down to earth....... more so if there is even the merest hint of paid for sex involved. :o

lets see what his future thai wife has to say when she reluctantly accompanies him on his next posting to nagorno-karabakh , because i cant see him making the cut for washington or paris.

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If this man wants to offer some of his hard earned cash to a lovely little Issan farm girl and she accepts this transaction in return for a few hours of horizontal salsa dancing .................................who really gives a sh1t. It happens in every country in every minute.

Is there no NEWS anymore ?

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i think that as a representative of her majestys government in thailand and whilst he is pocketing the taxpayers shilling , he should not be frolicking around the centres of the bangkok prostitution industry.

As long as he is not breaking the law, what he choses to do in his private life should be of no concern to anyone let alone a taxpayer.


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i think that as a representative of her majestys government in thailand and whilst he is pocketing the taxpayers shilling , he should not be frolicking around the centres of the bangkok prostitution industry.

As long as he is not breaking the law, what he choses to do in his private life should be of no concern to anyone let alone a taxpayer.


I hate to be the one to break it to you.. But prostitution is illegal even in Thailand..

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i think that as a representative of her majestys government in thailand and whilst he is pocketing the taxpayers shilling , he should not be frolicking around the centres of the bangkok prostitution industry.

As long as he is not breaking the law, what he choses to do in his private life should be of no concern to anyone let alone a taxpayer.


but, given that he technically was breaking the law, then it reflects badly. Not that it concerns one with dipolmatic immunity.

To get to Cowboy, he probably drove his tax free diplomatic plated car straight down the bus lane from Ploenchit to Sukhumvit, ignoring the sign forbidding us mere mortals to do same.


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This really is a joke guys, the guys got the guts to declare he had some fun with the pleasure girls and all this baloney about, he's an ambassador, don't do that and gosh, shock horror! etc.

Some of you have got to lighten up, get laid or something and quit this whinging, whining mentality. The posts I'm seeing are making it out to be the Profumo affair he's caught up in (in itself a media storm in a tea-cup). The media back home will be a bit desperate if they run with this, it's hardly is up there with Mark Karr and the Swiss 'decorator' is it?

He was based in Thailand for four years, he's a bachelor, so big deal if he's doing what most single men in Thailand do at some stage, that is to go out on the prowl.

It's illegal, sure, but as with most 'fringe laws' they get bent / broken every day and I don't know of one person who has been 'done' for 'breaking' the prostitution laws.

If you do your history, plenty of embassy folk, merchants and travellers write of indulging the siamese prostitutes / mia noi's etc.

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I bet the UK tabloids make his life h#ll when he returns. :o

Not up on which are "tabloids" but the story is being carried thus far by:




Additionally, it's being beamed around the world through newspapers from the United Arab Emirates to Australia to Canada.... and amazingly by newspapers in the following American states (number of papers after the state for more than 1) :

California 6

Massachusetts 3




Illinois 2

Wyoming 2

North Dakota

North Carolina


Pennsylvania 2

Indiana 2


New Jersey


New York 2


Florida 3





Washington, DC





yes... Mr. Proud should be proud of those stats....


Additionally, the original article that started it all off for Mr. Proud's career as a blogger:


Chief of British Embassy's political Division blogging

After about four years in Thailand, Ian Proud, head of the British Embassy's political division, has come to love so many things in this country. Imagine a suave young diplomat who would kill to have a chance to taste the best namprik platu in town and who talks passionately about starting a franchise of muyong+namprik phao pancake!!.

He knows about many Thai temples more than many Thais and has traveled extensively in this country. One of the first things he did upon arrival in the Land of Smiles was to risk his life by taking part in the Songkran "War" riding on the back of a pick-up truck. He's a staunch soccer fan, is kind hearted and has done many things in his both personal and official capacities for underprivileged Thai children.

He's about to complete his tenure here, but good news is he is now ready to talk about all the Thai experiences with British perspective and humor. He will do so as our honorary blogger. A busy and hard-working man, he promises regular updates. Visit his blog here and you may want to recommend this nice man a good place to eat Thai foods or two.

- The Nation

April 10, 2007


not to take that last sentence too figuratively

Edited by sriracha john
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A diplomat should watch and observe the going ons in the country where he is stationed. At the same time should be able to advise or warn his country people of the dangers etc. Where better than Cowboy to study these first hand?

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This really is a joke guys, the guys got the guts to declare he had some fun with the pleasure girls and all this baloney about, he's an ambassador, don't do that and gosh, shock horror! etc.

Some of you have got to lighten up, get laid or something and quit this whinging, whining mentality. The posts I'm seeing are making it out to be the Profumo affair he's caught up in (in itself a media storm in a tea-cup). The media back home will be a bit desperate if they run with this, it's hardly is up there with Mark Karr and the Swiss 'decorator' is it?

He was based in Thailand for four years, he's a bachelor, so big deal if he's doing what most single men in Thailand do at some stage, that is to go out on the prowl.

It's illegal, sure, but as with most 'fringe laws' they get bent / broken every day and I don't know of one person who has been 'done' for 'breaking' the prostitution laws.

If you do your history, plenty of embassy folk, merchants and travellers write of indulging the siamese prostitutes / mia noi's etc.

It is good to read some sense on this non-issue.

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A diplomat should watch and observe the going ons in the country where he is stationed. At the same time should be able to advise or warn his country people of the dangers etc. Where better than Cowboy to study these first hand?

Can you get something Thai to eat there?


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This really is a joke guys, the guys got the guts to declare he had some fun with the pleasure girls and all this baloney about, he's an ambassador, don't do that and gosh, shock horror! etc.

Some of you have got to lighten up, get laid or something and quit this whinging, whining mentality. The posts I'm seeing are making it out to be the Profumo affair he's caught up in (in itself a media storm in a tea-cup). The media back home will be a bit desperate if they run with this, it's hardly is up there with Mark Karr and the Swiss 'decorator' is it?

He was based in Thailand for four years, he's a bachelor, so big deal if he's doing what most single men in Thailand do at some stage, that is to go out on the prowl.

It's illegal, sure, but as with most 'fringe laws' they get bent / broken every day and I don't know of one person who has been 'done' for 'breaking' the prostitution laws.

If you do your history, plenty of embassy folk, merchants and travellers write of indulging the siamese prostitutes / mia noi's etc.

As a pragmatist I normally totally agree with you.

I just have a deeper sense of standards that says to me, that these people sign up for these roles, and are very well remunerated to represent their countries, so should be on their best behaviour, at all times.

If they aren't prepared to do so, then they shouldn't have taken the job in the first place. From the perspective of governence and government, why did I pay 17.5% VAT + a high marginal rate of income tax in the UK so that I could fund some blokes naughty nights out? NHS waiting lists, lousy transport etc etc etc come to mind back in the old dart.

At a more serious level, doing things like this can sure lead to being put in positions where you potentially could compromise your nations security interests?

Maybe I've just watched too many episodes of the west wing.

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If he'd stuck with the normal after hours english public school attire - stockings , suspenders and a wig - he might not have been recognized.


maybe there is some jumping to conclusions going on here - just because he was in soi cowboy...... :o

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Mr Proud said last night: "It's all rubbish really, lies about me. I'm pretty crushed to be honest."

Mr Proud, who has a Thai girlfriend, Lek, and is from Box Hill in Surrey, pointed out he had only been to Bangkok's red light districts twice in the past year, on both occasions to show them to visitors

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So many on this forum are oh so polically correct. The guy was in the red light area, so what? He may have been bonking, or having a beer with friends, who cares? He stamps visas, he doesn't teach your children.

I thought I'd left all that PC BS at home, but amazing how many "new age sensitive guys" here are still brow beaten into it, or even worse, embrace it.

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The guy was in the red light area, so what? He may have been bonking, or having a beer with friends, who cares? He stamps visas, he doesn't teach your children.

He is a *public* representative of his country & has a measure of power.

He's also funded by tax-payers & probably not too short of a shilling for a quick soup noodle.

Such people will always be, and should be, subject to the scrutiny of their employers.

The overall impression of him is ... oh ... where's the "disappointed" one. He may find himself "dis-appointed" too, soon.

Edited by WaiWai
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Blog Gone Wild for British Diplomat

BANGKOK, Thailand -- A British envoy in Thailand has learned that writing a blog can open the door to some very undiplomatic exchanges -- on delicate subjects such as his trips to Bangkok's famed red-light districts..........

"I'm not going to complain that I've never been there. But at the same time, the suggestion that I'm some sort of upholder of the sex trade in Bangkok ..." he trailed off. "It's pathetic, frankly."

= Associated Press

Or was he misquoted and it should have read "It's pathetically frank."

On the other hand, a male British public servant invloved in a sex scandal that does not involve dressing up in womens clothing or being spanked by a dominatrix is indeed frankly pathetic and scarcely worthy of notice.

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