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Phuket: Showing kindness in a crisis - Thai helps foreigners in virus distress


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13 hours ago, Matzzon said:

You should feel ashamed!

no you shouldn't. We don't know it's a PR from Phukets leaders or not.. Why is there a photo of the opened food box. Cooking for the photo?

Anyway. It would be nice if Thais learn that they have profited for so long from farangs and it is a good thing now to give back a little and care about farangs...

That is just human, not heroic in any ways. Still I would like more such stories, not to impress me, but to show Thais that they have guests and need to take care about their guests. A step in the right way. Let's hope more of them drop the slingshots and follow this guy...

Edited by P100
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4 hours ago, bander said:

Why not make it official?

To all backpackers and beggars in Thailand: "FREE food and drink in Phuket" 

funding is possibly an issue with the thai economy being impacted from poor troust figures, bad auto industry  and even impacted crops. help is possible in a limited but not in a blanket way.

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19 hours ago, colinneil said:

Now heres a thought, what about all members on here now they are saving money not buying beer, dipping their pockets, and giving some poor Thai people a bit of food, you know just like the Thai man did for farangs.

I did that, milled about 12-14 kilos of rice, wife handed out to a few poor people.

Come on you lot, get up of your backsides and do your bit, help poor folk.

i  give  the  peanut  seller  20 baht (cash) every  time i see  her.I  dont  like  peanuts

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We see his name, he is in Phuket, but if we knew his exact location, it would be very good if the expats living there were to support his business in appreciation for his good heart. If we did and it hit the media it would be a great lesson for all. 

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22 hours ago, Genmai said:


How about a certain FB page with 600,000 followers calling for Phuket locals to gather up slingshots and shoot rocks at whitey's head? Can we criticize that? Or how about the fact that that page isn't on Thai news but this feelgood "All-Thais-Are-Angels" story is?


A genuine good-hearted gesture? Sure, if it's real. But you can't deny this stinks of a damage control PR campaign. C'mon, think of the bigger picture here. A 600,000 strong FB Phuket-based page of racists getting some public attention, and then suddenly- boom - like clockwork, a feel-good article about the kindness of Phuket people? No. It's no different to stories of honest taxi drivers turning in bags of diamonds and cash that get published like clockwork after another story of condemnation.


Edit: I'll also add that the ThaiVisa article about that FB page in question is no longer available. Make of that what you will!

the two in the photo were not angry far from it , it was a set up and a write up by a <deleted>

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20 hours ago, scotsdude said:

bash bash bash

Ah, a bit of mindless heckling, very helpful. Why don't you instead try and construct an argument against what he has said, but be careful, because he is factually correct about the Phuket-based farang bashing Facebook page.


And although it might be considered cynical to think this man’s kind gesture is contrived,  the timing and publicity, reek of a damage limitation stunt. There are plenty of poverty stricken Thais that are far more needy than these recipients.

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17 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

Posts like this - by people who seem to hate Thailand and find the people revolting - are in my opinion ruining this forum.


It is a forum about Thailand. Why such people post here is beyond me. Why would anyone linger on a forum like this if they genuinely dislike Thailand?


It's sad. 


What a nasty inflammatory comment. I have read what he wrote and nowhere does he say that he hates Thailand and finds the people revolting. He does not say that he genuinely dislikes Thailand, but that hasn't stopped you from replying to what you obviously wished he had said rather than what he did


……. it is people like you that are ruining this forum, by trying to put words in other people's mouths just so you can rant at them.

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53 minutes ago, Genmai said:




Anybody else read this in Prayuth's voice? - "if you criticize anything that means you hate Thailand". Nice try. Note I haven't said a single thing here suggesting I "hate" the country. All I'm doing is asking questions about this story's authenticity in the context of a huge online group of people who CLEARLY hate farangs. But I'm the "problem". Nice.




Bro, if you're having the time of your life in Thailand and everybody loves you then I'm genuinely happy for you. I don't have a problem with happy people going about their happy lives.


What I DO have a problem with is people who think their **** don't stink.


Seems some people either have a terribly short memory, or are deliberately glossing over the facts. I'll let the comments of many Thais from Spotlight speak for themselves:








And then there is the video made by the admin of the page in English which has since been taken down (I think there's a copy on YouTube someone uploaded but can't find it) where he clearly says

"All foreigners - young, old, man, woman, child"

"You are s***t"

"I hate you"

"Go home and die"


But apparently this is all fine because....... it's a giant joke! Hahaaaaaaa. 


I guess he took down the video of his racist ranting because it was too funny? And he has never made a public apology to foreigners and clarify his position because he's too much of a funny guy?


Can I make a FB page calling on all farangs to get slingshots and shoot Thais that are out and about? And make videos about how all Thais are "insert-derogatory-slur-here"? Then when I get called out for it just claim "guys guys guys.... we were just jokiiiiiiiiing"? 


The guy got the FB ban-hammer and was exposed for the hate-driven farang basher that he is, then removed all evidence and all English comments pointing to his garbage, never issued an apology/statement and is now growing a second FB page. But somehow I'm the problem for pointing out that a feel-good-praise-the-Thais Phuket story at this exact time is a little hard to believe?



See, I completely agree with you here. Phuket is a pretty awesome place (built largely on visitors' money). The difference is that I also believe THIS is the motivation behind the article. Damage control.


I'm not here to rain on your parade. If you're living the life then all the more power to you. But if you're going to claim people like myself are the problem, then I'll say you need to ask yourself one question -


If a gang of angry locals with slingshots come round your house today, are your amazing friendly Thai neighbors who've only ever treated you with "kindness and respect" going to stand up and defend you? 


We all know the answer to that.

So you felt a story about Thai helping tourists needed balance? Is that it. Anger welled up in you because something nice was being said? A story about kindness has caused all of this regurgitation?


I think all the Thai bashers should leave this forum and never return. The result would probably be wecomed by Thai people who drop in here from time to time.

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19 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

So you felt a story about Thai helping tourists needed balance?


Not balance. Context and healthy skepticism. Is that something you're against?


Keep peddling the hateful-farang-filled-with-rage narrative.  

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Nice to see a kind gesture. Good on him for helping out. Now, what we really need to see are major acts of largesse by the super rich, who have made it a habit of hoarding their fortunes, even in such times as these.


1. Dhanin Chearavanont: US$16.9 billion

2. Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi: US$16.6 billion

3. Sarath Ratanavadi: US$9 billion

4. Aiyawatt Srivaddhanaprabha: US$5 billion

5. Sumet Jiaravanon: US$4.6 billion

6. Jaran Chiaravanont: US$4.5 billion

7. Montri Jiaravanont: US$4.4 billion

8. Harald Link: US$3.5 billion

9. Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth: US$3.3 billion

10. Chuchat Petaumpai & Daonapa Petampai: US$3.1 billion

11. Vanich Chaiyawan: US$3 billion

12. Krit Ratanarak: US$2.6 billion

13. Keeree Kanjanapas: US$2.6 billion

14. Prachak Tangkaravakoon: US$2.4 billion

15. Somphote Ahunai: US$2.3 billion

16. Kiat Chiaravanont: US$2 billion

17. Prayudh Mahagitsiri: US$1.9 billion

18. Wichai Thongtang: US$1.9 billion

19. William Heinecke: US$1.9 billion

20. Thaksin Shinawatra: US$1.9 billion

21. Niti Osathanugrah: US$1.8 billion

22. Chatchai Kaewbootta: US$1.4 billion

23. Phongthep Chiaravanont: US$1.3 billion

24. Yupa Chiaravanond: US$1.3 billion

25. Prathip Chiravanond: US$1.3 billion

26. Manas Chiaravanond: US$1.2 billion

27. Sathien Setthasit: US$1.2 billion

28. Thongma Vijitpongpun: US$1.2 billion

29. Rit Thirakomen: US$1.2 billion

30. Surin Upatkoon: US$1.1 billion

31. Anant Asavabhokin: US$1.1 billion


It is time to step up. Time to show that your entire existence is NOT JUST about you and your family. You saw you love your nation? Show it. Demonstrate it. There is alot of need out there, and the government is barely stepping up, ignorantly turning down nearly 90% of all applicants for it's assistance program. 

Edited by spidermike007
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19 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Nice to see a kind gesture. Good on him for helping out. Now, what we really need to see are major acts of largesse by the super rich, who have made it a habit of hoarding their fortunes, even in such times as these.


1. Dhanin Chearavanont: US$16.9 billion

2. Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi: US$16.6 billion

3. Sarath Ratanavadi: US$9 billion

4. Aiyawatt Srivaddhanaprabha: US$5 billion

5. Sumet Jiaravanon: US$4.6 billion

6. Jaran Chiaravanont: US$4.5 billion

7. Montri Jiaravanont: US$4.4 billion

8. Harald Link: US$3.5 billion

9. Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth: US$3.3 billion

10. Chuchat Petaumpai & Daonapa Petampai: US$3.1 billion

11. Vanich Chaiyawan: US$3 billion

12. Krit Ratanarak: US$2.6 billion

13. Keeree Kanjanapas: US$2.6 billion

14. Prachak Tangkaravakoon: US$2.4 billion

15. Somphote Ahunai: US$2.3 billion

16. Kiat Chiaravanont: US$2 billion

17. Prayudh Mahagitsiri: US$1.9 billion

18. Wichai Thongtang: US$1.9 billion

19. William Heinecke: US$1.9 billion

20. Thaksin Shinawatra: US$1.9 billion

21. Niti Osathanugrah: US$1.8 billion

22. Chatchai Kaewbootta: US$1.4 billion

23. Phongthep Chiaravanont: US$1.3 billion

24. Yupa Chiaravanond: US$1.3 billion

25. Prathip Chiravanond: US$1.3 billion

26. Manas Chiaravanond: US$1.2 billion

27. Sathien Setthasit: US$1.2 billion

28. Thongma Vijitpongpun: US$1.2 billion

29. Rit Thirakomen: US$1.2 billion

30. Surin Upatkoon: US$1.1 billion

31. Anant Asavabhokin: US$1.1 billion


It is time to step up. Time to show that your entire existence is NOT JUST about you and your family. You saw you love your nation? Show it. Demonstrate it. There is alot of need out there, and the government is barely stepping up, ignorantly turning down nearly 90% of all applicants for it's assistance program. 

What EXACTLY are you asking Thai people to do from the safety of your existance?

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20 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

I feel he is asking the Thai billionaires to assit the Thai people in their time of hunger and dislocation. He is not asking for his safety or existance, but for compassion and empathy from those who are adequately provided for.


A strange place to address thai billionaires.

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On 4/11/2020 at 12:10 PM, colinneil said:

Now heres a thought, what about all members on here now they are saving money not buying beer, dipping their pockets, and giving some poor Thai people a bit of food, you know just like the Thai man did for farangs.

I did that, milled about 12-14 kilos of rice, wife handed out to a few poor people.

Come on you lot, get up of your backsides and do your bit, help poor folk.

Virtue signalling at its finest.


Everyone who does something kind doesn't feel the need to post about it. It's what you do when nobody's looking that really defines one's character- something that's completely lost in the narcissistic world of today.


Love the range of those kilo's of rice. Personally, I'd have gone with a narrower range- a 2 kilo difference seems rather wide...

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On 4/11/2020 at 9:52 AM, Genmai said:


How about a certain FB page with 600,000 followers calling for Phuket locals to gather up slingshots and shoot rocks at whitey's head? Can we criticize that? Or how about the fact that that page isn't on Thai news but this feelgood "All-Thais-Are-Angels" story is?


A genuine good-hearted gesture? Sure, if it's real. But you can't deny this stinks of a damage control PR campaign. C'mon, think of the bigger picture here. A 600,000 strong FB Phuket-based page of racists getting some public attention, and then suddenly- boom - like clockwork, a feel-good article about the kindness of Phuket people? No. It's no different to stories of honest taxi drivers turning in bags of diamonds and cash that get published like clockwork after another story of condemnation.


Edit: I'll also add that the ThaiVisa article about that FB page in question is no longer available. Make of that what you will!

that guy who started that story, i get in a fight with him ,he just needs attention ,he did go to search all my information , had a look in my banc acountnumber , then checked my sim and address and also visa , lol he sure did try , after all i invited him for a chat and .....he blocked everything and disappierd , he threaten to go to my house, a real man , cant wait to meet him 

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